Show us your builds

Updated the Green Goblin :slight_smile:


Got frustrated with how little damage Varuns do, so I figured I’d scrap that Hadron build and try something a little simpler and lower in PS.
Decided to use Harpy (so that I don’t need an ammo pack) and skipped the reloader and cloak to make something really stripped down. Oppressor+buggy wheels for better aiming on the move.



how’s it feel at 9k?

A lot better than at 12kPS, but still feels underpowered.
I don’t miss the reload boost though, but no cloak is a bit tough to work with.
I basically need to hang back and keep moving around the outskirts of the action, lobbing long range shots at the enemy snipers and supporting my brawler teammates. Once in a while I pop a generator, which is always fun.

This match went well for me:


Sand Mimicry is such a cool pattern. Here’s a mean looking truck.
XO The Grizz 4


love it. forest mimicry is nice one too.


A lot of the builds I share are painted in chromatic bright colors… Before I take 'em into PVP, though, I hit the whole thing with sand, forest or something along those lines.

This is Marine Grey… about as invisible as the colors get…



You still need ammo packs. Harpy merely increases what ammo packs give you.

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Wait, I was pretty sure it also increases the default ammo you get with the weapon?
Did I never double check that assumption?

nice looking build. I would rather face you on that build than the dam astreus build you play lol you are scary with it.

one gives everything more ammo (co driver) and one only ammo boxes and factories (harpy).

Use the harpy for explosion radius, the ammo part is a bonus perk.


Lol thanks man. I recorded me killing you in your Blockchain hover the other day and called you a *ing nerd only to realize its PatentsPending, no offense!


HA. I just degun people with that build. It’s the only thing I’m doing win or lose lol.

I was busy degunning peeps one game and out of nowhere Astreus’d… I was floating sideways, both hovers on one side at once.

I don’t have much variety of build on PC, 3x miniguns and 3x blockchain, 2 incinerators. 4 hovers 2 bigfoots and 2 hermits lol. Couple cabins. Couple modules.

Eh, my wife calls me a redneck dipsh*t all the time. And that’s one of the nice things about her :wink:


Well I guess I should either slip a small ammo pack in there (although I guess I don’t really need one), or swap in a different cabin.
I guess I always use harpy with ammo packs, but this gun already has lots of ammo, and didn’t notice that harpy wasn’t helping. And I didn’t realize until now that it buffs genesis for drone builds too.


Unlocked another of the new tracks, and realized I hadn’t really used the omnibox CK. Decided I’d see how the Billy codriver works with vindicators and was pleasantly surprised:


Also decided to try a quad equalizer build omniwheels. Fast and fun!


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Team Sleipnir ftw!!! These things are sure to be popular on Xbox sooner or later. Probably after the event is over and no one can buy them.


I’m glad I blew all my lighters on a full fused set. They are really fun to drive, and I like how different playing tracks is compared to wheels or strafing parts.

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I don’t know anyone else that has done so besides me. I really think the track has untapped potential. Check them out on a fast build with a Golden Eagle.


I have the 2 fused ones and made 4.

I hope they keep the faction like founders and syndicate.

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I have 5 from the event and plan to get a 6th, I figured since this is a limited access movement part that the value of the tracks was worth the most in the long run.

Here we have a completely normal Scorpion build, it is by no means a 2 Trombones + 2 Nest build, with a doppler and a chameleon mk2, hot red and Harpy cabin

And by no means is it poking fun at scorpion hovers. Not as useless as I first thought, but still won’t be raking up MVPs repeatedly. But a lot better than 2 Varuns or 2 Astraeus which usually put me in the same ps on any proper build