Show us your builds

One thing that used to work really well for me with art builds was sticking a 5th wheel inside like old-school dogs. A landing gear usually don’t obstruct much and leaves you plenty of room to art around it, and it reaaaaally improves your car’s mobility after losing a couple outside wheels.


I’m not sure why, but I almost never make builds with odd numbers of movement parts. I guess I’m addicted to symmetry?
Also, the inside of my art builds are generally too crammed full of stuff to have room for another wheel.
I’m going to try that idea soon though, thanks for the suggestion!

A 3rd steering wheel in the front is a great addition… makes 'em turn better, too.

This ugly POS is my “Hard Raid” build & has a 3rd steering wheel hiding in the front just ahead of the cab.
I swap out the weaponry depending on the daily challenge… works great.

Often, I bring it into PVP as well.

It’s not uncommon for the only things left are 3 wheels, the cab & guns.

z5 - Copy

POS means “Piece of Scrap” for those who thought I was being vulgar.


new tiny nothung build


It does look cool, but there is no need to armor the back of a fast wedge build like this.

Most of the armor should be forward.

This is how real world combat vehicles are made.


Out of wire mesh and aluminium tubing? (^:


Lol no :slight_smile: +1

Front heavy armor.

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How? like this? :slight_smile:

yeah, i know but specially as a SGunner having a strong back doesn’t hurt either, plenty of opportunists ready to take advantage of that fact.

My newest prototype has a tiny bit more back armour.

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Many of the builds I make have the cabin almost all the way in the back. Almost no armor on the back side.

Those builds are not shotgun builds :slight_smile: but when I do play shotguns I want the the build to be low profile and fast.

I also don’t use Bigfoot tires anymore and I like my shotguns to shot 360 degrees.

Below is A Monkey original - has a thick back end on this one.

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just to let you all know,i build on what weps i use and (how long i stay alive in a match)…
i don’t need a brick with no weps wasting time…
( i get in…i get out…i strip guns off…i don’t stick around)
i shoot drones,turrets, ect,anything to help my team…

i rarely get shot in the rear and if i do.well so what it’s game…

so your better off building to what ur purpose is in the game(if u use turrets or mines,kapcans) are you needing to
run away from the enemy?.or are you headon facing the enemy?..

i plan on staying alive for 2 minutes and messin half the other team up…
which i always do…
cheers!! :crazy_face:


I agree with all of that.

This is one of the main reasons heavy cabins are not as good. Who cares if you have 5k HP if you have no guns.


good if you need to hold your rear end down , but alot of added weight and power score for no added hp, im guilty of doing things like this on my patrol builds though , which most of my builds are lmao … but my pvp build is fugly as hell :joy:

because of this

I don’t use this

I also agree with that but there are caveats.
IMO wheels and engines shouldn’t have perks. Because:

Drone build - cheetah engine is the best for it but then Bfs Cinergy with that engine

  • On heavy builds, hermits don’t have a working perk, cause their perk starts after the heavy cabs top speed

  • Cheetah engine is the way to go, even for heavy builds, and that makes no fucking sense, Colossus should be the “cheetah” for heavy cabs but it’s isn’t.

No you won’t. Unless you’re using a Mammoth or Mastodon…and you will have to reload and shoot again, from the front i can outdpm the guy.

This is from a long long time ago.

It’s crap, it doesn’t stop anything, a avenger can break it in two, and that’s what you are putting in your build, it’s why i made that remark.
The medium version of my suggestion can take a Tsunami a few times. And if you give up on the wedge, oh boy… You can slaughter them, dogs and stuff
Man, but it’s like you said, it’s a game, so what!
I just wanted to be helpful.

Normally i don’t lose my guns.

Hp isn’t everything. a guy can have more HP and lose against a guy with more durability and less HP.
Case in point, this build, it’s the same

Which one you think it’s the most durable?

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if your engaging the enemy and not running away ? the first one . im assuming this is just an example judging by the max speed of 21 , but how often do you get lit up in the rear? yea you can argue that each individual part has more durability but if they are shooting your cabin that durability doesnt really help much

I know how bumpers work.

those two screenshots are from builds before the co-driver rework.
so disregard the speed and acceleration in red .

Pretty often, was not uncommon i end up with no back end. the cab wasn’t the problem,

Like i said.

Both examples have a lot of armour at the back, the first one :
2x steppenwolf slabs
2x canvas roof
2x terribull bars
and 2 extra parts

But i found out once the first layer was gone, the others would fall of pretty quick, not worth the weight i was carrying and the 2161 HP wasn’t much help either.

Than i did the second screenshot just shy 9 k with just 1410 HP but it has much more survivability

If I’m running shotguns without ample rear armor, that’s how I’ll die. Maybe it’s my playstyle, but if you’re going to get close enough to an enemy to make shotguns work, by default, you’re going to be more vulnerable to flanking. Any smart player knows the rear is typically the weak point.

If you’re running a shotgun build (or melee or flamethrower), you’d best armor up the back or stay VERY aware of your surroundings & have the miraculous ability to disappear when someone remotely as fast as you starts to flank.

Heaven forbid they have a cloak.

Finished grinding out the three annihilators I’ve been working on for the new drone cabin, and having lots of fun with them. I have some very bad matches where I don’t even score 40, but also get some MVPs, and a lot of kills.


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That’s the life of drones, I find… it’s either it seems like I barely show up for the match, or I dominate. :rofl:

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Then and most probably your playstyle is very similar to mine, others might not be.
some are like Mohamed Ali (360 firing angles, get in, get out, never stick around and so on) others are more like George Forman ( sheer power).
As i was having this discussing i remembered all of those complains about too many SGs in the game.
Not all SGs are used in the same way and i think not all are used by all SGunners.

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