Show us your builds

Unlocked the new engine, and made this triple snowfall hadron spider with it.


It will be interesting to see what new metas come out of this engine. I can see heavy legs and augers becoming a lot more competitive.
Only time will tell what exploits the community will uncover.


That thing looks mean.

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I’m still not sure how good it is.
Does a lot of damage if all the rockets hit, but it’s been a while since I’ve played Snowfalls, and the projectile drop takes some getting used to.
Legs on all sides is pretty effective against dogs, especially with the Pegasus power boost. And snowfalls have reduced self damage, so you can unload on enemies at point blank range.

Here’s a weird match where I got a completely undeserved MVP:

Edit: forgot that Elon broke embedded links this week. Hopefully that link will work later, once he pays his cloud server bill.


That thing looks insane…

I’ve never used snowfalls. They look like a handful, but man the damage!

One suggestion… maybe… and coming from a significant point of ignorance… could you not put them on separate triggers so you could stagger the volleys?

I’m on PC, so maybe it’s different on console.

I could, and that might be more effective. When firing at long range, it often takes me a few volleys to figure out my angle. Could achieve that quicker and waste less ammo on separate triggers.
However, I’m not very good at using separate triggers for weapons like this. I would have to focus harder on what I’m doing.

Most people use them more like how most people use Avalanche: at close range. But snowfalls might be better at that, because of their perk.

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Welp, I forgot I had this one on exhib. A shame we don’t have real midnight anymore but this parking lot should do.


Dude, I thought that was a screenshot from a different game.


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Built this as a tribute to Miss Mel. Never took the time to post it on the 1st in her honor but I will be rocking lollipop paint this entire month.


The art build thread got me thinking about doing a daze/Yongwang build. Decided to go with a radar detector instead of a cloak, and not regretting it yet. The detector makes indirect shooting a lot more effective.
Might swap out the cheetah for a red hot, and see if I can squeeze a special cloak in there.


Daze Firebug


I know, I know, it’s not my build, but I’m pretty sure it’s the most important build of someone of you here. Which you use while playing XO :laughing:

Alright, I’m done with the off-topic, please continue with your builds


‘Totally a Console Build’ :shushing_face:

Pc chairs are …



I so would get the Scorpion chair but knowing how everything is so expensive, it would be safe to say it’ll cost upwards of 10k for it

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in 1 million years, when the scorpions have become sentient, they will set out on a journey of discovery…and they will find this chair humans made. Not having any concept that the human race existed, they will look upon the chair, see that it is like them but BIGGER, and they will bow to it in prayer. The scorpions of 1 millions years from now will have holy wars over this chair.


Decided to try to push the limits of the new engine, so I made a 15 leg build (mix of bigrams and ML200s).
Quite pleased that it moves pretty good, and it’s really good at pushing close range builds around.
Dogs keep flipping over when they try to attack.


Here’s an aerial view.

(Slightly updated from previous photos)


Made a Miller/omnibox build with the new legs.
Originally tried a triple Miller version, but the recoil prevented me from moving forward, and pushed me into too high PS for just four legs.

The legs are fun, but I need more. They’re too delicate to run only four.



Don’t take it for granted, not only does that thing have 25% penetration, but it works fine even if it’s designed to only have two left, and I’m guessing that most of the time your design won’t fail due to the loss of gerrida even if you’re only using 4

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True, I had one match where I was reduced to one leg and one gun, and was still able to steer and shoot.

Looked like a mechanical slug.