Show us your builds

I’m on it. Coffee’s brewing.

If Adam West’s Bat man had a Bat-Tank, it would look like that, probably.

Keep asking for bigger tailfin decor… :smiley:

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Have you tried putting an Iris in there? I find they’re a great scope for cannons. The shift in viewpoint seems to help a lot, and their magnification level isn’t so extreme that it screws up your projectile drop estimating.
It’s become one of my favourite special items.

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haven’t played it in a long time, i only have the one from the BP. Have you played it since the new co-driver was introduced? I have the stuff to make one with one of the blueprints. Would you reco skipping?

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Demon’s Breath

Lore: IT is well known in the wastes that the crazy kobold themselves has a thing for plasma, but as of late they seem to have changed. Before they would send their supplies to any faction that asked but as of late they have started chasing down and executing any firestarters they find. the firestarters have started to call them a demon, and it is hard not to see why.

Above is the ride The kobold has been driving a Catalina and hot red powers this beast like all their plasma builds. Quad omni’s allow it to out maneuver all but the most mobile of hovers. Twin claws act not as wheels but as generators powering upt a static charger connected to the vehicles power unit and plasma repeaters.
The whole plasma mechanism has been over charged to the point there are rumors of it burning holes right through steppenwolf armor. But those are just rumors. the whole thing is designed to burn though anything with deadly plasma.
It is unknown what has happened but for now the kobold is on a warpath, and any and all firestarters are recommended to gear up or get out of the way.

engine: hot red
cabin: catalina
Weapon system: Premoetheus x2
boost system: power unit, clawx2
radar: Doppler
other: barrier shield deploy base model.

Combat role: mid line DPS, front line shield bearer


No, I hadn’t. I’ll give it a shot though. I might like a sniper build to switch it up a little. I don’t think I’ve ever had a sniper build in my rotation.

I updated it a tiny bit and took it out last night, and it was occasionally a bit of a bully. It didn’t do bad at all. I found it did best if I kept it fast paced, aggressive, and switched targets often. The durability buffs seem to add up, making it good for punching holes in coordinated defenses.
The build might be a bit silly, for sure, but I think the Ermak/Sabbath/ Tracks/Elephant combination works pretty good. I’ll be hanging on to those parts for a while. They go good together.

The new fenders are great for sponging hits while I pull a u-turn to reload…the balloons keep it Monkey compliant at 80 parts.


Continuing my attempts to make tanks in the spirit of the new faction. Pleased to find out that the new tracks are the same height at the tank tracks.
This one has an omamori on the gun, which is also getting a durability buff from the cabin and grizzly. Doesn’t completely make up for having it so exposed, but I find I need to be able to rotate my weapons on tracks.



Very happy to see how those tracks line up. I have a similar build for kaiju with goliath and 4x of the hardened in front.

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This is my similar build… I PVP with this sometimes, it’s fun but not that exciting. When I’ve talked in the past about using the tracks at higher PS though this is the build I’m often on.


With their obvious benefits, I am surprised I do not see more builds like that using them as frontal armor.

It’s an effort to get it to turn in sync both the turret and the tracks. Most of the losses I suffer is because of Kaplans and map issues. The defensive abilities though are great though, I can take multiple strikes from epic guns before being disarmed. I’ve chased off fortune hovers and tsunami hovers in this.

I really like what pony did with the new tracks and the same cab and weapon though…

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My big dual wretcher brawler has two augers on each side, but small tracks suspended in the front as armor. They work great.

I got my cousin to do similar on his spider cannon. He was using the hardened tracks though. They provide a great deal of passive defense.

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The are hard to work with. I’ve done a large number of quads in the past. I still have one up as a levi that I redid…

I’ve tried to do a lot of ship build with them but it’s harsh.


I will try to remember to share a screenshot of it when I am on my pc. I think the trick is to make them wider than you would a normal build. Otherwise the handling gets wonky fast.

I lay these out as 1,2,1 configs but they are pretty stable normally. I’ve done smaller ones for raid builds.

Damn, that’s a very long boi. I had a very brutal similar build back when wedges and wheels were silly strong. Only wedge I ever played, but it was lifting basically anything on wheels, other wedges included, and getting down from it was absolutely miserable.

Still much shorter than your spaghetti car… I bet it’s fun to hold people 30 meters away from your guns like you’re an adult holding a kid at arm’s length lol


Now I want to get two more of the new tracks and arrange all four in the front like yours. My tonnage isn’t maxed out with the current configuration, so I’m not maximizing the Machinist perk. Adding a couple more tracks should allow me to get a lot more durability.


The problem your going to have at 9k is tracks. Your just to slow.

How about using a fast cabin (maybe Catalina or Harpy), dump the tracks and sabbath wheels and use “Hermits” or “Omni” Wheels.

Slap one cannon on top of your cabin, one in front, keep the profile low to the ground and use oppressor engine to get the guns rotating good.

Then your this fast zippy thing that does “hit and run game-style” instead of “I’m a slow tank”

Many times when people build cannons cars they make the mistake of thinking about the real world of slow huge cannon vehicles. Crossout is not the real world, so that don’t work.

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I’ve been wondering about them too as it would be nice to move a little faster… There’s very little difference when moving around and holding charge with this right now. The tracks in the front make for great armor though. I’ve upturned and pressed against the walls so many melee builds with them. The acceleration looks really low but it still moves pretty well.