Show us your builds

Whether i play a meta build or one of my art builds theres seems little difference in performance to me. Meta building is overrated imo.

For example.

Those build clobber people. Whether they have a meta build or not.


Some of my builds look like art builds. Some of them look like a bunch of sticks stuck together.
All are pretty lethal if I don’t do anything stupid like rush in etc.

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Oh, I rarely build for PVP, anymore. Out of all of my blueprints, only one is optimized for PVP. The rest are optimized for raids or just to look silly or cool. Case in point…

Green smoke comes out of his nose & he spits pyres.
It handles like trash.
If I kill you with this, you deserve to be dead.

Looks better in-game than it does in a screenshot, of course.


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Make me think of my build called Ralph and Mutated Ralph.

Ps i added an old build i made a long time ago designed to look like Probius but as a mech.


my feeble attempt at a radiance build , grenadiers and sidekick put in work , while i haul A$$


Hawks are better, they are ready to act when i deploy them.
In PVP i use 3 hawks and a sidekick but for this one, hawks are better IMO.

My problem is ammo and cooldown times.

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the grenadiers do pretty well , and will seek out enemys behind obstacles and such , plus they are always left in the dust with the enemy allowing them to fight while im safely clipping along at 117kmh


that’s the problem

they take a bit to react then they are left behind.
I’m gonna build a factory and put an harpy and use every drone i can (Apollo).

The sad thing is it only nets you like 2 extra launches with most drones.

that’s 50 % more than what i have now and since i didn’t get pass through a single time a particular point in this operation, that means i don’t have to conserve ammo and use it at will.
Armour is not need it in this operation (almost) so it’s a win / win situation.
I can maximize my damage output without fearing “bombs” on board.

My only doubt is

Falcon or sidekick ( i have those) or building a extra hawk

Fully functioning dual Assembler sniper. LOL
What can I say? I finished all the challenged & was bored.


I rebuilt her so she’s laying on her side.
Although it’s only Patrol, she’s “fully functional!” LOL MVP! :rofl: :dancer:

I’m sorry… y’all can have the clan wars. This is much more fun.
The comments in chat are hilarious.

“WTF, is that a chic?”
“OMG, girls do play this game!”
“Nah, I’m a dude… I just CrossDress in CrossOut.”


Project: Monkey Business

80 parts
3 Gun Mounts

Odd number of wheels?
Ya, I dorked out and used a spare tire. I’m not sure that quite qualifies as an odd number of wheels, but…uh…it’s close?


I love frontal wheels on tracked builds. If you know, you know.


It looks hilarious not meant to be an insult… How does it play out?

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I think saying any assembler build is fully functional would be a gross overstatement.


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Redesign that front bit to look like a car and call it cyberpunk glitch. Because it reminds me of a cyberpunk glitch where your charector will just slide on its side like the guy you made and the charector does this flying down a road faster than the cars are going.

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Below about 14k, the assembler is actually quite good. It just takes a lot of practice to figure out how to use it. It is very accurate, and great at stripping weapons from a very long distance. It is especially good at stripping the Canons off those dual tsunami Bots that sit in the background picking off your teammates.

Their main weakness is obvious… they are huge and fragile. Not wise to get close with them.

Sort of mediocre. It keeps me in the action until the end often, which is fun, but it’s not really a play maker…or maybe it’s me. It’s durable enough that it gives me plenty of chances to make good plays, but I’m not very good with cannons. I need practice, and it survives well enough to give me that opportunity.

MVP seems far fetched, but I’ll give it another round after I do the dishes.

Just keep trying the out numbered games tend to be the most fun at least in my experience.