Show us your builds

At range, Helicon does 2.5X damage and 2.5X blast radius 2.5X blast radius is about 16 times the blast volume according to the formula 4/3 pi X radius cubed. That makes its damage equivalent to a triple Cricket volley. Except, it reloads every 3 seconds, it is only 12 energy and it has very tight spread. Also, the rockets move through the air much faster than a cricket rocket and discharge is immediate so things are easy to hit. Every clean ranged volley landed is more than 1300 damage. Most ranged clean volleys are like a Heather hit in the 2500 damage range. In addition, 6 Helicon rockets are much harder to see in the air than 15 Cricket rockets.

In addition, Helicon has huge impulse, decent durability and it is very hard for opponents to hit it as the gun can be boxed in to builds.

The gun has 6 different perks: It bores into builds, heats then explodes, and it builds blast damage, blast radius and impulse over range.

I play every rocket, and what is most noticeable to me about the Helicon is the bullet speed and spread. It is much easier to hit ranged targets than a Locust, people don’t evade the shots very easily and it has the damage where people do not want to trade shots with you at any range.

The Helicon spread is extremely scary. Spread keeps Locust Waltz and Cricket from being long range weapons as they shoot wild after about 200 yards and you are likely to miss many of your rockets. Helicons are pinpoint accurate out to 400 or so yards where you are doing Heather level damage.

Up close the guns do about 1000+ damage every volley. Think of two Helicons as you would a pair of Mastodons up close and a forward facing Heather at range except better than both because they reload every 3 seconds.

Yes, Helicon is powerful.


Yup. Maces.

Way better than Sledgehammers. Those don’t even work at 5K. This same build (nearly) with Sledgehammers gets mercilessly pwnd in PVP. Once my market-offer for Maces came through, I slapped them on, and replaced the front end with what you see (It was a more conventional wedge front-end), I got MVP in PVP the first time out…like…


It’s an increase to 130%, not an increase of 130%, I’ve tested it,Includes other attributes

  • Perk: within 1 sec. after the shot, the projectiles gradually improve their characteristics: damage increases up to 150%, impulse increases up to 200%, blast radius increases up to 130%.

I think you are right. I will check this out.

The tubes in your TV are going out again. Slap it a couple of times, that usually fixes it.

Remember it’s not a bug, its a feature.

Another nice thing about them is that they fit just about anywhere Sledgehammers fit, so if you wanted to drop down in PS a notch or two, it’s easy to do. It’s hard to deal with the loss of that perk, though.

Are those Big Foot wheels on the back?

Why yes they are. I took your advice. Because it was a wedge-project, I only worked in one pair.

I think if I fused more of that gear it might reach apex predator status. As it sits, the cab and engine are the only things fused.

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Here’s the old quasi-wedge mace build I used for a long time. It got to the point that MM put me at the bottom every single match, so I haven’t played it in a long time.

It’s stupid-good, and went through at least a year of development.

I really need to fuse those BF wheels. I use them way too much to not have 'em fused.




That is not what I was expecting. That is way out of the box.

And also, it reminds me I also have CKs for those things. I should be using them. I see you are using the same cab MudnBeer is using as well. I think I’m ready to rework the whole concept now.

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That is a very bizarre looking build :slight_smile:

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I’ve found the short wheelbase makes for quick & tight turns - very helpful in a shotgun build. It’s as wide as it is long.
It also has a Chameleon on it… the teal one.

My go-to strategy is to race ahead of the pack, cloak, duck behind cover, and then wait for the first bonzai idiot to round the corner. Unload on him, then retreat to my team.

Having the Torero seems to tighten the spread of the Maces, making de-gunning a better possibility.

The bigger wheels in the back make it so the weapons are quasi-protected, but still have a good firing angle. I almost never get de-gunned in this thing.

Alas, this was built pre-update, obviously, so it’s probably useless now.

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I just bought another set of Lances, so it sounds like blind corners might be extra dangerous this time of the year. That is sort of a lancer strategy as well. However, I need to get more of a run at it to make it work. It feels very sinister, doesn’t it?

I used to have a Torero and I almost bought another one just now, but I pulled the offer because they were playing stupid market games with the sale. I’ll check it later.

I’ve considered the Hotrod (might try it anyway), but those stats are more nerf than buff, IMO.

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I still don’t know what to do with the Hotrod, but these are my current offerings.

I discovered I don’t have to META-wedge to make Maces work. Like a lot of things since the latest update, it’s good, but not OP. I get to play, but I don’t own the matches. This seems good to me.

With that build I can’t really hang out and brawl so much as I might with a Wedge-build, although I’ve done some of that. It’s a little Wedgie, but mostly it’s success is in the hit and run strategy. It’s like a shark; they hit, split, and then circle back around. If I do that well, my team wins a lot. I’m hoping they enjoy the freshly crippled adversaries I leave behind. They seem to, because those bad-guys are often dead by the time I circle back around.

Also it’s good for knocking super-villains off my mates when they get pinned. It’s a bit dart-like for a dog, and was fun. I missed that part. Seems like I can win, but it’s not always fun. This was, and I assume it’s because the developers nailed it this time around, at least as far as my parish goes.

Maybe this isn’t a good thing, but because wheels work again, my darkness has returned.

I’m sure I pissed off some kids last night. Nobody appreciates a Joust-rod up there arse. I’ve spilled my coffee a few times getting hit by Lances. Nothing in this game actually scares me like these do. They’ve made me jump outta my skin many a time. They are easy to hate.


New Nomi Build.

I’m going to get the fused Nomi from the BP and this thing will go from good to Super good.

This is a double Nomi Shield build.


What wheels and cabin are you using on your lance build?

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I’m using the Aggressor and some Buggy wheels. I think they both lend relevant perks to Lances. The Aggressor was hella cheap for a purple cab too. It being one of the few cabs having a speed that reaches 100 kph, I think it’s odd to see them so cheap.

I’m not sure what else it’s perk would be good for though, and Lances aren’t very popular, I guess. Still, that speed is a perk in and of itself, I think…but then I’m not too sure what else to do with it either.

It’s good at Jousting. It seems nice and stable when the Lances are mounted (still turns and corrects its path good), has plenty of power, and it sure is fast.

Before this update, I had issues getting up enough speed without using Boosters to get the Lances hot, and without that bonus they were too weak, I thought. I could add more Lances or Boomsticks, but I like to leave room for a drone, so I can still be useful to the team after I’ve spent my Lances. Which reminds me; the return of wheels also means my passive melee is working better too.

I think I’d like a teal cab that boosts passive melee a little, if they need new ideas. I do like the smash and grab, hit and run play-style, and I think I like passive melee better than active melee. I sure missed it when it was gone. Now after my Lances are spent, I can rescue mates from face huggers better, and go around ganking kid’s wheels, making them vulnerable and awkward. It makes me feel useful anyway.


Good choices for that build.
I’ve used aggressor for melee builds, but for that Bigfoots are better, as it allows you to activate the cabin perk very easily, even just holding the gas while your tires spin as you grind into a victim.
You’re making me want to get lances again! Buggy wheels look so good, and they work well with lances.

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When you use Big Foot wheels on Aggressor, the little perk animation is constantly popping. It’s kinda’ funny. poof poof poof poof…


My End Alpha Animal Beast :hot_face::smiling_imp: Sadly but True, Only A Wet Dream For Now :smiling_face_with_tear:
-Lot Of Parts Missing
-Most, Not BuyAble
-Many, Too Expensive
-Not Sure About, Which Wheels & HardWare I Will Take😅
-Parts Are Right Now 59/80 (Only Generator, Ammo Pack & Engine Are Installed :laughing:)
-I’m Sure PS Increase To 10K :joy:


Gasgen & ammo packs go BOOM.