Show us your builds

It time for another tenshi overshare.

I’ve been continuing my explorations with the Hadron cab. The combos are as always a bit wacky.

This is my latest creation. I tried a lot of different designs to burry the dual toadfish/tsunami gun combo. I tried a banana, and all kinds of variations of omniwheels/Meat grinder builds. I think I’m liking this design the most. I’ve never put a tsunami a block down from the cabin roof before. And it works. So yay auger tilt! Ps it’s a great weapon combo. Same projectile speed and bullet arc on both guns.

This was my first design I started on with the toad/tsunami combo. It works well enough. But it’s no mvp farmer.

Here’s a Wierd ugly monstrosity of a build. It’s my first banana I’ve ever bothered to design. It sports two parsers and an assembler. Reload time is about 1.5 seconds and a charged shot is around 500-550ish in range. It’s a tilted mestgrinder/omniwheel build, with a 3 energy generator and a golden eagle. It’s a truly unique and Wierd build.

All three builds are in the 14-15k range.



Looks like the SWAF have gotten a new heavy troop transport, this one armed and armored to protect the convoys as it moves. unlike the normal steppenwolf transports this one is equipped with a nomad reaper as part of a joint protection pact do to the Ravager threat.

This vehicle is built to take a beating and tested through fire, Rumor is convoys of these thing with heavy tanks and walkers have been seen entering and leaving ravager controlled areas with almost no scratches. It is unknown what the steppenwolves are doing in the areas though and what troops they are dropping off if any. when we asked the drivers at a local bar they said it is classified and if we ask again they will have to shoot us.


Thankfully we where able to sneak into a steppenwolf garage to see one of these things as it was being repaired, troops enter from the sides it looks to be crewed by three, a driver just up front in front of what we where able to tell is a golden eagle engine, a main gunner just behind them operating the reaper, and in the center of the build another soldier who seems to operate some sort of local drone net.

It was only after they left the garage that we where able to enter and see what it does, the vehicle has a drone net in it, seems they are using these things to coordinate large groups of sidekicks and grenadiers in some operation. Sadly before we could download the plans the guards started to come back and we had to flee in our armored cars under a hail of bullets.

Will be posting the levi this thing supports later once I build it.


I call this Porkilator.

Am I clubbing? Idk. I never make things that are 6k ps.

It’s pretty bare bones. No engine or modules. It does have a radio. It’s just a bear cab, two augers, a porcupine and an anihilator.


As Much as I hate it, that isn’t clubbing, the only one that is really clubing is bringing in the scorps on anything lower then 7k in my opinion.

As annoying as a porc is at 6k it is countered by a player with mgs or a single argus user.

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I’m doing a bit of a sub 10k Run atm. 2x Toadfish/1x porc/2x meatgrinder/omnibox/golden eagle/radio. Oh and I decided to make use of that inflatable mammoth.

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Oh I have i dragon build to post that is 1000 percent art build but is all dragon. Even has machine gu eyes

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Made a fun low PS custom sport truck, and I’m pleasantly surprised that my queue times aren’t bad. Guess there are a lot more low PS players in my region, compared to some forum members.



I see you two were paying attention to that Omni thread (^:

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In a PS overrun by Growl cabins, here’s my Trucker build. It performs surprisingly well. The Armored Tracks protect it from those pesky melee builds.
XO Trucker 2
XO Trucker


I’m having tons of fun with my Kaiju in CW these days. Getting called a hacker kind of fun <3


Tenshi overshare time.

I’ve been making and playing mostly stuff with the new wheels lately. I’ve also made pretty much every build to shoot primarily towards the side. I’ve only really painted two up.

First build is my favorite of the bunch. 2xWaltze/4xSabbath/ammo pack/radio/listener.

Seccond build is decent enough. 2xReapers/humpback/opressor/2xAmmoPack/p-u charge/4xsabbath/2xbigfoot/2xclaw. I put the effort in to its paint job. I might make it a 16 energy build though.

Toadfish are fun but don’t seem very strong alone. 2xToadfish/hotrod/opressor/4xSabbath/chameleon/radio. I imagine if I take dual toadfish solo any higher than 7.5k it will start to suck.

Last is a masto build. 2xMastadon/hadron/appollo/oppressor/flywheel/ammo pack/chamelion/radio/verifier/2xbigfoot/4xSabbath. Mastodons just don’t turn fast enough for wheels and the speed bonus you get from them. So it’s a mih. I prefer Mastodons on other movement parts with other playstyles.

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I decided to make a deliberately ugly hover. Was going for a floating shipping container kind of look. Inside there’s a couple Nests, a Trombone, and a Kapkan.

I also made a minigun/aurora build, using buggy wheels to buff an oppressor and a couple seals:

I like seeing what other people are doing with those new frontal wheels, because I don’t know what to do with them myself. Those are good examples, I think.

Nope…I’ve seen way worse. Try again.
I love the Chihuahua sticker, and I wish I could get a full pair of those. I like to put mine on the inside of a mock rear-view mirror, to make it seem as though he’s in the cab driving, and that’s his reflection. I wish I had a picture to offer, because I think it’s funny, and it’s always an inside joke that unfortunately only I enjoy.


I usually pair my chihuahua sticker with that shooting star sticker. My chihuahua vomits sunshine and rainbows bruh.



Our (old) group’s Scorp builds


Latest build: Chonkcycle.

Parts: thresher/anihilator/ammo pack/radio/seal/chameleon/4x Sabbath/harpy cab. No engine.

Summary: I’m still on my low ps escapade. I’ve been trying lots of different anihilator combos and sabbath builds. This design works much better than expected. I kind of want to try a retcher with two anihilator now.

Here’s another build called Motorboat. 8.7kps

Parts: 2x Lacerator/anihilator/ghost cab/chamelion/cheetah/radio/listener

Summary: I was enjoying the anihilator harvester build during the last event. So I made my own version with the scraps lueing around my garage and in the spirit of my low ps escapade.


The recent annihilator brawl makes me want to give them a try again.

I wish drones didn’t have the dammage nerf. I’d much prefer the damage nerf work how say aegis works when multiples are used. One drone should be no dammage loss, and every drone that’s more than one gets a dammage nerf. It buffs drones, but promotes using them with other weapon types, and an all drone build still gets damage nerfed.

I also really want a huge giant 10 energy drone. Something resembling probius.

I found that one inspiring enough to want to keep those funny wheels now. That’s a fun looking build, and I wanna try one. I did try it last night (after seeing this post), but I got sleepy and burnt, and it didn’t turn out. I did another Hadron-Hulk build and wore it out instead…I can post that, I suppose. I haven’t built anything I like too much in a while, but I do keep pulling out this Hadron and those Hulks. Even though I didn’t think cannons were something I would be into, I’ve been enjoying those more than a lot of the other crap in my inventory often.

The Monkey has alleged that fusion is a good thing, and I’m exploring that now, and since I always seem to have more fun than I expected with those Hulks, I probably ought to put them on my list to be fused. Lemmy said he’s pretty happy with his fused hulks too. I’m waiting (16 days) for the Dusk to hit the Raven’s bench so I can fuse that, but in the meanwhile I think I’ll work on those Hulks and maybe an Engine to go with my Dusk.