Show us your builds

I always like your builds… I think to myself that I build like you do with rigs that generally look like real trucks. Then, I see things you build & think… no… no I do not. :rofl:

I’m wondering if they’ll work with the new cab. I haven’t gotten it yet, so I’m looking forward to testing it out. I’ve seen videos with it being a game changer for flying drones, though.

I’m with you though… even if they’re hard to get to work, they’re a ton of fun to use.

I find flying drones to be better vs. humans & wheeled ones better on bots. The Grenadier can tear up bots pretty well.


The Owl isn’t too bad against Ravagers, because they ain’t got guns. If I had a boat load (I’ve only got one) I’d make that drone-boat and float it across Operation Radiance.


i have a bad feeling that it being legendary will just over inflate the powerscore , thats why im only running a big g and listener besides weight

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This build looks how I feel on the inside.

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I almost never play wheeled drones, but I actually think drones are better against humans, as the bots will perfectly target drones a lot of the time.

Pyres are fun, I think they are even better than hurricanes, but my own personal play style does not go well with the Dusk cabin.

I use Harpy cabin (I use Catalina too)

Also remember that Harpy cabin has extra ammo too. So you might get away with 1 fused purple ammo pack.

You can do it on wheels I’m sure, but my personal style would be hovers.

You never spot moving and always keep your car as far away fro the enemy as you can with still being able to target someone.

The key is run, run, and run. If red dots are anywhere near your car then you already messed up.

I think half the time I’m playing pyre I’m almost at full speed backward as I’m firing on the enemy.

If the enemy is dumb enough to not try and get me then I fire, hide, fire, hide…

Also, I do not think you have to use stealth when you play like this. I don’t want to be anywhere I need to sneak by or up to anyone. So I use that point for something else. Like a Doppler and flywheel.


I actually bought some of those speedy Hovers last night, so I’m coincidentally pretty much geared up for that already.
My personal challenge for these Hovers is to build something non-META, because my contention is that they are good for little else, and are exclusively platforms for the META. Nobody seems to do anything else with them, because outside of the META maybe they kinda suck. They are harder to build with for sure, and I was struggling with ideas for what direction to go with them. Thanks for the lead.

Also, now when I build I can’t help but want to try and use all four elbows and all three Gun-Mounts. It’s very hard to dismiss the notion.

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Then your planning to fail from the start?

Play your own way man, please don’t take offense the the above, but I don’t understand this point of view. It would be like a soldier saying “I don’t need a M16, I’ll take the BB gun.”

Not saying it has to be an ugly pile of trash, but some building styles are just optimal.

:slight_smile: it’s because those pieces are the best armor in the game.

I could give you a longer list of parts :slight_smile:

So when I build I’m looking for the part to fit the right space, BUT I try my best to use parts that have the best armor to weight/PS ratios. There are many parts (no mater how cool it would look) that I would never use.

No. I’m challenging the notion that Hovers are a garbage feature that doesn’t belong in this game, and maybe somebody can do something with them besides exploit game mechanics…or not. Maybe that’s truly all they are.

I think the developers might be trying to improve that situation on their end too with the spaced armor update. It would be nice if they could be used for something besides The META. This META makes the game ugly, miserable, and unsalable for a lot of their customers, probably. It’s the constant focus of hate, turmoil, and discontent.

I’d like to see that change, and I’m exploring the possibilities, but yes, I’m probably in over my head.

If I get something cool to pull a PVP-MVP I’ll be sure to post it.

Sounds good. I think I might build a new pyre build too. I have not made a new one since they changed the size of hovers.

I did make a Hurricane:


This weeks (easy raid) shotgun daily build.


One way to slightly mitigate this is to mount Your pyres s o they are not all firing in the normal way… Forward and up.

Mount one towards the right of your build firing left one to the left of your build firing right and the remainder firing normally. If you are on hovers, you can even put one firing downward and forward and it will usually work. It won’t necessarily stop someone who is charging you, but hitting them while they charge you will sometimes slow them down. Make them think twice.

Sadly, if you like making things that look like something other than a spaced armor monstrosity, it’s hard to do that.

Someone on here or reddit suggested putting both a Doppler and one of the arrays on your rig to extend the range of the pyre targeting. I’m not sure it works since it’s hard to test that in test drive. I have tried it out, though. Not sure it is worth the power score, but those sensor arrays make pretty good armor, so it’s not a total loss even if it doesn’t work.

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ya…I think that may be true. IDK. I gave up on it. I made a build that way playable, but beyond that, meh. I gave up. I really don’t like Hovers. They are not the game experience I’m looking for. I don’t get it.

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I’m not one to lobby for them to be removed from the game, though. They’re just not my thing for normal matches.

I do enjoy them for art builds, though, and I’ll even take my silly dragon into PVP much too the bewilderment of those SUPER SERIOUS players. :joy:. The chat is always entertaining to read after those matches.

I may have to rebuild that one after I get that new drone cabin. You never know… Maybe it’ll even be a contender!

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This is why I can’t do META; in my mind, if I want to build a rig to farm fuel, it’s got to look like a fuel-truck.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me.



Absolutely nothing.

Your builds encourage me to do the same. I constantly see myself falling to… what would you call it… peer pressure maybe to build more META like builds.

I’d rather drive something that looks like it rolled off the set of Mad Max than something a 4 year old put together with tinker toys.

Oh nos! It’s attacking!


speaking of fuel…
why can’t we craft a 15 fuel container from our 5 and 10 fuel containers? :crazy_face:
why do we need 2 tanks ?

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Milking the Death Race 2000 cliche.

(Triple Pyres, Anaconda)
It’s fun on the right map, like Sandy Gulf. Not that cool at Sector EX


I want those hubcaps.
What cab is in there?

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