Show us your builds

It was very fun, lots of comical situations in the battles.
it was a nice change of pace from the grind and “workhorses”.
I giggled and smiled a few times.
When this micro event it’s over, i will see if i can make one that will reach the garage doors

If you mean I can’t find targets fast enough, ya. Kinda. Most people in PVP run like hell after they get hit with those dual elephants, but so far that’s not a big issue because the arenas aren’t big enough for them to escape.
They reload slow, so I’m not getting a lot of shots in per match, and that keeps my score down on the board. I’m not even going through all my ammo, while not carrying any ammo-packs, and routinely surviving the length of matches. The cumulative durability buffs are palpable. We either win, or I’m the last in line.

It does well enough that the matchmaker is leaning on it consistently in PVP for up to PS 2K points, and putting me at the bottom of the list, just under 10K. I need to take the combo more seriously and build something less silly, is what I think. That combo brawls good. It knocks debree out of my path and doesn’t get hung up on burnt carcasses too. The heat resistant tracks has come in handy.

I like the combo, although I think your past advice is a chunk of why it works, and I like the Harpy, so I’ll probably take that advice too at some point.

Right now, I think I’ll work this combo a bit more. It’s good and violent, full of action. Not a camper. Doesn’t do peekaboo. Mostly it’s a"Hulk, smash," situation. I like it. Totally not getting pwnd, but I do want to rework it…maybe feed it’s already pronounced charging Elephant character.

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Not saying they don’t reload slow (I don’t play them - elephants seems underpowered to me), but question, what cabin and reload modules do you use?

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Right now the matchmaker is burying me 4k deep, so I can’t see what difference it makes what I use. I guess I met my fun quota, and now it’s back to the same old crap. That’s so frustrating.

I’m going back to TV land. It was fun while it lasted.

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PC Ex, Arch Angel 1 and Arch Angel 2. I’m currently chat ban in game so cant share them out.

Played a match yesterday with a 7k+ differential. I was 2nd lightest, so I felt flattered. :joy:

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It made me mad to get tossed in the 14K lobby. It’s pretty hover-rich there, sporting all the bells and whistles too. It’s everything I don’t like about this game.

I’m happy to just let them have it. I’m not sure that isn’t where hovers belong at 14K, and if I wanted to play at that level, I would get hovers too…then a heap of fancy gadgets, then fuse them…etc.

No. I just don’t want to play that. It feels like chasing the wind to eat it. Can’t I just get an even(ish) match in PVP without all the sci-fi? I used to be able to. Now the matchmaker sits me in the corner for eternity if I attempt to.

I’d rather play to win, than use modules, hovers, fused weapons, fused etc. to achieve the winning via the META. I like Crossout better raw and minimized. I wish they would let me play that. They could, but they don’t…they did yesterday, but now suddenly I’m forbidden…drives me nuts.

I love my Thug. I want to play it. Let me.


Time of day is probably the biggest factor in having short queue times for low PS. Also day of the week.

I’m mostly playing between 10-15kPS these days, and about half of my builds don’t have many sci-fi modules, with all my energy going towards speed and firepower (and radar). While those builds might be disadvantaged against well built hovers, it’s super satisfying to take down a hover with such simple brutish builds. I think I find it more fun than taking on other ground builds.
The trick is to not care too much about winning the match, but to play like you do care.


Just for clarification, that was peak sarcasm on my part.

I played enough rounds of get the scrap & patrol to knock out the dailies & switched to the Assembler build. It has a slightly lower PS, but if there’s any mis-match in the matchmaker with that one, it’s putting me against ever so slightly weaker builds, not 16500 monsters.

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Ya, that probably does make some difference.

I was enjoying 9K a bit (still not really my bag), but 14K is purposely not something my account is geared for. I haven’t pursued that with my inventory collection because I didn’t want to.

If they reel in the spaced armor with this next update, maybe it’ll make Hovers a more appealing platform to build on, and I’ll get some of those. I wouldn’t be surprised if the update indirectly buffs Hovers, or is intended to specifically address the fugly spaced armor on Hovers. Tighten that up, and Hovers could be pretty cool, probably.

I decided to sell them. I’ll make a small profit, looks like. Got any idea on what to replace them with? I’m feeling like going aim-free, low-energy and doing some guided missiles. I’ve got a nest and some Pyres, and the Dusk is bargain priced (I used to have one, got pissed, canned it) so I’ll probably pick one of those up regardless. I get less frustrated if I loose after the minimal effort homing missiles afford. Low energy, small investment…those are also good anti-hover weapons.

I’ll still need something to knock my cannon dailies off with, though.

Why not just use some little boys for your cannon dailies? Tried them again recently and they’re still pretty decent, despite some nerfs.

I’d put them on a fast wheeled build with an oppressor and buggy wheels. Either a harpy or a deadman cabin, or something lower rarity if the queue times aren’t too bad in low PS.
Or if you want to stick with epics, give Fatman another try? They’re fun brawling weapons, but not great at long range.

I play around with 2 upgraded judges on omni wheels it’s kind of a fun fast cannon though you have to get use to the aim limitations while jumping over bumps. You could try something like that if you want to keep it cheap. I have enough fun in it that I could care less if I lose. I generally switch between that, a quasar build, and the avalanche for doing cannon dailies though.

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Yeah, I was also going to suggest fixed angle cannons on omniwheels.

Takes some time to learn how to drive them effectively, but once you get the hang of them they are very rewarding.
I recommend the new controls for ease of aim and handling, a light cabin and a golden eagle, and of course some reload boosting. The perk makes your accuracy better, which I find makes cannons much less frustrating to play.

They nerfed the hell out of the rotation speed. I used to do Hulks on a Harpy and that was great, but they nerfed the rotation speed and the Opressor too. It made going fast with cannons a drag. I’m not a camper who can sit on his arse and play peekaboo. Or maybe I just suddenly suck at this game, but it feels like they have systematically nerfed everything I used to play (speed, wheels). I’ve been on a major loosing streak for about three or four months. It gave me a break yesterday, right after I reinstalled, but now I’m back to eating schit again…Nest still sucks, Pyres can’t hit anything. IDK if practice is the answer, or if I just suck because I got old and stupid and didn’t notice.

Ya…don’t really want that high PS, but it is what it is. Camp Peekaboo?

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I know I must sound like a broken record, but use buggy wheels with oppressor and you will have a lot more fun.
As far as omniwheels, if you only use four you can definitely stay below 10kPS. And I wouldn’t describe them as great at peak-a-boo sniping, as their acceleration from stop isn’t great. Better to keep moving, and shoot while moving. Lots of driving in reverse at full speed too. Charge in, take a shot, and either keep going forward or retreat to reload and reposition.

Here’s a clip of me on an omniwheel/executioner build to give you an idea of what I mean:


Nice first shot. That was pretty sharp. Well played.

I’m amazed that nobody attacked you hardly at all and you played half that match completely unharmed…also that guy driving off to leave you belly up was harsh. Nice of the other guy to swing around and give you a lift…and while under fire too.

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I think that first shot deframed that enemy, and they later self destructed to give me the kill. I was pretty proud of that, but not so proud of flipping myself.

But yeah, by remaining in motion and letting my allies draw fire, I barely got hit the whole match. If you watch the speedometer, you can see what I mean about the “diagonal trick”. If you strafe and hit gas while rotated at the right angle, you can get to max speed even faster than a hover can (and a higher top speed at that). It’s initially confusing and will mess you up, but with practice it becomes more predictable and useful. This kind of build also works well with an avalanche.

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Not the coolest build…

…but it did get me PVP MVP after a little practice. The matchmaker gave me a more fair match, less lop-sided. It still ranked me last, but not at ridiculously unfair disadvantage. This match looked very even and I can live with this level of disparity…obviously.

UPDATE: Better with Bling.


a drone build ive been goofing around in patrol with , i cant ever see wheeled drones being viable with actual players but its still fun to watch them do their thing :joy: tried something new with the wheel layout and it handles surprisingly well and i rarely lose a wheel

not the prettiest , but not the ugliest either