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Sadly not with how I mount my parts, there isn’t enough space… the hitbox of Racing wheels is so good


Are the frames inset one block from those buggy floors and that triangle piece?
Nice way to pack in some extra stuff. I usually put flat fenders in those spots, and then attach the pretty fenders to those, but that wouldn’t work with what you’re doing.

Edit: or is it those pieces between the wheels below the cabin and those side bumpers that are hitting the buggy wheels? The more I look at your shots, the more confused I am.

Yeah they are, I just checked and its the triangle parts that block it… I was so tired earlier I took my orders off the wheels but luckily the one I bought didn’t sell so I just checked… gonan see what i could put there instead because I liked that triangle piece

The racing hitbox sticks out just a little further and it’s making all the difference


I don’t like how empty it looks, I love JDM and a good stance… the fender gap is so big with the buggy wheel plus I lose that angled part at the front… I’ll stick to my racing wheels. As I wrote this it sold… so I have 400 coins currently… and tomorrow I’ll get an epic crate and the day after I’ll get another and get my Joules

I think I’m also gonna grab 2 Crickets and some ammo so I don’t get bored


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Finally replaced my old levi.

This is the kobold heavy APC, or KH-APC for short. IT is built by the crazy kobold themselves as a heavy anti ravager unit. designed to resist them in every way one can. that said it relies on a ravager AI in the form of the kobold police AI its creator has made. That said it has one flaw, it is not good for long form missions. its ammo is quite limited on its two main rotatory cannons.(the heavy miniguns) that said if needed it can stay out on the field for a few days cleaning up ravager units left and right.

Sadly mass production of this isn’t possible do to material limits even with the kobolds new contract to provide aircraft to the dawns children.

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Things are going well, I made a flag so I could spam the event for XP as it’s pretty crazy… your 400% resets when you level up too…

So I grabbed myself Phobos for the speed… decided to fuse the Hot Rod as it’s in the event for +3kmh. I also fused my wheels for power penalty reduction.

Next is to grab my Joules and fuse my cheetah for speed to get 120kmh, although it’s very speedy already.

Edit: Well I didn’t realize that the next crate isn’t tradable so I’m gonna put Joules on hold and nab myself a couple Crickets for the time being so that I can do some pvp


M44 Shrike
The shrike is a carnivorous bird that impales its prey on spikes, thorns, or any other sharp objects. The M44 was named after the bird due to its usage of rail accelerators, firing small, sharp projectiles. The M44 is fast, maneuverable, and has a thermal imaging scope for precise shooting at longer ranges.


My latest tinkerings…

For Copper Patrols,

a drone-boat for PVP,

and I lifted this one from my F2P account (Rex) for Easy Raids, and just gave it some fresh paint.


Love the wood panelling on that last one

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My little fuel farm build is set and ready

Nice first pvp game, I may do more



Built by the Kobold, this was a special order from the Dawns children. they wanted something that could carry a research team through dangerous ground such as a ravager controlled area. and deploy them under fire.

Warbrand came up with this the “Dawns wrath” as he calls or the “research Transport type5” as the dawns are calling it. This thing is armed with twin ravager enhanced helios plasma projectors, mounted on an omnamori defensive unit. But its weapon system is not why it was ordered its durability is, as such this thing has a 6x6 atom wheel drive boosted by a golden eagle engine. the central wheels are placed outward to increase stability in most terrain.

In the back to aid with this, it has a 4 pack of barrier shields which the research team can deploy to secure themselves while doing their work. To protect said team from other threats a doppler and verifier help point out cloaked hostiles. All while the catalina boosted weapons increase their defensive ability the more threats are taken down.

Granted this is just an APC designed to carry a research team, Dawns stated outright that the kobold went overboard as they where expecting something less… a rolling tank, but they still ordered a good two dozen of them as they can be used as a multi roll vehicle. if one swaps out the equipment in the rear bay.


Cannons. Meh.

Would be a fun build, but cannons. They get grazed by a shell and plink. Gone. Especially these Nags. I tried burying them a block deeper but the hit box on the Nag is bugged.

I’ve decided that the best way to protect these Nags from falling off is to leave them the hell in my inventory (or sell them?), but that’s sort of the trend with all guns now; they are very easily stripped unless they are mounted on the brilliantly conceived Omamori, which conveniently allows me to buy my way out of this manufactured, fabulously fictitious, ridiculous, issue that clearly has it’s feet firmly standing in another shallow marketing maneuver. I presume I’m supposed to go chase that butterfly, but I won’t.


Are you able to try a Barrier IX with this build? I’d say Aegis but just to keep the PS down. Shield saves me from this hitscan stripping meta so often

I would place the guns much further back, so that your cab and front armour can tank more of the damage before they hit your guns.
Also, stay far back. You have the range advantage, not the damage advantage. I’ve only played triple Nagual builds so far, and I assume that like other 5 energy weapons, 2 of them won’t do quite enough damage to be satisfying, so you’ll have to work a bit harder.

Alt version of the Dawns wrath. “Kobolds Wrath” swaps the verifier for a cloak, has a lower grade radar detector as s result, and a flock for counter messures. more focused on sneaky tactics then dropping cargo then blowing holes.

Also I like blue.

EDIT: wrong image was used.


I’ve got a couple of those. I canned the build though. I’ll try something different. ML-200s seem pretty weak, but I’ll probably try’em again anyway.

Dual Nags on separate triggers seems to solve their bloom issue, so that part of the project was successful. I have an Averter so I’ll try that, and I like the Barrier IX idea too, so maybe I can squeeze one of those in there next time too…that “plink” thing is complete BS though, and shouldn’t even be a thing.

Ya. Back to the drawing board. :neutral_face:

I feel like these cannons (and most of the other long range sniper guns) are best played on fast builds that can constantly be relocating.
With ML200s, you’re better off with cannons that are more durable, and especially the fixed angle ones. Side mounting often works well, and allows you to armour them more effectively.

I missed posting photos, so I did the lazy thing and took a photo of my screen.
Made myself a werewolf and some junkbows, mostly to try out the new cabin perk. It’s great! I love that the drone stays alive until it gets destroyed.

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I really like that one. Sharp AF, Pooney4U.

I was sort of thinking the same thing, so I went with some small tracks.

It’s completely undrivable, because Crossout magic. It Spins out every time I try to make turn…soo, another one for the round-file, and back to the drawing board :rage:

As much as I love the look and feel of the racing wheels with that CK, I was losing my wheels too much, and the exposed cabin was leading to too many one-shot deaths.
Reworked the front end and swapped in some arrays:

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