Show us your builds

I’m glad you enjoy that, but for most people that is awful advise.

If your trying to be cheep it is better to buy something good that works.

This is true in real life and Crossout.

For example, I’m a knife guy, been carrying one all my life. I would rather one $120 knife then six $20 knives.

No mater how much I want to love the $20 knife, it’s not the same. I could work on it for hours and get the blade just right, but it’s only a false version of right because the steel will not hold the sharpness. Then with the more expensive knife you can shave with it out of the box and it hold a blade for a long time.

Now… I’m not saying you can’t get a bad knife that is expensive. But with a little research you can make a pretty damn good guess on where your money is better spent.

Food for thought.

Oh, but I get what he’s saying…

Which is more satisfying? Killing someone with something that anyone can kill someone with, or killing someone with the most bizarre & silly weapon in the game?

For some of us, the weirdo weapons most people hate are the most fun to use simply because it’s a bigger challenge… and a little funny. :upside_down_face:

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As a musician, I’ve bought and played a lot of cheap junk. Not having a lot of money for most of my life was obviously a big reason, especially at first, but I quickly discovered that I didn’t mind that I couldn’t get the big shiny radio sounds, because that’s not what I even enjoy listening to.
Making sounds that are different, dirty, and lo-fi is what appeals to me, and thankfully that can be pretty cheap.
Eventually I had enough money to get some of the more expensive items I used to covet, and it was fun to be able to approximate some of the classic tones I grew up loving, but ultimately that’s just not the kind of musician I am.

Anyway, I agree that you will waste a lot of time trying all the unloved items in the game if you’re looking for something secretly OP. But a lot of stuff isn’t nearly as bad as people say either.

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Got my RV! High tailed it out of that New Mexico sandpit fast as I could. Ducked into a garage and repainted it so’s no one can recognize it. Inspired by that moment you go to pick something up and accidentally squeeze one out. I call it “Quite Surprised”


Corvos are secretly OP. Absolutely nasty as high as 10K PS. Add Falcon in, and you can pop people faster than they can realize theyre even being shot. And that was before Thor came out.


Yeah, I need to get some again. I enjoyed them a lot, but the price surged a while ago and I got greedy.

I can’t remember - do reload boosters work with them?

Agreed. My grandpa was a cheap man, but he always said something along this line:
Never buy cheap toilet paper or cheap shoes. (unless your kids are at that age, parents understand)
One you buy to make sure you aren’t using your fingers, no point in buying something that is subpar at that.
The other protects something you will use your entire life.

PC account.


Thats stylish patent, but i think the armor on the side of your incinerators is a bit light. Id use an 8x2 bumper there instead if youre going for max effectiveness.

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too much weight. incy builds i play usually take damage in front an back.

It’s difficult for me to appreciate melee builds, but I think the passive melee (Flail) arrangement on that one is pretty dmn clever. I might have to borrow that.

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The outside corners seem to help me grab people when I ram them. Victims bouncing off of me is always a struggle with melee, unless I’m also using a skinner.

So are you challenging yourself at all then?

Most weapons are good. Perception of power turns people away from buying a weapon.

There are very few weapons I put in the “complete junk” pile


Well, I’m not a good enough player to be able to do much with some stuff, but I still enjoy trying.

It’s not so much that I want to make things hard for myself, and more that I don’t get the same thrill playing something that feels OP.
Sometimes I’ll work on a build forever, making endless adjustments and variations, but when it’s finally perfected I lose interest.

How would you classify a weapon like Phoenixes? I see them as a good example of a weapon that’s challenging, but playable. Which reminds me, I need to re-acquire them. I keep selling them for big profit when the prices jump due to that event where they’re an ingredient for something.

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This is similar to my only melee build I keep in storage. It’s far from OP… no melee build is, IMO, but it sure is fun.

Once I lose a Mauler, the effectiveness of the “trap” fades a bit, but if I catch someone, they’re done. It also has the Tormentor in there… a must have for Melee builds. In fact, I should fuse that now that I think about it.


This is literally my M.O. The only exceptions are the handful of builds I keep around for PVP and the weeklies. Everything else seems to get built to perfection & then forgotten.

As I’m learning a new weapon or build, I try them out in “CrossOut Light” - meaning raids, Patrol, and even Adventure. Just tooling around in Adventure will teach you what is going to be shot off first.

As the build gets better and I get better with the weapon, I’ll slowly work it into my PVP grind.

The one weapon class I’ve never gotten good at are… well… not a weapon or even weapon class. It’s any weapon that doesn’t rotate on its own. I’ve just never enjoyed having to turn the entire build to aim. I have a pretty decent hover platform I’m using to slowly train myself. I won’t be bringing that into any PVP any time soon, though. I hate being the bottom performer…


Me2. Very much, all of that.

I had a goblin/auger that was just OP. Mauled everything. MVPed almost constantly (I still think that crap’s broken), and I ditched it (kept the parts, though).

I used to be more like that; would tinker with builds until it wins, and then move on to something else. These days not much I do works no matter how long I tinker…well, nothing I want to play does. Like I said, the Auger/Goblin thing was pretty solid, but I really don’t want to play omnidirectional whatevers. I like cars, but they really can’t compete with the omnidirectional movement parts these days.

So…I sold all my crap and got some Hovers again.

Seems to work OK, and I did like Roopull does and tinker-tested it in Adventure mode first, then Patrol, and now I’m into PVP with it. Right now playing random solo seems pretty harsh, but it’s hanging in there and smacking kids around…but,teams.

Teams win in PVP. The META is ominous and tough, but teamwork is what really wins there. That, and being able to punk the matchmaker helps.

I’m happy to report that my trick for resetting the matchmaker’s power-score penalty for winning is working again. If you start getting matches that are too skewed against you in power-score, just get in the game queue, and when the match pages up, before the 10 second clock times out and the match begins, if you leave the queue before that clock runs out, your next match will be more even. It’s worked for that rig every time.

I don’t know if that works for PVE, like patrol or whatever (I wouldn’t bother), but it’s been working for me in PVP consistently with this build that is sitting at about 5.7K. It puts me back into groups that top out at right on 6K and down to about 5.3K at the bottom (with me in the middle). That’s a pretty tight match, I think.

You might get different results if you’re playing above 8K. I stay the hell outta there, mostly, but I might try something up there just to see if this trick works…of course I would have to bully some kids pretty hard to get the penalty, and I don’t think that’s going to happen for me at 8-9K unless I started milking the META. I just can’t do the META. Maybe Charlie has something in that range I could borrow. IDK. Give it try, if you’re up there, pwning it, and getting the low-down treatment from the matchmaker in PVP. Let me know if it works up there too. I Have a feeling it might not, because schit gets radical from about 9K on up, and it’s sort of a free-for-all with real loose “brackets,” and a commonly higher spread in Power-scores. 25% disparities get to be somewhat typical the higher up you go, I think.

I’ll have to try that. The Dual Fat Man Hover I mentioned elsewhere is already getting the bully treatment from the MM. It’s not terrible yet, but it’s getting there.

I’ve tried that build with Assemblers, which ironically lowers the PS dramatically (fewer supporting parts), and I’m getting better matches, but they’re not nearly as usable in PVP as the Fat Man is.

I’m still getting beaten up at almost any PS. My kid was playing on my account earlier & kept getting 5k PS spreads with a 6k Pyre Tower build. I mean… this thing is anything but OP


Here’s the dual Fat Man… I like it, but I need to address a hover-mounting issue I have towards the front. I’m pretty sure it’s a frame-issue. I keep losing both front hovers. It should be an easy fix.

Probably gonna switch to Jay, too…

zzzz - Copy

zf - Copy

Here’s how it looks with Assemblers. Mind you, they’re legendary. The Fat Man is epic.

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Since I’m trying a new gig (Hoovers) I’ve been doing Patrol rather than inflicting my amateur Hoover builds on the poor kids in PVP. I’ve almost never done Patrols, and this is the first year I’ve even considered it. PVP sucks hard since “Super Charged,” IMO. I’m so very tired of the META, and the wonky crap the Matchmaker does there…so anyway, what I found is that the Power-score disparities are way wider in Patrol than they typically are in PVP.

I started getting matches like you described, with a 3K or higher spread, even though my build is under 7K. That’s something I never see in PVP, but seemed pretty routine in Patrol.

Also, I’m not sure my trick works for Patrol (disparity resetting). Not like it does in PVP, anyway. I’m not convinced it’s really necessary with patrol anyway, as the bots really don’t take advantage of the opportunity the way organic players certainly would. Live players exploit every advantage at their disposal in PVP, while the bots run a more even match without cheats and META builds (and do a little art-farting, like I do), so it’s…more enjoyable, frankly.

It’s not like PVP is a truly competitive mode anyway, due to all the player exploits and the masochistic matchmaker cherry picking the worst possible opponents and maps for my build. Like if I’m running missiles, suddenly I get claustrophobic maps that make using them extra difficult (like Sector Ex). Essentially if you want to win in PVP you need to game the system every bit as much as you need to hustle the other players with counter exploits. In Patrol, there’s none of that. Bots don’t use exploits or the META…Their aim can be god-like though, and some of their builds are pretty cool too.

Anyway, point is I’m probably going to do more Patrols as I like it better for copper than raids. Not that it matters. Resources can be exchanged through the market, but I like the pace of the matches better in Patrol. My next roster will be built with a different scheme, and that’s to use the current and popular META (or just drone it) for PVP (if I even bother with that mode) and design more builds for use in Patrol.

I’m very sick of PVP. I’ve done nothing but PVP (periodically, raids) since I started (December 2018), and it’s made me hate this game often, with all their wonky updates and and the player META. Sometimes it’s been a blast, but lately, I think it sucks pretty bad, pretty consistently for the last six months.

On Topic:

Worked great in Patrol. Didn’t bother with PVP. Only a flying heap of spaced armor is going to work well there, and I’m not into that. Hopefully the new update will help with that. I think they’re trying to make Hovers less of an eye-sore and a platform for exploits. I’m rooting for’em.


This is kind of where all crossbows are at.

Some better then others but none of them are top tier.

But on the right build in the right hands they can be deadly.

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It does not need to be a heap of spaced armor.

But, I would at least suggest using 5 hovers.

If you put one right behind the cabin in the center of the build, this thing will double its survivability.

In that shape you can lose any two hovers and still fly (if it is built correct)