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More details in its video.


I use front wheels inside the roller


And is the roller just made from nomad armour parts? And what looks like the tank hatches on the ends of the roller?

2x2x8 steppenwolf slopes

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Been fine-tuning my flamethrower build. Two remedies and a Draco.


There’s a thread elsewhere about player weakness; this build is what I look for and attack these days. If I see one I can’t not circle back around. I can’t resist it.
I get killed a lot that way…but I can’t help it. I feel like if somebody doesn’t stop that thing, it will devour the whole team.
Or…, if it’s on my team, I follow it around, picking off the wounded. It’s a good gig if you can get it.

Black is the right color for that build. :+1:


Suggestion: roam close to it, staying either sneaky, or out of its direct ppath. When it rams one of your allies, immediately ram it from the side, at cab level, and toast it.

I hate when the flamers come for me, because randoms are so incredibly slow and clueless. Nothing beats seeing an enemy flamer go across your whole team to ram you, and all your allies are looking, plonking at it with their MGs… Like jeez guys, ram that mf away instead of watching your team get demolished.


When I play this build, I either die early because of being attacked while roasting someone else, or I manage to rampage through the whole team because they’re not paying attention to me.
It’s weird feeling so vulnerable and powerful at the same time. If I play flamethrowers too long, I start feeling anxious.

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Here’s probably only my second adventure into the world of spaced armor. I didn’t start out with that intention, but I liked the way it turned out. It seemed to work too, so I put it in my rotation, and I’m going to hang on to it for a while.

This is becoming one of my favorite cabs.

UPDATE: Cooler paint, added tail lights and exhaust. Done. Probably. Maybe not.


Always need some exhausts and lights on my builds.

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Hadron is just capable of making so many Wierd combos more viable. I love this cab.


I rebuilt and upgraded my Drone Boat. I like my Drone-Boat for when this game is going through one of it’s wonky growing pains and nothing works right, because whatever. I always get my scrap.

Because there’s a fusion event going on right now I decided to go all in, and I bought some Fuzes and fused them with fusion.

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Last build of the day. Had a blast.

Hope it lasts.
UPDATE: I think it’s cool that my Junkbows are actually throwing junk.

I love that they put that kind of detail in there.


Here’s “my” Astraeus build, though can’t call it my build since it’s just a scorp build from the exhibition (Shokoladnitsa by ELeKtRicK) that I just used Astra instead of Scorp and replaced Chameleon with Doppler, but I am having great fun and even some success with it


Guided Missiles. It’s not really my thing, but I inherited some from the last Battle Pass.

I’m just learning this gig, but I think I like it. It puts more variety in my roster to cycle through.
As long as I don’t get caught, and I time the shots right, it seems to work. I figured light and fast was the way to go, because that’s what I see the other kids doing. It’s got a stealth module for sneaking around and making convenient exits too.

I think I need a ML-200s build next. I’m not sure I’ve got what it takes to make those work, though.


Why with that cab though? You get no benefit from it.

Looking cool is a benefit. Shame what they’ve done to its speed, Howl should be a 100km/h light cabin.


Because the game needs a 6*6 reloading medium cab :pensive:

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Here are my three most recent waltz builds.

The hover aegis thing is mih, but they look cool and I needed at least one.

I sacrificed all beauty for function on the Hadron spider.

The omni box/omniwheel build was an attempt to make a boxed weapon build look like an actual car. It worked out ok. I played around with it a lot to find looks I liked, but I ended up with a more boxy car design as well.


Ya, I know, right? Long range weapon, close range perk, WTF?
Well, I had originally built it with a Dusk, but this cab worked better. Why? Those reasons are too toxic to discuss.
It’s cute though, right? It either kills to the last drop, or I get caught not being sneaky enough. I sort of figured that’s how it would go with guided missiles, and that’s what it does, so…that’s what it is.
I will probably try another build using my dusk cabin, as that is what I wanted to work there, but didn’t

That one (above) I built with the dusk. It’s more logical, right? I canned it a while back, but the Trombone-Hulk combo was fun…unless you’re getting Sector Ex all night in “random” PVP matches.