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Making more tanks. This ones fires really quickly thanks to the king/hadron trick. And I can sub in Elephants when I want to do more long range work (only requires swapping a couple armour bits for weight).


And here’s a harpy/grenadier thing:


The stacked double Fatman build looks sharp. It also is throwback to 4 years ago when that was the 9k build. Harpy over under Fatmans and some small tracks to race around in. This is kind of an updated retro build.

Cool stuff.


What’s the opposite of trolling, because I think that’s what you’re doing. :rofl: :+1:t3: :+1:t3:


Decided to give tormentor another try, and see what it can do stacked with the saviour perk.
Very deadly when I connect, but I have to be very sneaky and careful to catch anyone:


Been a while…wheels are sort of over, so what’s left isn’t really my thing, but I’m trying to make it work…sometimes.
This is where I’m at lately:

I got this camper vibe from somewhere and went with it.

I guess it was the Breaking Bad thing from the brawl that set me off.

Then I moved on to trains. IDK why, but I did.

I still need my wheels and speed fix though, so zippity-doo-dah it is.

What’s with the big-ass rear view mirrors, you ask?

It’s an excuse for Bunny and Chihuahua.


Love the mirrors. Hilarious.

I still play wheels on almost all my builds. The only exception is augers for raids.

If hovers become so OP nothing else works, I probably will move on. I just don’t enjoy playing them. :man_shrugging:t5: Very few of those build look interesting… You CAN make hovers look very cool, but by then, you may as well be in a wheeled build… Meaning hover builds that look cool generally aren’t OP. Whatever…


I think I’ve got tanks out of my system now, so I’ve gone back to the wheeled builds I usually play.

Decided to pick up a Hermes booster to see if that would help my Saviour melee builds, and it makes a big difference! I think I need a second one though.

And I was in the mood for drifting, so I made this:


I’ve never been a booster user… what’s the real difference between the rarities in boosters aside from fuel? Are the significantly more powerful?

Well, neither of the things that’ll drive me from the game have happened, so… not crying wolf proverbially. Just saying that if those wolves come, I’m out.

I haven’t tested them against each, but Hermes seems to provide more boost.
Having said that, on a build this heavy, one Hermes doesn’t really push me above my speed limit, but does get me there quicker. Hoping I can get up to at least 120 if I add a second booster. The impact damage seems to get multiplied by added mass and speed, and I would really like to max out that potential.
Even at just 80 kmh, this build can just cut through builds like butter, as long as I don’t run into a plow/track/leg.

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I have something similar to that with the Cerberus, but no boosters. I’ve been considering adding boosters to it, but the only boosters I have are blue, and they take too long to really get it going, so they’re just not worth the energy.

And legs, tracks, bumpers… all but shut these builds down. But, if you can get to the back of someone, holy smoke is it funny. :joy: It’s worth having 5 mediocre matches to have one where you erase three players from behind in quick succession.

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Whipped this thing up in about 15 minutes. 15 matches later, 15 wins, 12 MVPs. Solo queing at 12k.

Speed kills.


Size. Fuel. Thrust. I prefer the blue boosters. Anything I put a purple boosters on ends up being to high PS to be efficient. Plus Blue is 2 wide instead of 3.

I prefer the little chameleon also. You can stealth 4 seconds earlier which means I can stealth up to avoid missiles etc way more during a battle. Those 4 seconds add up to alot more stealth in 5 minutes.

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getting around to trying all the random stuff i keep picking up , this time its emilys… i wonder why i dont see more emily on the battlefield


i think we can only craft them during the Raven Event and, this year, there was no Raven Event.

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i guess thats true , but they are still fairly cheap on market

I won one in an event or crafted it or whatever on one of my other accounts - I guess it was the Ravager thing… I wasn’t impressed enough to keep it, so haven’t bothered re-investing in them. This was all before I stopped selling things if I was bored with them.

I imagine other folks don’t have them for the same reason I don’t. If I don’t get killed by them, I don’t investigate getting them.

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Re-load mechanic. Most people do not like it.

My other guess is: Lots of people played them when new and the novelty has worn off.


This happens with a lot of weapons.

Sometimes people think certain weapons are the only good ones and because the grind in XO is soul crushing no one wants to take a chance to invest on something they don’t know is good.


My cheapskate tendencies sent me in the other direction: if something seems cheap, I’ll give it a try, even if everyone says it sucks.
I’ll spend a lot of time trying to get something to work, just for the joy of killing someone with the worst items in the game.