Show us your builds

Try running an oppressor with your hulks. I find it really makes turret cannons more fun and effective on wheeled builds. If you can squeeze some buggy wheels into your build, even better.

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Maybe that’s what I’ll fuse. I liked that engine from day one. The Harpy too. Now I have those both, but I’m kinda struggling to fit it together in a way I like. I can see that Harpy finding it’s way to the fusion bench one day too, maybe.

When I started, I made a mental list of all the things I wanted out of this game and the Harpy was immediately my favorite cab.
I liked the Oppressor, the Corvo, and the Gun-Mount Wheels too, but some of that probably isn’t going to work out ever. I really wish the Corvo was a better gun, and sometimes I’ve just suffered it, because I like them so much.
I didn’t pursue the Harpy earlier because its perk was related to cannons, and I wasn’t a fan. But these days I probably have more luck with cannons than some of my other stuff.

I always need a cannon build in my rotation anyway, and I very much like to have a rotation, so I’m thinking the Harpy-Oppressor is going to find a permanent (get fused) spot in my inventory. Not much has so far.
I play a lot of PVP, and I think it’s much better for a lot of reasons to rotate your builds and play different styles, even if they aren’t your favorite with that mode. I’m sure clan wars are a different tale. IDK

Anyway, where I’m at in the game is; I’ve tried everything and now I feel like I need to make some choices, fuse stuff, and get with the agenda at the higher power-scores I’m being forced to abide in now. Sink or swim. So, any advice is appreciated (thanks), and I have been listening.

Not a lot is tickling my fancy presently, and I’m kinda looking forward to the next Battle Pass to help me with that. I hope it’s good. I really don’t know what I want out of this game at ps7K and higher.

Just to stay on topic, considering the WOT. sorry.

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I also loved harpy immediately, but didn’t use the perk much in the early days, and got frustrated by the sluggishness of its acceleration.
I came back to it, and use it with any explosive or ammo required weapons these days.
You make me think I should get around to fusing one for more speed, and finally use some of my stabilizers for something other than rares.
Sometimes I put my oppressor in front on my harpy builds for a drag racer look, but more often behind the cab, buried low between 1x8 frames.

Nobody use META build on the forum? Do i’m the only one to be a high tier player in the forum?

Nobody seems to want to post their meta builds, but if you do I will definitely give you a like.
I suspect people don’t see meta builds being worth posting, since we see them all the time in game, and there’s not a lot of variation between people’s interpretations of the main metas.
I’d love to see what you play though. Might help me understand your posts more!

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I had a legendary set before I started fusing parts. The first thing I ever fused was a humpback cabin I think. To go with my first set of legendary parts.
Id rather have big new shiny toys of a higher tier before I fuse my lower tier stuff. But that’s just me I guess.

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I’m a little high. Thanks for asking.



:man_facepalming::man_facepalming:Good lord save my favorite game .

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Your comment has nothing to do with this thread. Go troll complaints in one of your cry threads. You broken ð@ß#ing record…

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yes it does

Oppressor sports a very substantial durability pool. I often put it as low down between the frames in front of my cabin as I can. Since I usually always have my generator right under my cab. Placing the engine there gives vital protection to frames and my generator. I rarely place it behind my cab anymore. Sabbath wheels do cause me to rear Mount even the more durable engines however. This is simply because the wheels are awkward to build around and have large hit boxes. The wheels limit my building space area to tuck away modules. And right behind my cab and frames between the back wheels seems an excellent place for any engine considering how the wheels restrict part placement. I mean… I resort to sticking engines and chamelion to the sides of cabs as well on many builds. But on claw or sabbath wheels putting things that are four blocks wide between the wheels behind the cab works best. The only reason I would rear mound an oppressor on say bifgoots or omniwheels would be because I’m using it to protect an ammo pack or generator. On those movement parts I almost always front Mont heavy engines. Keeping in mind that once they best through the armour in front of the engine and inevitably destroy said engine, I need to make sure I don’t end up over tonnage.

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When I’m rear mounting any engine, I’m still using it to protect explosives, just from a rear attack instead of frontal attacks (I’ll use other ways of protecting my front in those situations.
But yeah, same logic essentially.

Main Reason I started always putting heavy engines in front of my cab was because of the excessive amount of firedogs we had for a while, and I was always on omnis with my front to every attacker then.

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Here’s my latest build.

2x porcupine/2x anihilator/hadron/6x omni wheel/opressor/verifier/2x listener/radio/ammo pack.

Since the porc and anihilator changes this weapon combo seems to work better now. This build is kind of killing it. Ps I used opressor over cheetah simply because I needed it to protect my ammo pack.

Ps I made some small modifications to my new “mammoth” build that make it looks a little nicer.


I’m starting to covet your style a bit. That’s a nice looking ride. I’m missing my Omni Wheels now, but I’m also learning what aspects of this game I really like by knowing what I miss about it.
Waiting for my new GPU to come in the mail so I can join in the fun is making me anxious. I wanna play.


Waiting like that could drive a man mad.

I’ve been playing anihilators a lot lately. I’ve only found a few weapons I enjoy pairing them with. A lot of weapons suck paired with anihilators and are better off without the anihilator pairing.

I have a 2x Lacerator/anihilator build that is working out well. So I added a second anihilator to that build. And it became poo. I threw it too high in ps for those Lacerators. If had a harvester It would work better for dual anihilator for sure.

Hmmm… What else would work well paired with dual anihilators?



The latest build by the crazed kobold, this heavily armored scout vehicle is built for hit and run ops. Armed with new toys brought to the wastes when the going gets tough this thing can either get going are start throwing.

Armed similar to the Foxhound the Feathered fear includes one more claw increasing its damage slightly and 4 new wheels. While it looks nothing like its progenater it still bears all the same strengths and weaknesses.


Can you put this one up on the exhibition? (if you still have it).
With your permission, I’d like to dabble with it a bit, and check if I can fix the sides to be more flat. So it looks like a cool little truck made of fitting pieces. Fresh out of factory look. And raise the PS up to some 4K while only keeping the 2 MGs in the front (Willing to go higher tier frontal MGs) so it can be pretty and usable at 4K.

Without adding additional armor parts and with flattening out the sides, and using a shiny fitting paint, it could look like it’s all one piece, and not welded from parts.

I think it is on exhibition. It was at some point. It’d be under the tag “SVG” plus a number like one through six (like SVG6 or something). My GPU burnt out a few days ago, so I can’t get into the game right now, but that’s typically my naming convention (SVG plus a number). I delete my blue prints pretty often so it might be gone, but I think that one’s still there.

Great, thanks. Looking forward to play a wasteland mechanic with it.

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