Show us your builds

I get you man.

No wrong answer to any of this anyways.
It’s cool to see different perspectives and play styles.

I double down on the accuracy, basically turning my mandrakes into heathers.

Not only am I running torero and falcon, but also both of the mandrakes are fused for reduced spread :slight_smile:

I’m running Attitlan, as it goes better with my spray and pray technique, and also really helps when I get lucky and find a group clumped together behind cover.

I assume you’re running them on separate triggers?
Have you tried mixing one mandrake and one heather like I am? I’m surprised how much I like the combo, as I was just doing it out of necessity until I can double up one of them.

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I have not. I do have the BP Heather.

I’ll have to give it a shot.

Yeah, but I don’t really “run” artillery :slight_smile:

I made that build to show you, lol.

Now they collect dust again.

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You know the frustration you get playing and/or watching drone/turret players.
I get the same energy from drakes & heathers multiplied.

I wish they were more fun to play.

The Artillery brawl is hilarious fun, though.

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That’s my experience as well. Maybe I’m just not doing it right. :upside_down_face:

I think your doing it right.

I just think when someone is right on you your dead (unless you run and someone helps you), if you have 10hp or 10000hp

So I don’t see a need to waste weight on armor and reduce my power with extra wheels.

I’m not going to lie… lol… when I do play Mandrake (maybe once every month) I play the 9k PS version in the screenshot below)

Do you know how ugly it is when a 7k - 9k build gets hit with a double fused mandrake, lol, it’s priceless.

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That feeling… that’s very similar to how I feel when I splash multiple people with fused pyres in this stupid thing…


If ya’ wanna see people get salty, kill 'em, then get MVP in a rig that looks like a dog wiping his butt on the ground.
I’m not even sure how you can aim-bot with pyres, but when people get killed with this, they point out that’s how I’m doing it.


Here are my artillery builds.


What PS is the mandrake and kapcan?

That could be dirt really low. Hmmmm… I wonder how low I could build one :thinking:

Decided to show a little skin to go out to the club tonight, The Seal Club that is, lol!

  1. I was going back and forth between blight and terrero builds… but with one the bigger green puddles work better for me. You can drop 300 ps by using an omnibox.

Oh dear!

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Made it for Impulsive but I think I might keep it :slight_smile:


Looks cool man.

I just can’t play tracks anymore.

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I’m surprised and happy to finally manage this into such small, cute and agile build. 5100 PS, good enough for PvP, Leviathan PvE and make big barns burn in bedlam. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Minimal number of parts, too. Nice.

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Love it. I wish I had those wheel CKs. Nice package. I like the way it breaks it’s own established symmetry with the side mounted incinerator.

Looks sharp. Looks fun.

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lol. This Was AutoCrafted. Just Upgraded Some Parts :open_mouth: No One Knows Where is Front and Back :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Crossout 2023-06-17 02-11-04-10

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I think the rocket launchers staring you down is a clue where the front is, if not that the radar is a clue where the front isn’t unless it’s on a hover

A new design, after trying the line shooting angle designs they were too bulky, so I decided to make a design that would meet a certain level of protection while increasing the shooting angle as much as possible, and after some modifications I got it, the museum is visible, name: xin xing nuo dun