Show us your builds

Hahaha :rofl: Don’t Worry Both Are Under The Beast but :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Crossout 2023-06-12 20-25-14-14

I was playing with a gas gen (mines not fused, it was a non tradable freebie) and they seem pretty survivable now. Or perhaps I simply know how to armor them up better than I did 2-3 years ago (last time I tried it)

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Oh, I’m just being silly… I never was really afraid of the gasgen. I use the Thor, too.

I’d rather go fast & have fun than slow never turn myself into a tactical nuke. :grin:

Purple ammo packs make pretty good armor.

I would never waste those hit points inside my build, plus when the bomb goes off I don’t want it in the middle.

Do the guys on other platforms pull their ammo boxes out the right and left back side behind your build?

It’s a pretty standard mid to high PS building style on Xbox.

You see 'em both ways on PC & lower PSs. It really depends on my build if I’m going to bury 'em or use 'em as armor.

Sometimes, it’s based on trial and error… which means lots of error. LOL

Early on, I was seeing people using ammo as armor, but didn’t realize that’s what was happening. Just all of a sudden, there’d be a huge explosion, and I’d just figure some cannon dude shot the same dude I was shooting.

Nope… that was an ammo box.

Coming here and learning from everyone on the forum and dissecting exhibition builds has been a great educator.


Yeah, if it is done right they are place in a way that you don’t lose any major parts when they blow up.

And you need to make sure that the stuff that does blow up has less HP then the ammo box itself. So this will net you extra armor points.

I will test my builds by blowing up the ammo boxes and if I lose anything like a wheel or a gun or module when they blow up then it is back to the drawing board.

It can be done in a way where you basically only lose the piece the box is attached to.

Also, this works best on Omni-direction movement parts so you can keep your back end facing away from the enemy.

Scorp build I won the most on, had the scorps mounted to the ammo packs. I rarely lost one. When you are flying around with scorps, people tend to aim at the scorps and not much else lol.


i always shoot hovers(movement parts) or legs ect…knock them out…‘your not shooting straight anymore’ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I haven’t played CW in a long time. It would have been really hard to shoot the 10 hovers off my build, none were in any line.
Do they not build with as many hovers now?

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i don’t play cw,only pvp

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They do.

MudnBeer likes to play 8-9k if I remember correctly.

90% of the time we are all talking about a completely different game.


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Some new builds I’ve been playing.

An artillery truck:

An executioner/king/hadron build:

And since I temporarily have a couple maulers as I work towards crafting another harvester, I figured I’d try them with a couple Lacerators and a tormentor on a cerebus:


First, thanks for sharing cool builds man.

Question: on PlayStation are the artillery builds Big like that?

I’m just wondering because when I play artillery I want the build to be as fast as possible and super lightweight.


It’s not as big as it seems. The only way I could make it smaller would be to go way wider.
Most artillery builds I see on PS4 are fairly fast, and have lots of spaced armour panels sticking out beyond the wheels. So they’re generally wider than mine, but not as long.

A lot of those wheels are non-ST and fused, so it’s actually pretty fast and can turn very sharply. The lack of spaced armour might make it a bit more vulnerable than the typical designs, but the big chunky fenders pretty much serve the same purpose and let me tank a bit. Still, I’m dead if anyone creeps up on me (hence the verifier).


We are talking about something very different. :slight_smile:

When I say light and fast - I mean really light and fast. I want to keep moving and stay as far away from the enemy as I can. Also between shots I want to be able to move to the next location fast.

I have not played Mandrake in a long while.

But I jumped in game and made this one really fast.

Part list (all fused):
Torero cabin
4 hermits
2 mandrakes
Thor genny
Epic Radar
Redhot engine
Cucaracha Horn

Also, shout out to Evan Williams, the original OG torero mandrake player.


Newest tank build (I don’t normally do these):


That one is definitely faster than mine, especially with the torerro changes.
But yours looks like it’s only about six blocks shorter than mine, and definitely wider.
I’m using a pretty similar set of modules, except for a verifier instead of a Doppler, and there’s an Iris hidden underneath for zeroing in on long distance victims.
And of course the cabin changes the approach. I like the higher fire rate of hadron, and it’s fast enough that I can keep moving and spamming volleys. The Heather reloads pretty quick when moving, especially with buggy wheels, and I try to use the mandrake to set up follow-up shots with Heather.

Your build looks more similar to what I usually see, although I think most are running six wheels under their armour.

I’ve done faster builds with harpy, and similar load outs and layout. But those guns are so heavy it’s really hard to get much armour on or any wheel redundancy on a light cabin.

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The hadron set up is good, but for me I found that with my playstyle I was not firing the next round fast enough to need that little bit of reload. I exchanged reload for precision strikes with the torero perk + Falcon drive.

Verifier is also a wasted module for me. I’m watching the mini-map the whole time with the Doppler for my attacks and even if someone looks like they are coming my way I run to the other side of the map.

If someone is within Verifier range I’m going to be dead soon anyways.

Run, run, fire, more run, run, fire

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Now that Torrero is a light cabin, I think I’ll pick one up soon.
Not sure if I’ll like it for artillery, but I have lots of other weapons I know I’ll like it with.
I just find there are too many matches with fast moving enemies, and accuracy doesn’t really help me hit them, as it becomes more about predicting movement and luck. Shooting constantly seems to raise my chances of a good hit, and accuracy still seems good enough to pummel slow spiders and snipers who got too relaxed in their cover (as long as I stay still when targeting them, and use the scope).

Unfortunately there are many maps where artillery is very hard to play, so I have to accept some matches will be very bad for me. Still fun though.
I go back and forth about Doppler vs verifier. Currently there seems to be a surge of dogs on PS4, so I’m favouring the verifier, but it does mean I miss out on some midrange victims who are staying behind cover as they approach.
I’ve also been trying some reverse tilt builds that allow me to target myself, but the travel time in the shells makes close range impossible unless I’m running a Kapkan too.

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Nice Camo :thinking: