Show us your builds

Current ride. You can probably all guess how heinous it is without having to see the little icons at the bottom of the screen. Yes, it’s a Yongwang Oma Daze Griffon with Cheetah and Doppler (^%


The car’s tilted to slide effortlessly into hovers. Gun at a perfect angle, can’t get cockblocked by wonky hitboxes. When you raise your wang and stick it in a hover’s bottom to unload, after all the preliminary manoeuvers to get the blood pumping and find a position, it’s glorious. Sometimes I’m tempted to whisper “hands free!” after I’m done :triumph:


I’m sure that’s true for CW, but in PVP there’s a lot more room for diversity. I find there’s usually enough other spiders or tanks that I can group up with so that I’m not abandoned in the rear.
The biggest issue for me when playing slow builds is needing to commit early to where I plan to go, and hope that others follow me. Sometimes I’ll decide to go for the centre cap, and then realize too late that the rest of the team abandoned me to do the side cap.

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Yeah, a hover player should (almost) never die to a ML200 spiders if it was 1 vs 1.

Then add a full group and it gets worse.

Then add dumb CW maps that where made to give hovers an advantage over all other movement parts.

About maps in CWs - why don’t we use maps that are more the style of the “Arena events” for CWs? When are they going to build CW specific maps?

We need a major update dedicated to clan wars. I know a lot of guys don’t do CWs but if you like it or not many of those dudes at the top are keeping the lights on around here. And if they could promote that group to become larger then they would have more money to invest on the rest of the game you guys enjoy for free.

Kind of went off topic :slight_smile: but whatever.


If they fixed CW, I’d probably be more apt to spend money on the game…

PS brackets, parts balancing, variety of rewards, more rewards etc…

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Car I made for a custom race.


So I was presented with a challenge in another post to build a low PS 4 wheeled car. I did show one I made in that thread but I wanted to take it one step farther and also make it an art build :slight_smile:

Also we where talking about hermit wheels, and I also wanted to challenge myself to use hermit wheels on this build and still be low PS.

Also we have been talking about drones and turrets, so I wanted to use those since I never play them.

I also set a personal goal to make the build hit 4699 PS exactly and have working headlights and tail lights.

I hope I’m worthy to submit this selection to the art community.

It has 4 hermits, teal radar detector, bat cabin, 3 blue turrets, 2 micro factories, teal stealth, hardcore enigine.


gonna give the munnin another try


Looks fun.
Well done.
Now keys see those MVPs with it! :wink:


How does bat feel since the buff?

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It’s fast :slight_smile: and I like the ammo bonus.

The weapons I have are not taken advantage of the extra damage part of the perk.

And… turrets suck :slight_smile: lol, But it was a fun project.

Played about 10 games with it tonight, felt very underwhelming. Because I was playing drones I didn’t feel like the “art” part of the build set me back any like it would on other weapon types.

I did blow myself up 2 maybe 3 times at the end of the match becuase my whole team was dead and I was “That guy” with the turret build running around by myself. So… take a lesson from monkey kids - blow yourself up and save everyone 2 min of their lives for the love of god…


Thank you :slight_smile:

Out of the ten games this was about as good as it got (screenshot below), turret are just not worth it. I could have scored better with chords.

I will be playing it some more, but MVP has to be really hard to get with only 3 turrets. Not saying it’s impossible, but you would really need to be playing some bad players.


Three cobras (not fused)…just saying. I think somebody was teasing me about this very build recently too…can’t remember his moniker…it’s on the tip of my tongue too…nope can’t remember :wink:


try this.
Put some goblins on it. ( or gremlins if your goal is not to be in a specific PS)
the form factor of that cabin it’s perfect for that.
choose the best configuration
You can put side to side with the cab, without sticking much out, just enough to activate the perk, the handling will be better that way too.
mount 3 coolers (fused) no rads (shivers would be the best choice, if not, blue ones)

a couple of plows, at the front and at least one at the back.

Main post:

Kobolds Flame

So I kept getting thrown into 12 and 14k matches so went screw it and upgraded my armored car, by upgraded I mean completely replaced it with an armored truck stolen from an abandoned bank. Still had the money in it. Mounted a strange thing from the bank on the back and used it to deploy the barriers.

This time the kobold has armed up and armored their catalina, well more gutted this thing and put the catalina in it, along with a colossus, power unit, thor, cloak, barrier, omnamori, and twin plasma.

If only I could put more on it but oh well a 1.9k direct health 8.8k total health light attack vehicle can’t be that bad… can it?

Hep works well in combat, this is the kobolds new weapon of choice.


Once again i took someones build and modified it to my liking, this time PVE DroneCarrier by Shigure

I call this the PVP Dronecarrier. 5 Hawks, 1 Cheetah, Apollo and Muninn. It can do good, but it’s still 5 cyan weapons at 10000 ps. If you manage to sneak up, without stealth, on anyone, or people ignore your build, and you manage to line up neatly to a cabin, you dish out 2190 damage in 4 seconds and by the time people start to react they might already be dead. No genesis because you generally do not survive past killing 1-3 players, and many builds can instacounter drones, like such rare weapons like machineguns and shotguns. Really chews up high ps hovers if you manage to get behind one, or if the have single shot weapons rather than dps ones like scorpion etc


The main post is here.

No one on this forum is interested in the dumpster fire called Reddit.

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You say that, but they just posted a “feedback on CW maps” thread, I’m definitely happy I remade my reddit account two days ago :eyes:

Unsurprisingly, everybody’s shitting on Nameless Tower, Fortress and Naukograd lmao. Who would have thought 10 square kilometer plains with no cover, geysers that flip ground builds, and no visibility unless you turn on your Neutrino would be unbalanced and suck? :roll_eyes:

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easier to put more images there, sorry but that is true.

It’s alright, some will just not see them.

Sorry but it’s true.