Show us your builds

Yaaay dragons!


almost feel bad using this , i call it minimal effort because i spent like 5 minutes throwing it together and its basically aimbot .
can really notice the 10 percent resistance to all damage at this power score lol


Made a bunch of Varun builds, but this is the one that worked best.


And since they added frontal weld points on machinist, I thought I’d try a slow melee build. Not super effective, but the ramming damage from a heavy build at top speed can be overwhelming.



The build looks cool.

But one question. Did it need 8 wheels for tonnage?


That’s news to me… I still won’t be using that slow turd. LOL

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If I used a tonnage engine, I could have managed with six, but I wanted the extra energy for cloak and reload module, so I had to go with Red Hot and more wheels.
It definitely handled a lot better with oppressor and six wheels, but I also wanted more HP.
I tried a bunch of versions with light cabins and other movement parts, but I was dying way too quickly.

Definitely not a particularly strong weapon, but it’s fun to be forced to play differently.

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Once I get over 6 Omni wheels they start to feel kind of doggy, so normally even if I can not max out the mass I still force it to 6. (But I only have 2 Omni builds)

What’s is the HP on that thing?

Also - don’t mind me :slight_smile: this is only for conversation - I love your build.

I think this is only the second time I’ve even attempted an 8 omniwheel build. Six is usually what I favour.
But with the BP fused Hadron and four fused omniwheels, this doesn’t feel that sluggish.
I think I’m going to try the Varuns on nova and beholder next, and see if I can get a better balance of durability and maneuverability.

I can’t remember the exact durability of that build, but I think it’s about 2500 HP.

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Yeah, it’s not a great cabin. But I live in a city with lots of streetcars, so it’s fun for me to imagine combat versions.
To be fair, it handles pretty similarly to the real thing.
Kaiju is the only thing that seems to work well on it. I’ve also used it with vindicators with some success.

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I made a thing now that i finally have 4 slippynirs, looks normal from the side

But then you see it from the front and

Omnibox avalanche build, and it works to a surprising degree
has the flywheel, purple ammo box, Big G generator, Hardcore engine and of course a car jack, all packed into a funny squished build


That thing looks crazy thin. I love it :slight_smile: lol

Here is the one I made for PvP.
I run it on the Deadman Cabin, Flywheel, Doppler, eagle engine, bootstrap genny, 6 Omni.


Looks like a carnival ride!

Does your front armour restrict the barrel, or does it just look like it?


It just looks like it.
If it affects it, then it is minimal and I don’t feel it. The gun never turns off because it is blocked at any angle - if that makes sense.

But mostly I’m using the Omni wheels to aim.

With all the shoot through pieces and the cannon in the front I try to keep facing the enemy and do circles around them.


OptimusPrime Rig (no spaces in Optimus Prime)

OptimusPrime Bot (same no spaces)

Same parts used on both :slight_smile:


Nice! Now share a video of it transforming! :joy: :upside_down_face: :wink:


Now that’s impressive.


I was looking to shake up my routine and had some coin burning a hole in my pocket, so I thought I’d give the Saviour cabin a try.
I don’t see it used much, for the obvious reason that a ramming perk is hard to use on a heavy cabin.
Tried a bunch of different melee builds, but nothing really worked until I went lower in PS and kept my mass a lot lower.


I also tried it with gremlins, first in tank form:
And then I converted it to meat grinders:


When saw that cab, all I thought was that it’d be good for one hit & need boosters to pull it off. :joy: I’d rather use a Tusk.

It is cool for art builds, though… so there’s that.

It’s actually really good with gremlins/goblins and augers/tracks.

Melee is more of a struggle, and since it’s a heavy cabin, there’s not a lot of energy for a booster. But you don’t have to be going that fast to activate the perk.