Show us your builds

I like my more efficient builds, but sometimes the matchmaking hands you lemon (maybe it’s the week-end, maybe holidays, who knows?), and when it does, it’s time to build a pretty car and lose in style.

I don’t remember when Hulks started sucking, but I haven’t played them for a year either, so… shrugs


Also made this random pancake to go with my Tempest build.


Lmao just got called the best impulse player of all times

What’s funny is that I recently realized just how much my gaming skills declined with age. My reaction time, my mouse movement, my accuracy…


stange that i haven’t seen smt like this in 5k CC XD


nicknamed “the old guy”

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I like the junkyard look of that one. Like a homemade tank.

Here’s a couple of heavy Yoko FIn Whale builds I built.

2 Harvester Skadi Yoko and Firebug Flash Yoko. The builds have 4600 hp and hit 111 with Yoko Perk and Phobos. I have the -Mass+radar+Power Yoko from the original battlepass. Both have a wide wheel base, 14 blocks, and 10 Buggy wheels, 6 steering, 4 Non steering with the non steering wheels located mid rear as I like them. With Buggy wheels, you get the whole Fin whale perk whenever you travel faster than 68 kph. That is, at almost all times.

The Harvester Skadi build is mediocre at high power scores but can put in work. The problem is that Harvesters are less effectively durable and do less damage against less stuff than Firebugs. The Skadi does help saws get throough bumpers and plows and into the frame. I’m keeping a set of Harvesters to experiment with when the impact damage buff drops.

Firebug Flash Yoko Fin Buggy might be the strongest loadout in the game. I can run down hovers, wedge Leviathans and it kills enemy firedogs because they can’t pin me but I can pin them. Wide wheel bases are harder to pin. Small wheels turn more sharply than wide wheels. Yoko has way more pushing power than Blight. Fin perked weapons last way longer than normal. Take that all together and you have a firebug and levi killing firebug. It doesn’t love Porcs or shotguns but it can fight with both of them.

This build is a triple fire build on Blight. I have 2 bugs and a fused Draco in the middle. It uses 8 Buggy Wheels, 6 steering, 2 non steering. The Fin Whale makes the build do an easy 120. This build easily runs through big spiders and then it has the speed to make a fast getaway afterwards. It is hard to chase and it has the speed to run hovers down. The Fin Whale perk keeps the flamethrowers on. I understand that it doesn’t look like much but its a killer.

I have two Beholder Fin Whale builds, one with Hammerfalls and one with Retchers, but I forgot to upload the screenshots.

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I’ve been experimenting with Jotuns since unlocking them, and this is the most fun build I’ve come up with.

Buggy wheels and oppressor for quicker targeting, flywheel, Doppler, special cloak, Jannabi.
Basically I just drive around like a maniac and lob snowballs at everyone I pass, then go hide and do donuts in a corner to keep my cabin perk up while reloading.

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Here’s a Fin Whale Beholder brick.

Beholder (-Mass +Speed =Mass) bp Fin Whale, 8 fused Buggy wheels, (6 Steering, 2 Non Steering) bp Omamori, bp Thor generator, 2 fused Shivers, 2 fused Seals, with Phobos Co driver. I have 2 fused mini pass Hammerfalls with the firing rate fusion.

I built this vehicle with clan mate Schrod doing the front end building. His version uses Breakers, an Odin and uses 2 Hermits and 6 Buggy wheels.

My version does 116 kph max, (83+28+5 kph) and has 3450 hp. The Omamori, Buggy Wheel, Fin Whale combo keeps the Hammerfalls on the build quite well. At 116 kph, other cars can’t catch me. This build likes wide open maps and doesn’t like Porcupines and Kapkans. This build can also wedge a lot of stuff as it is very low to the ground with Buggy wheels.

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Thanks for posting all these buggy wheel finwhale builds!

I’ve started making some larger buggy wheel builds in advance of unlocking the engine, but I think I need to make them wider like yours. Longer skinny builds don’t always handle well.

Have you noticed how they buff your seals too?

I hadn’t noticed or quantified it, but the Seals seem to be putting in a lot more work than the Shivers. When it gets going, it seems to get about 13 Hammerfall shots before overheating. A better version of this build would be 3 fused Seals and 1 fused Shiver.

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How wide is your wheelbase on those?

Width is the secret sauce. The Beholder brick is 12 blocks wide between the wheels and the Yoko brick is 14 blocks wide. Also, I believe in using heavy frames on important pieces, such as the front end frame and the 2x6 side rails. I believe that wide builds turn more sharply and are pinned less easily than long skinny frames. Also, long skinny builds have less protection around key parts of the build and are much more vulnerable to explosions.

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I think I basically need to take the proportions of my small four wheel builds and expand them in all directions.
One thing I have noticed on my eight wheel builds is that they often handle better when I keep all my non-ST wheels in the rear, rather than sandwiched in the middle. But I think that’s probably only true for the skinnier builds I’ve been making.
Need to do more experimenting and testing.

For me, non steering wheels are always on the second row from the rear for 8 wheel builds and the next middle row up from that for 10 wheel builds but that is a personal preference on handling. I like my non steering wheels mid rear with the far back row always steering. There are some players who like their non steering wheels in the far back, but I don’t hold that against them.

There are a lot of other possible Fin Whale shotgun and Firedog bricks. Fin Humpback is extremely popular at the moment and I have seen several excellent versions of Humpback Draco/Firebug builds and Humpback Breaker/Hammerfall builds. These aren’t on the exhibition as clans are keeping their Fin bricks as clan secrets. I think there is an excellent Fin Nova brick and Fin Draco Icebox brick that hasn’t been made yet as well. For Fin bricks, mostly what you see is Fin Yoko followed by Fin Humpback and a smattering of everything else. Not many people besides me are using Fin on light and medium cabs.

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I’ve been considering picking up some hammerfalls, so this might be the time.

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Challenged myself to drop Snaggletooth down as low as possible without fully destroying the rig. Got it down to 5.7 ps with only 55 parts. To get it to 55 parts, much of the passive melee came off, and I had to jerry-rig the frames but, as long as it’s played as intended, it’ll do just fine. The booms and (subsequently) the generator have been removed.

For the pictures I removed the paints: Black Gold, Crater, Damascus Steel, and Lava so you can see the parts on it but those are still on the Exhibition rig.

All in all, with this redesign, I think newbies to the wasteland will be able to build it with minimal investment into the game, though, to build it right from the start, people will still need to buy the 4 Horsemen pack.

On the Exhibition under RVGD Car Pack 55


*Fortunate Son gets progressively louder *


ha, F the dog meta
