Show us your builds

you forgot to mention i was the first to ask for it… :crazy_face:
but i wanted it to shoot poop as well…


That doesn’t surprise me…great minds…


Had to build something that aims. Darn Machine gun challenge. I was not inspired (neither is the Duck), but I like the Icebox, so I went with that.

I haven’t aimed anything in so long, I didn’t know what to do anymore. I was afraid to use the thing at first, but I ended up surprisingly getting six kills in one match (PVP) with this thing. I had to post it, right? I never get that many kills in one match.

I’ll probably keep this one in my rotation. It seems to get that machine-gun challenge done.

EDIT: Holy crap that’s 1000 posts on this thread!


Here’s a build I’ve been playing at 5K recently. This thing looks mean, and it can pack a punch at mid to long range engagements.
XO Autocannon build

XO Autocannon build 3



I have been slowly improving this over the last few seasons of crossout. it started as a police car looking build and now is the truck you see above.

The batfire is another build by the kobold of the wastelands, likely one of my last ones as well my combat days are slowly drawing to a close, just don’t have the drive to go out there and wipe lunatics off the windshield anymore.

Anyway, this is a standard issue cat+hertz build, generally one fires at bots till they get two charges and makes sure to keep mobile once there you can strip weapons like mad even those protected by an omnamori… unless they are an avalanch or kaiju. To boost the fire rate it has a power unit and on defense it has a barrier so you can stay out in the open and draw fire if needed.

At max charge of cat+hertz it can take out a base ava in 3.5 bursts. which should happen in the time it takes the avalanche to fire two. smilar for a kaiju but if you are not careful it can be stripped. getting to at least 5 stacks required before taking on either.

my latest build not much has changed.

redit post


The Wedgematic 2000.

Classic shotgun-wedge tech.

I had almost none of the components I needed to reproduce the shotgun-wedge MudnBeer sent me, so I used what I had. It works. It’s not outstanding, but it works to wash my shotgun tears away…good for smacking drones too, by the way.


Made some mods to my firebird. Not original, I know, but I’ve always wanted a KITT.


briefly owned an 87 , fun car


Decided to play with the new mounting option for legs, and made a triple Miller spider with the new cooling cabin:

Unfortunately the two fused millers mess up the cabin perk, and while eight legs looks cool, it’s too much. Also, my guns kept getting stripped.
However, I did discover that mounting legs all around is very good against dogs and wedges!

So I made a different approach, and tried to see if I could finally find a use for Master:


Also made this weird thing with the two new MGs and an aurora on the new cabin. Cabin perk is wasted with the mismatched guns, but I might remake it with an omnibox, or maybe a Favourite.



had me an 85 for about a year, salavaged title. The Bondo Warrior! Lost control of it and ran it through a freeway sign. No more firebird.


was a flood car , ran for a few months before the electrical issues started showing , got rid of it before i had to sell it as non running

rip :cry:

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that’s a good method of operation :brain:

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Soooo… I’ve been toying with the legs and master as well.

Here’s something to tinker with… Certain weapons can for THROUGH the MLs. Under-mounting them can be insane.

I despise how slow the MLs are, so haven’t used this little glitch, though.


I’m surprised that more people aren’t experimenting with the new mounting options for legs.
Having legs sticking out in all directions really seems to help survivability. The legs block a lot of shots from even hitting my armour, and close range builds have a really hard time pinning you.
Thinking I might move one of my two frontal legs on the Master spider to the rear, as it’s still vulnerable from the back end. Or might even try changing to eight legs on that one, but I fear it will be too slow and that I won’t be able to use enough armour.

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It’s because Bigrams are still better.

I don’t see ML200 Legs (by design) ever being better then Bigrams.

That, and hovers are still a lot better than Bigrams xD

I think ML 200 have their chance to shine in a meta where hovers aren’t the only movement part. They definitely performed better than Bigrams against dogs back when wheeled dogs existed, months ago. Now that they’re also faster by 5 kmh than Bigrams, I’m convinced they’d see some play if hovers and wheels were reverted to pre XO 2.0 Turbobullshit.


Well, like I said… take 'em into battle. By the time you get to the fight, the battle is over. They’re just too slow to use - even on a support rig in my humble opinion.

If they were 25kph faster, I’d undersling a couple of parsers or whatever & go tear some stuff up.
As is… nah… May as well build something without movement parts at all & just sit there. :roll_of_toilet_paper:

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Last night there was a big heavy bigram build on my team, and I was surprised that I was able to keep up with them while they were in wheel mode. Acceleration on ML200s isn’t bad, compared to other heavy ground builds.
I also find them much more stable than bigrams, especially if you lose a few legs.
I think they’re actually closer to bigrams than many people realize, especially when it comes to heavy builds. Bigrams have more of an advantage on medium cabins.

Also noticed a lot more dogs in high PS yesterday, so the legs helped a lot. I think that hover mania is getting some people into playing close range wheeled builds again. I’m know that’s what I’ve been doing, at least when I’m not making big heavy builds.

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The thing is, with Bigrams, you have a microscopic chance of catching a floating derp. With ML? If there’s only hovers in the enemy team (95% of the time in CW) you can SD on the spot, you won’t get the victory unless they are, plain and simple, dumb enough to give it to you.

“But what if we sit on the cap with barriers?”
If you manage to outcap hovers with MLs, that falls under the “they were dumb enough to give you the victory” umbrella.