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Toadfish is about to get a major, major upgrade. Wont matter if spiders take back over the top meta, but if hovers survive this and stay top dog, Toadfish are going to be excellent weapons.

That being said, im guessing its gonna be Scorp > Mastodon > Punisher > Typhoon with firedogs as a counter at any given time. I think Breakers and Porcs are about to go straight to the bottom.

Rippers will be good, but proper building with bumpers can still make them obsolete. Framing wheel builds chasing you? With them getting full damage to frames now, they might take the old Porc anti-dog role over.

All just guesses of course.


If spiders and firedogs go to the top then porcs will be good again.

I love watching a firedog with a single flash thinking they can drive through a quad porcs barrels. They can stop some of them, but not enough And they get wrecked.

Also spiders crumble to porcs.

I would love to see Toadfish at the top. Crossbows need their time to shine too.

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I updated that “Hoover” build.

As far as Patrol goes, this build is the most efficient farm tool I’ve ever created. It’s practically effortless copper farming. Even got MVP with it in there once.

It’s made me question the purpose of this game. What is the point? If it’s to accumulate resources as easily as possible, then I win. Game over. Once I get into position, all I have to do is click shift, right and left (Owls-right and left, Barrier IX-shift). Then I just sit there and float while the aim-bots do their thing. It’s a little weird, for a “play-style.” It’s beyond easy-mode, and well into free-to-win-mode, as far as Patrols are concerned.

I accidentally queued into PVP with it. I was terrified I would get slaughtered in there, but nerp. It survived that too at PS 8.2K. I don’t think it solves PVP (I got lucky, probably), but it sure solves Patrol.

And ya, I really like my new checkered paint.


A funny story :slight_smile:

One time the dev team buffed the damage on sidekicks by 100% - this was like in year one of the game.

We would go into raids with full sidekick teams, sit in one spot and just talk in voice. Then Move to the next spot and sit and talk.

But wait, there is more :slight_smile: This was during the time I was the leader of a top ten clan named T4XP on Xbox. We didn’t play all week, went into clan wars on a Saturday night, we only played the night time session with 4 sidekick builds and stoped playing early because we got
Bored of just sitting on base and winning. We took 2nd place that week.

They nerfed side kicks a few days later :slight_smile:

Some old school Xbox OG players might remember.

It was one of the most OP things in XO, but didn’t late long, they patched it fast.

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Patrol is the one place were you can take certain turret/mine/drone builds and mop up with almost no effort. I have a sub 5k build that I’ll fart around in when I don’t feel like playing, but wish I did. :joy:

Love the paint job, btw. Has that Corbin Dallas vibe to it.

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I think it will be Helicon>Helicon>Helicon>Punisher>Scorpion>Typhoon>Firebug-Flash>>>>>>>Porcupine>Jormungandr>Breaker>Mastodon.


S Tier: Helicon
A Tier: Punisher Scorpion Typhoon Firebug Flash
B Tier: Jormungandr, Breaker
C Tier: Porcupine
D Tier: Mastodon

I think the new cab will help Jormungandrs and Breakers quite a bit as they will benefit the most from the speed, the perk and the buffs to wheels. The proliferation of these Kronos rush builds will give Porcs something to do.

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I’m happy about the rejuvenation of wheels with this update, but it seems like my Fuze drones are even worse than before. They sort of got nerfed to near useless almost immediately after I fused them, and now they seem even more worthless.

I’m using mostly Anacondas with these builds now, and those are one hellava workout to get any results with, and I haven’t gotten an MVP in PVP with any drone in a very long time (I did get one or two recently in Patrol). Grenadiers are still the dumbest bot of the lot, I think. IDK what to do with that one.


I put together a new Firebug build last night


You have a very distinct approach to paint and stickers.
I guess because you don’t really do headlights and exhausts, you’ve focussed on other visual aspects.

I almost never use stickers, although I’m trying to more.

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Exactly, I want it to look cool :slight_smile: but can’t take myself to waste armor parts on decor.

I played my tiny sub 5k turret/king build quite a bit, yesterday. It performed better than it has in a long time. It now moves & handles fast enough that so long as I don’t go in a straight line, the never-missing cannon bots no longer erase me. They actually miss. Fun times.

This is one of the fun things about playing down low… decor suddenly becomes very good armor - speaking from a mass to durability ratio. Some of them are huge, too. The Spring Drone, for example, has a mass of 36 & a durability of 45. If you’re building a light build at low PS, nothing in the structural parts comes close.

As for lights… I like to leave 'em off until I waste someone, then turn 'em on, light my flares, hit my holograms & go nuts with the horn because I’m an absolute clown in the game. :clown_face: :crazy_face:

My heavies, though… my high PS builds… yeah… if there’s decor at all, it’s just enough to get the 25% rep bonus & that’s it. Often times, though… none.

I was considering pushing down into even lower power-scores to get these kinds of builds to work, moving down to Cobras or something…except they jacked up the Hotrod, so I didn’t feel motivated to try. The Growl is always good down there (sub-PS 6K), and I’ve got a CK with good Aesthetics for it.

I sort of got sick of having my guns shot off like everybody’s the phking Lone Ranger about a year ago, now I don’t bother much with weapons you aim or can’t completely bury anymore. I’m just not interested in trying that hard. It isn’t worth it.

I was seeing the shotgun wedge was still doing pretty good, and they’re typically pretty fast and can be on the pretty side if you do it right. Maybe I’ll try that again.

I’m already over the Gremlin/Auger crap, but I’m not quite ready to ditch the build yet. I might want to win again at some point, and despite the recent nerf, it’s still grabbing MVPs in PVP… screened cannon Hoovers ain’t happening though, and that melee brick thing is just too…well, you know…I guess sometimes I need to just shut my mouth (and spread my cheeks) :hushed:

Ya, shotgun wedge is up next, I suppose.

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I have plenty of decor pieces I use as armor.

I guess what I meant was I’m not putting lights and all that where they are suppose to be.

To me:
using decor as armor = :pinched_fingers:
Using decor as docor = :-1:

So I use stickers.

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My lil one has the Bat, King, Cobra, Maxwell, Cheetah, Genesis, & a radio riding on Gun Mount wheels… FWIW.

My shotgun that keeps getting hammered by the MM (which must mean it’s a little OP) is a triple Mace, Jockey, Maxwell, Ampere, Hardcore on Lunar IV wheels…

Most of the stuff on these builds are fused, though.

Ah… absolutely. Well, except on my trolling art builds. Like I said, I like to clown sometimes.

MudnBeer keeps pwning me with his Mace-Wedge any time I creep into 7-8Kish. I’m pretty sure they’re fused, but I’m guessing the Maces are pretty descent then (that’s what he’s using too)?

I tried them once a long time ago, but they seemed worse than my fused sledgehammers at the time, so I just dismissed them. Maybe it’s time.

I’m not anxious to waste resources on fusion for anything too fancy the way this game is going, though. I saw that Auger nerf coming, and was glad I didn’t Fuse any of that stuff. Although, that nerf still ain’t stopping me with that combo (Gremlins/Augers).

I’m surprised they didn’t hit Gremlins and Goblins, though. They are more likely the culprit behind that META, and it’s probably why that build is still working despite the Auger nerf.

One fun thing about the Mace is the perk… That 1st salvo in a match is deadly to your target. If you put ‘em on Big Foot tires, they pretty much stay charged the whole match. Lots o’ fun.

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That sounds like an interesting enough project then; Mace-Wedge with Bigfeets. I’ll see what I can come up with.

Yeah, I’ve found that picking the right wheels to maximize weapon perks is very important for making wheeled builds work.
Bigfoots do the distance thing, buggy wheels do the speed thing (good for seals and oppressor), and of course hermits are great for speed and durability if you don’t need the perks of the other two epic wheels.
And then there’s the two frontal wheels, which I don’t really use because I didn’t like the handling.

That reminds me, I should get some sabbath wheels again, and see if I can get them to work with the current mechanics.

This is a prototype of a design I made a long time ago on a server in China, and now that Quantum is the lightest mid-size cabin available, I want it to be fast.


Is Helicon powerful?