Show us your builds

It’s the Dusk.

I think I got the hub-caps in one of those tank events.


I’m not sure I agree with this. I have seen many people do it but the rockets take to long to get to the target.

I mount them all forward to get the rockets to the target faster. I will put some on different buttons. I don’t want someone to have time to drive behind something. There are already to many counters to pyres. Making them slow just adds to that.

I like to have a single pyre on its own button, I will use that as a test fire to see if they have stealth. Or force them to use it on a single pyre. Then when they come back out of stealth I slam them with the rest.


updated demons breath to be less bad, give you all the BATFIRE


Its getting close to spring, and as such the ducks are getting restless. their drones are not ready yet but this hasn’t stopped the Quackers from doing something else taking a supply truck mounting manually operated prometheus plasma cannons to it, and wiring ravager systems to the steering wheel. This truck has been seen unleashing hot plasma on lunatics all over the wasteland. Funny thing is the day these trucks started appearing the kobold went missing some say he is in his garage building truck after truck for the ducks, but why?

Weapons: 2x prometheus V plasma repeaters
utility: hot red engine, barrier shield, omnamori protection, 2x ducks.
movement: 4x omni, 2x grip fused claws.
cab: catalina


I was glad when I realized that the Gaurdian was a “limited angle” weapon, too. I had originally bought the IceBox just to sell, because the price tanked. Now I’ll probably keep it. It fun to build with, and the perk appears to work good with the BP-Fused Guardians…They gave us three of those back in the day. Just sayin’.

This Nest-Fuse combo doesn’t work too bad. It’s pretty fast, and that helps…It helps make it fun anyway.

I get chased a lot, because I’m obnoxious with the Fuzes, and the Nest seems to make good with that situation. I’m glad there are a few cabs that are still pretty fast, and the Harpy is one of them. Handy cab, that Harpy.


Icebox is on my list of cabins that I want, mostly for the looks.

And yes to fast cabins. That’s one of the reasons I keep buying battlepasses, so that I have a good roster of fast cabins.


This is kinda’ what I was talking about, although a lot of my builds have the left & right firing pyres mounted further apart so they can hit the enemy when he’s closer. The further out they are, the closer they’ll hit the target. It’s hard to do that & not make it look like a space armor puke-mobile, though.

The downside is that the rockets will no longer clear as many obstacles when they’re normally mounted.

I got the impression you might have though I mean mounting them flush to the front of a part so they’re really firing wildly wide.

The pyres are all fused & two are fused for reload. I put one fused for reload on the same trigger as one NOT fused for reload. That gives a very staggered rate of fire that can make people panic & stay hidden. This type of thing was lots of fun in the helicopter brawl.

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Some slepnir tanks

I made a few variations of a miller humpback slepnir build, but no pics atm.


I like the first one though I’d probably center everything. lol…


Better Fuel-Truck.

Literally, effortless fuel farming. I just putt around the wasteland while everybody else fights, enjoying the scenery. It’s surreal. IDK WTF is going on, but the minute I stopped trying, I started winning.

Clearly, I have no idea how this game is played, but whatever…I’ll take the fuel. Thanks.


I guess I’ve been over thinking it.

This crap works too, as long as I don’t try too hard…it’s weird. I might need to get my Fuzes those cute little sailor pajamas, since they’re working so well.

EDIT: More better bling.


Funny you mention that… I find that sometimes the harder I’m trying, the worse I do. :joy: I think it has something to do with impatience and lack of strategy when I’m really trying to win.

When I play reclined in my seat, I think I’m actually doing better. Funny that you can score more points hanging back and watching the first 30 seconds or more of a match.

This goes triple for drone boats.


I almost feel a little guilty…almost. Not quite. I don’t really know what to do with the newfound success. More better clown cars, I suppose.

I’ll give it a week and see what happens. If it doesn’t suck by the end of the week, maybe I’ll put some more quarters in the slot and get that Battle Pass. I don’t mind spending money on a game I enjoy. Seems fair to me. It’s keeping me hella entertained presently.


This one is too hard to be sneaky in.

It gives me a bad case of lead-foot, and I always want to be jumping off rocks, doing doughnuts, and sliding around corners, instead of doing a proper lurk with the Fuzes.


It’s the curse of making a fast car that’s fun to drive. Makes it really hard to resist charging in to the middle of the battlefield.

Although with drones/turrets, sometimes I can shift that impulse into running away after charging in to drop my drones.


Sounds like that break you took is paying dividends. :grin:


Got myself a third of the new tracks, so updated my machinist/Kaiju tank. Also realized I was using the wrong engines and co-drivers to maximize my tonnage, so swapped in an oppressor and Yuki.


Last night I tried doing the quad swap to the new tracks on mine but they are too high to really work well with the goliath tracks. I did try tossing on a pair of the tank tracks but the tonnage is just way to off for what’s already built. I might try it with something else later but I do really like having the quads in the front. I kind of really hope they do some more large heavy 12en weapons for builds like these though.

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Is yours also on machinist? You should be able to max out the tonnage with four of the new tracks and two tank tracks, although you’d probably have to either use Yuki or oppressor (or both).

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Doc got me back on my art builds.

Kami/dunhorse/3xTherm/pu1/listener/taymyr/camber wheels

Most parts are fused, which is rare for me. Very fast, lots of fun. Actually finding uses for the dual modes of the cambers (some maps like some heights more than others).


Yeah it’s also on the machinist too sitting pretty much at the same PS. I’m using grizzly and a colossus though atm. When using the new tracks at the front with the goliath at the rear tips them the build funny leaving an odd gap near the ground. Which really sets the weapon at an odd angle. Its what got me to quickly try swapping in the tank tracks to re-level it. I’ll probably use that movement platform for something else but I’m not sure what yet.

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