Show us your builds

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would be VERY nice if we could.

tyvm :slight_smile:

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did some changes to the KPD truck now it is named “KPD SWAT” has a better frontal config less loosing the engine as I apparently only had it mounted to the two things on the side… oops. and a genisis added because one more shield was needed.

My first match with it, I insta loaded in facing the wrong way and got almost a 3k MvP… then crashed literally right after that.


So, Happy Holidays, eh?

I missed the bunny-ears. Glad they’re back. This one helped me finish that auto-cannon challenge (60 parts, 5 times). I really wasn’t very excited about that, but this build whizzed through it.

While I was at it I threw something together for cannons, without getting too invested in the deal.

That one also hauls fuel, so I like to take it easy with that. Besides, I’m not very good with cannons. I sure like the ring of those barrels when they go off, though. The sound effects are pretty good.

Because I was actually enjoying the Sidekick, I dolled My Hotrod up a little.

It still leans on the two Cobras a lot, but I like the Sidekick better than the Grenadier. My Grenadier just seems extra stupid, and the Sidekick works better in it’s class.

And finally, the Munnin…

I schit-canned the Hug and those little guns that went with it, but this I might like. I’ve actually managed to get that perk to work a couple times and it’s devastating. …also, I like the updated Gun-mount Wheels. This combo handles great, almost exactly the way I want my handling and suspension to behave. I like the drift-tracks. This mix has got just the right amount of slip and acceleration, I think. I’ve tried some other combos, but this one seems to provide a lot of action and control. It’s very easy to recover from tight corners, sudden stops, and such. Chasing and eluding villains is much easier for me with these Sleipnirs and some wheels to guide them, I think.

Anyway, that’s where I’m at. I’ve squeezed a little content out of this pass that I’ve liked, and the game in general.


my thoughts exactly.

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my new hover build
still trying to make it look less like a hover lol


Wanted to see how Bat feels after the update, and was bored of my cannon builds, so I made this Little Boy thing:

And unlocked the drone cabin, so threw together a quick falcon/annihilator build. Still grinding out some more annihilators, and thinking of adding a harvester.


Ravager unit 300476 has been on quite the journey. Starting its 1st mission surveilling things at the Power Plant, it was quickly swept up in an unexpected skirmish and, from there, hitched a ride on several rigs to finally find its way out of the wasteland. It spent a little time up north getting to know the ecology and geology of the area and, even, found a group of Ravagers doing some work around a volcano. It helped out here and there and, during that time, gathered a few new parts to add to its arsenal. After helping in the raids at the volcano, Unit 300476 decided it was time to return to the wasteland.

It’s missed the warmth but it’s still thinking about what to paint itself, in the mean time, it’s proud to be back and bigger than ever!

Original Designer DJChronus


Canned my Sledge-Wedge, got a Shaolin horn I like too much, and got offensive with metallic-pink Easter aggression.

EDIT: I like the Racing wheels better. Fixed the paint and updated the rear fender too.



here’s my wedge with tracks…all upgraded…with a ‘why so serious’ horn.

next time you see this you’ll be in spectator view … :crazy_face: :rofl:



I’m working on a second new build, new moving part… so far… without the front it seems the titanic

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Sorry to criticise i mean no harm, i hope i’m being constructive but…
that back end seems very dodgy. very inviting .

You have plenty of room to spare, you know?

May i suggest something like this?


He likes big butts and he cannot lie… :notes: :notes: :notes:


i did all i could do to keep my ps under 8k. maces not much fun in 9k which i will be facing if i go to 8k.
and my mass down,i wanted to do something like that but these updates we keep getting are driving my ps up.
but thx :wink:

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Attention :wink: The video of the following build isn’t originally made by me. But I think builds from my viewer community should get their attention too: This time a beginner shotgun build from “tadasd39921”, based on the “Biter” from the pack.

Can this improved build stand up to the test?

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Does Joule need buff?



I’ve been enjoying playing my bat/little boy build for cannon challenges, so I decided to make a version with Therms:


Since taking those photos, made an MG version and a SG version to use for those daily challenges. Basically the same build, but with one less radiator and three guns (the third far back on the roof).


Pretty ride, but 2 Therms at 6k PS? Ampere? A Dun Horse? Some rare rads and coolers? Not sure if you’re crazy or really confident (^:. You get a +1 anyway!


Yeah, when I go low PS, I don’t focus much on efficiency.
I will say I don’t feel like I’m struggling much at this range. I’ve got a fused rare cooler and rad, as well as a seal in there, which coaxes a decent amount of DPS from the two therms, while leaving me enough energy for the dunhorse and maxwell. The MG and SG versions don’t have the seal, but also don’t seem to need it (made them with Sinuses and Sledgehammers).

Biggest problem so far is the racing wheels coming off, but I’m too much into the look of them to change them to something better.

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