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the Mini Leviathan

5240 HP
Grizzly Co-Driver
Armed with two Chords, an Elephant, and a Joule.
No, this is not a leviathan build, this is an “armored car” (heavy emphasis on the quotation marks).


Went through a few versions of this before finding something that worked. Nagual/manitou/flywheel/oppressor/listener/iris/buggy wheels:

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Behold this stupid thing

I made a leviathan gunship, just because (I know I can’t deploy it).

Fun to fly though


It’s back.

I’m flipping that bird hard with this one tonight. Between the Boom Sticks and the Aggressor, that has to be the most “just push W” set up ever. The cab’s perk depends on it.

Before anybody calls it one hit wonder murder cheese…

I’m still working on the cosmetics, but the rig seems to work. I’m considering fusing those Boom Sticks, so I can maul the beef out there a little better. The Melee and Goblin bricks are still something of a thing, and they are hard to take out with just six sticks, without having a mate soften them up a little first.

It’s got a Sidekick in the trunk (I always use a drone with my joust-rods) to keep me useful to the team even after I spend the sticks. I don’t want to be one hit wonder murder cheese. I want my team to win.

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If you have some Bigfoots, they make the cabin perk charge really quickly.
But they might ruin the look and feel of that build.
Lances are something I have barely played and might spend some time with this year. Got killed by a lancer a couple times today.

The Big Feets don’t allow me to smack kids around very easily, as they tend to send me up and over my targets, making me vulnerable, and don’t seem great for the passive melee I’m relying on for violence after the sticks are spent.

I was really considering getting another set, but IDK. I like Jousting, and I seem to be getting better at it, but the last time I tried Lances they were too weak for their power-score. I mean, I could do the one hit wonder cheese murder thing, and carry a full load of Lances, but then I’m no use to my team after that.

To be fair, my team played hard for that win up there. I would not have gotten that MVP if they didn’t.

I know because I went through a couple matches with some selfish players before that, and it didn’t go so well. It was pathetic.

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Yeah, you would definitely have to rearrange your passive melee to make a wheel change work. And I find Bigfoot steering and acceleration too sluggish. Buggy wheels will buff your lances anyway, and fit better in the build.

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I went with this camouflage for my Jousting build.

And, I found a good use for that point counter too

I’ve decided to fuse those Boom Sticks, and I raised the funds to do it by selling some Arguments that I had Work Pieces for (the price is good right now), and that Icebox I had for a nice profit too…but then I chickened out.

It’s expensive, and I’m frugal (miserly). So, I think I’ll just take my time and craft the components as I go along, fuse them one at a time, and see how it goes (using my nifty point counter).


The hitbox on Racing Wheels is so good

Too good?

I got all paranoid that they’ll “fix” Racing Wheels, so I disguised it (like nobody’s noticed). Plus, after you mentioned it, I couldn’t stop staring at it, and it got under my skin a little.
Ahhh…that relieves the OCD fit that was giving me. Much better now.

Also, that Avia Double Slope allows the Flails to clip very nicely into it.
I hope they don’t “fix” that either. I was very pleased with how beyond snug they fit together, and will probably use that combination more in the future, rather than the usual Torino Bonnet or the Sikoro. It really packs a lot of health points into that area.


Going through a wood paneling phase.

I imagine that the interior smells like Stetson.


I call it…“Ulcer Vomit.”

It’s not pretty and vulnerable like my drone boat (previous post)…and probably doesn’t smell like Stetson.


We do a little bit of photoshop :pleading_face:

I mainly use this but with Mastodons. It’s a very solid build overall apart from the obvious degunning issues that tracks have.

I also have a levi … We call it the Bismarck :joy:


If speed it’s not top priority, change a couple for hardened tracks, 75 kph it’s sufficient and keeps the other in line.

Looks more like a Tirpitz

Was having fun with this last night.



I did retouch a few things paint wise after taking the screen shot but they are minor:
Bumper, exhaust, and the little back iron work were changed to be painted dark gold.

I got a few MVPs out of it already. The wall hack ability is useful but you still kind of have to look at the mini radar to figure out distances. Personally I’m rather fond of the hamster face on the front window.

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Upgraded my junkbows to fafnirs, and made another werewolf build with them: