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I’ve seen these done with 3 hovers for even more PS cost saving. Most of the parts are already slight OP already though. You got it lower then the 4x Hardon ones though. Do you think it’s too savage?


It’s not unstoppable, it does feel strong for that powerscore. I know you can get them lower in PS, but built this way it’s like a high PS clan wars style build that you where able to get into 4699.

The cannon does feel strong, but its not completely OP at that level. What feel more OP is the speed of the hovers with the Catalina at 4699 (you can back peddle away from anything), the stability of 5 hovers help a lot (you can lose 2 and still be combat capable , and the magic of hover spaced armor making this thing live waaaaaaaay longer then it should.

I don’t think the guns are over powered, but when you put it in this package, it’s pretty damn good.

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Also, I did try a 3 hover version first. Maybe it’s just me but I felt it was too fragile for my playstyle. Also you can not get the PS low enough to get it into the 2499 bracket, so it’s pointless to drop the PS below 4699.

Do you think it’s better than the judge? I get that you don’t think it’s OP or even out of PS. Is it better then the next weapon up? Omni and spaced are the two other issues…It’s hard with all the factors involved to be like ooh there the abuse issue. It’s not exactly good one some goes I can by hovers and commons and troll. Do you know what I mean?

I’m sorry, I don’t normally play low PS so I have not played judges in years.

I only built this because you where talking about the weapon in another thread.

Wish I could help more. (Might have time to test later)

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So i just did this.

No modules, no engine, no armour, no nothing.
a fast glass

It isn’t even finished but what the hell i did the dailies anyway with it.
The concept it’s there
something different

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my ermak brick , kaiju on averter

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I’m posting here this because i need somewhere to put this as i don’t have parking spaces left and every time i build this it comes out different.

two things that comes out my mind.

1- harpy cab is fun, i already sold a bunch of them and i will sell another bunch, but this time i will keep one for myself.

2 - Art builds should have another MM not related with PVP MM. An art build it’s severed outclassed in normal PVP right out the gate. It shouldn’t be that way.
so art build vs art build only MM.
For fun.

My petty attempt of making art.

It behaved better than what expected

Iii…dont think that counts as an art build. Its a build though. Thats for sure.

I fare pretty well playing exclusively on art builds. Ive mastered the craft of making functional art builds. Some of my builds i can safely say are simply just down right dominant in pvp.

you are right.

I should had put the “” in the Art.

But so far it’s one of my first tries in making an art build. I think the Creon’s are showing

But there’s something wrong in your sentence

the word functional is what’s wrong with it. I’ bet you, you had to keep your creativity at check to be able to function in PVP.

Look at my build, i wanted to make a dragster, the concept is there. it’s very susceptible to be rushed and hopeless at brawling, the turning circle is…big.
It works if a lot of things.
But i want to make it bigger, taller, wider, tilt it even more

I made one even longer.



Hell yes

It has a turning circle of a small moon, completely useless in close quarters but it’s so fun
I can be inside a cap and shoot from the outside of the same cap
Jumping? Not for this build, i can be on the bottom of a steep ravine and be on the top of the ravine at the same time.
I can wedge whatever, whoever.
A couple of boosters will do just noice. I bet i could climb in a single go those rock formation in the fortress map
I can lead other builds and transporting other builds that are next to me.
My front can be hanging from a ledge and i’m shooting half way back (sector ex)

A break from the grind.

I wonder if i can make it bigger.
I tried with cheetah but the mass and tonnage didn’t changed.

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Thats not what i said nope to.

I know,
But i feel functionality limits creativity.

you stop making what you want to do, to be able to work in PVP
There are many art builds that are all but function able in PVP.
A PVP build it’s like a shark, optimized to deal damage
An art build sacrifices all in favour of other things

Exactly this… it’s literally why I often find myself avoiding PVP. Granted, you have to use different strategies against humas vs. robots, and there was a time when PVP was definitely harder, but I despise driving ugly spaced build monstrosities.

I’d rather play with humans against robots in cool trucks than what PVP currently offers.

I’m not suggesting they change anything… it is what it is. I think any attempts at “fixing” the spaced armor situation might break the game.

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you’ve gone to the darkside

So basically you have to not want to do the main part of the game well?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for people doing what they want to do, but there is no way I’m going to build sometime knowing for a fact that it will suck in PvP.

Nor do I.
but Harpy was a good surprise, harpy = hotrod = Dragster.
It was a nice break from the grind.
I had so much fun. And i finally got the ART build concept.
That’s why i think it should exist a mode just for art builds.
No burden to PVP MM and to every one who wants to vent/relax/take a break / whatever.
Seriously, at a certain point i was thinking in those builds in exhibition that can’t even exit the garage.

Isn’t that called Bedlam? I thought all the art dudes hung out there so they don’t have to fight anything?