Show us your builds


Not much to say, the Dawns requested a better cloaking module and proper anti missile counter messures the Kobold complied. upping the cloak to an MK2 and adding two flocks to the top.


You always make such nice Crossout builds, I wish the devs would look to people liek yourself when creating pvp and pve bots alike.

As much as I love creating I don’t build that often and I usually end up making something and then tweaking it over a long perios of time until I believe it’s perfect. Hopefully something will release and make me want to create a new build for it.

I want to make a good looking supercar but that’s hard to do with the cabs we have currently and I like to have semi-realistic proportions… plus I always need a light cabin


Well the final contest gave me an excuse to build, it’s not a fresh thing but I retrofit my original car to have winter skis, it has 3 wheels and 2 boosters, the front wheel hidden inside where the engien would go. The contest rules say it has to move and drive properly on it’s own so I had to add the front wheel.


I asked them for ski’s as a movement part a long time ago. lol

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I rearranged the saws on my melee-mobile last week, and I get much less climbing with them staggered like so…

Was an easy fix, thought I’d mention it, because that climbing over the top of my targets was damned annoying, and I have heard others make the same complaint too.

That’s a practical solution that didn’t require me buying more better expensive gear, and I didn’t even have to upset the build design at all.

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From a drone build ( Sidekicks)

To this

I don’t know if it will suck or not, but there you go.

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Decided to go back and carry on recreating my friends old Muscle car build… some challenge/raid/event spam later and I’m getting a lot of the parts I need

Friend’s old build for reference:

Next step is to swap the radiator for an epic, thinking of getting 2 of them and then putting a 2 point generator in as the gas gen was for future planning.

Then later fuse the radiators and swap the Therms (Joules when I get them) for Cyclones… In time


What level is that account?

I like projects like that and I have multiple rookie accounts. Some I just adopted from others who quit, and a couple I started just for fun to see what I could accomplish as a free2player…not sure I remember all the passwords anymore.

25, my purchase of 2 Snowfalls for 150 each and selling for nearly 400 each helped a little… perhaps I’ll keep flipping those for cash. Just put my offer in for my epic radiator.

I got lucky that I chose therms for my guns as the fused therms only cost me an extra iris which are 40c on xbox… so I grabbed 3, 1 to use and 2 to fuse the therms

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So all the main gear is now bought after a pretty chill day of grinding


Now I’m gonna save up and try to fuse the cab while it’s available in the event but I only have 4 days to buy it and also get the resources so we shall see about that… I do want that 3kmh though…

I find it funny when my friends say they can’t fit X Y Z in their builds and I do wonder how they build so inefficiently and I can fit all of this in such a tiny car…

Now to save for Joules, then up to Cyclones… I may get a set of Buggy wheels on the way for my radiators and Joules


Sounds like you’re having fun. I’m a little jealous.

Maybe, I’ll go dig one of my old abandoned personas out and join you in this project. I think I have one that is like level seven. My F2P account (RexLincoln) is actually pretty capable and well beyond, Engineer’s level 30.

My daughter’s old account is still under 30, but IDK. I’ve spent a little cash on my son’s now abandoned account, but the others are all F2P.

Level 25, you say? How low was it when you started tinkering with it?

Is that the hot rod cabin? Not a bad choice for that build, but you might want to try Bat as well. I found the perk helps explosive ACs like the therm a fair amount. Plus it looks cool.
I definitely recommend buggy wheels for that build, especially because they are so cheap right now. Epic wheels in low PS are almost OP.

Yeah probably because I’m not doing pvp… I go into Heli mode for basically free fuel to spam plastic raids to sell for profit and that’s my money maker… I will need Intelligence though so get myself Phobos when I hit 30.

I think 17 or something when I played a week with my friend, then I went up 4-5 levels recently… the Rise of the Machines combined with the 400% XP boost really makes leveling fly so I’m abusing that at the moment.

Yeah Hot Rod as it’s based on an old friend’s build using it and I like how it looks.

Yeah I probably will… it’ll only cost me another 400 coins or so, I want all my modules and such before I go for the Joules/Cyclones and the best part is I’ll be getting the free epic crate from the event and I managed to get top 5000 in ROTM so I could get another epic crate there which would all but secure my Joules to then grind to Cyclones… it’s all thought out ha

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So I dug up that old…Rusty account. I think it’s been out of action for at least a year, probably longer. IDK. I should have checked. Too late now.

This is my score card:

And this is where I’m at as far as gear goes:

That’s not a lot, so I’m gonna start by hitting that “Giveaways and Promos” thread.

It’s pretty pathetic. I love it already.


Hey take what you can… on PC you can’t earn from the market as much as we can on console… if we got market corridors I’d be hard pressed to still play the game

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Six months, I guess. That isn’t as long ago as I thought.

That’s my Rusty ace-mobile. Poor noobs. It really rips it up down there at PS 3.5K. I had a different version that was less pretty but even more lethal too (abusive maybe), but that is still plenty aggressive in PVP.

Also, I do see all the amateurs out there when using that account (level 13 Engineers), so at least I can say I’ve seen new players. They do exist. I don’t see them as much with this account, when I play ultra low PS. It’s mostly seal clubbers with sophisticated META and advanced weapons, and I do not feel bad about pwning them if I can.

I miss my paints and decor over there. For me that’s the hardest part to live without, and I could care less about the fancy gear. It’s really hard for me to not blow any coin I earn on bling.

This one I built from this account, and I couldn’t get it to work very well, so I ditched it, but I thought is was pretty.


Lore build!

Some time ago, a great war raged across the planet. This war brought many new and devastating technologies to man. Whilst they had been created in a bygone era, some had attempted to modernize them, attaching them to advanced chassis and creating destructive weapons second to none.

Crossout, however, put an end to these experiments, and the rotting husks of these hybrid weapons were left to forever lie dormant in the corners of the wasteland…

Or were they?

The Artificial Infection known simply as “Ravagers” may have a use for such outdated and rusted machines…


Better with bling.

Same RustyFord build, but with the new(ish) “Midnight Chitin” paint, and groovy stickers my Savage account has the luxury of having.

I had to blow some coins on frivolous cosmetics (one of the best parts of this game, IMO), so I bought a couple paints that were trending (cheap).


Yeah the amount of stickers on my main build is crazy and nearly impossible to duplicate, plus I use Chrome, Gold, Pattern: Checkers etc which is expensive.

Oh and by the way I bought a Buggy wheel for the muscle car and it doesn’t fit due to how crammed in all my parts are… so I’ll be posting a picture in 2 days with my 2 Joules hopefully…

I managed to get 4200 place with this account on ROTM so I’ll have the epic crate and the epic crate from the free event to sell in order to get the Joules.

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What do you mean it doesn’t fit? I could have sworn they can be placed anywhere racing wheels can.
Or do you just mean they don’t look right?