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I send this platform to all noobs in distress as its the best ranged wheeled build you can use against meta slaves and sealclubbers at low ps. It has 5 wheels.


Cmon fluffy, wheres the 1 block sloped armor for the guns? Diagonal layout, antimelee, all that good stuff. But 0 gun armor is tanking this things credentials

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Loses too much gun depression over too many angles. Gun armor works good with linear gun setups but diagonal ones not so much.


This is my current project codenamed the ripchain [might be permanent name i can’t decide]


Fragile, your gun up top cant see a thing and is armored by parts that let 90% damage through. Basically your gun has no armor and cant see anything.

Worked good for a drone boat.

Was a lot of fun on the ice. I will miss that when it’s gone.

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i think my wishes were heard.
More survivability to my drones, check out my new drone.

Once i realised, i run with it and deployed it in the map, my new sidekick is awesome.



Built by the Kobold Merc group or KPD for the dawns children the Raven is a high tech recon copter equipped with all the bells and whistles for detecting and monitoring hostile movement while also maintaining weapons and utilities for Air to air and air to ground combat.

As this is a recon copter its electronic systems are high end, having an advanced scope and enemy detection system, a cloaking device, and of course a ravager AI system to help detect and monitor targets.

Weapon wise it is equipped with two AI controlled helio’s one units though in vehicle to vehicle combat it is recommended that the pilot manually aim as the AI is designed for firing on hostile “infantry” such as sidekicks, and annihilators.

Right now, this scout vehicle is being put through combat trials in patrols, though it has already shown promise when piloted by experienced pilots the ravager AI systems helping to boost their combat performance in a vehicle not meant for direct combat.

The kobold merc group, has stated they will upgrade it in the future with FLOCK anti missile systems, as soon as they are able to rebuild their munitions plant… apparently some lunatic flew into it while drunk.


'wasn’t me…


Switched the wheels out (from Racing Wheels), added some fender skirting to the back, and a few other small details (better paint?), and got back to back MVPs in PVP with this last night.

Picked up one with this today too, but it was really hard. The drone-boat above was much easier to work.


Really didn’t like the tail on my raven so did some heavy rework of it.

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Wish I could get it prettier, but it’s hard to get this combo to compete, and this got MVP once, and has a habit of surviving, so I’ll leave it alone for now.

The gear is all fun to operate, and I’m liking the asymmetrical style, so I’m sure to try another build along these lines again, but I’m going to push the asymmetry a little further next time…needs more Star Wars.


I’d still probably try to rear or side mount them putting them close and in front is like please shoot them first.

Ya, I’m actually surprised it doesn’t happen more often (it has an Averter under the front two guns), but it’s a fast and mobile target, and I guess it’s hard to shoot the guns off with melee, and that’s what everybody seems to be using. It’s good at countering melee and other dogs, and I’ve been making an alright sport outta them tonight.

I do want to try another, and I think you’re right; the guns would be better in back, as long as I have plenty of aim freedom. This rig runs and zig-zags like a rabbit and I need the guns to swivel unobstructed.

I will try another. I do like this gear combo.

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That’s kind of what you have to be.

I can make this one work.

I think I’m happy with that. It’s got a little Hardcore in there fused for power, along with the cab, so it seems pretty responsive, not sluggish at all. The rear guns are glued in real tight with an Averter, and it’s got a reload module tucked in low, so I’ve always got hot fresh ammo…and it’s got a duck call…I’m gonna need that duck for the right fender.

Happy New Year!


That cab and bumper is so pretty…

The bumper has a real strong health score for it’s size (90 or 91), so it stays on. Not like the bumper from the Catalina pack. That bummed me out, how low it’s health score was. But, this one is much better.

There was no way I couldn’t buy this pack, even though I was mad at the game at the time. It’s just too damn pretty…and it has a duck call.

They do some sly crap over there at Targem with their “f2p” model, but somebody over there is a very talented artist, and it’s hard not to admire the stuff they do sometimes…like the Gerridae. Those are wicked delicious, and I like the Atoms too, so I’m glad I found a way to make them work…and it has a duck call.

If you use the CK for harpy it matches up ok too… I tried it on a few heli builds that I didn’t keep.

I’ve thought about buying it as an early b-day present to myself a few times but I have most of the parts already. They should give you a discount if you’ve bought those parts with badges as we’re active participants in the game economy. lol

Honestly I wish I could meet them just to talk about concept art with them. I doubt I’d get anywhere with them trying to talk marketing. Just the feeling I get. Which kind of sucks but I do love art chats regardless.

I think they are better positioned too. You’re not going to get wiped out via a single laser sweep. The set up looks pretty cool too.