Sorry, but these numbers suck

I started getting into tracks, and then Supercharged happened…I’d like to get a set and try it again. I need a solid cannon build in my rotation and have none, because I’d rather see it on tracks than Omniwheels (which I don’t have either). I’ve got the Snow Worm CK too, and I like it, so I’d like to build me a tank, but IDK if that’s viable.

I’ve got some extra coin presently, and I bet they’re cheap, so maybe that’s my next project (again). I think I’ve figured out the melee-brick thing plenty (was too simple?), and I’d like to do something else, and tracks sound good to me, but do they work, and how?


I’ve owned hovers for a while now, but rarely play them. I just find grounded builds more fun to play, and I don’t feel like hovers give me so much of an advantage that I need to use them.

And now that we have omniwheels, gerridas, and atoms, there are lots of nimble omnidirectional options. I even prefer meat grinders and ML 200s to hovers, despite the lack of speed.

I don’t think the devs can do anything to make the hover haters happy. I think it’s more about some people wanting the game to be mad max, and not being able to accept the other aspects of sci fi that exist in the Crossout universe.

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This game has much more than just thematic issues, and I don’t think it’s lack of popularity has anything to do with it’s distance from Mad Max. There’s a lot of stupid schit in there to complain about, and I think most of us here actually like sci-fi. I do.

For example: I love Star Trek, but Deep Space 9 is simply a garbage soap opera with aliens, and unwatchable.

As far as game balance goes though, I don’t see hovers as being much of an issue these days.

I wasn’t trying to imply that hovers or sci fi stuff is why the game isn’t more popular.
The game isn’t more popular because it’s a small free game from an independent Russian company. That alone puts a low ceiling on how popular it could ever be. The other big reason is the nature of the game: building is complex and confusing, and most people want their games to be more straightforward shooters. The whole building thing is what makes the game great, but also what keeps it a niche game with a cult fanbase.

The truth is that there are a limited number of people who want to build vehicles and then fight with them. That’s never going to change, so you might as well get used to it always having a small playerbase.

I think it would be good if we could all step back from the idea of mad max on tricycles and realize the dystopian world could be larger for one.


Sorry I even mentioned Mad Max, but this game is full of a lot of schit, regardless of the genre anybody tries to pin it to, or unpin it from, and it has nothing to do with the only feature it shines with; the complex build feature, or it’s Mad Max thematic.

It’s years of reckless and haphazard development, and some pretty shady capitalism…and years of the same boring-ass maps over and over (that last one’s JMO). I’m relatively sure that’s what the most common complaints are, not that it isn’t more like Mad Max…but if there was a game that had this build feature and stuck a lot closer to the Mad Max theme, without the pew-pew, and didn’t have magic hovers and omnidirectional movement parts, and shady schit like Crosscrowns, I’d be gone in a click and never look back.

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I think we’re just in the realm of general dystopian sci-fi right now. There are plenty of movies we could refer to though. It’s just not right to pin it on a single one though.

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Ya, right now it’s Terminator III; Rise of the Machines.

lol yeah it could be a good title rip…

Could be? Nah, it is. They even have the Terminator’s Big Rig (from Terminator II) on sale in the store.

And, a likeness of Sarah Connor as a portrait.


lol more than fair evidence… I still wish I could run over zombies and mutants in the game but they’d have to raise the age ratings…


Not if the “zombies” were old animated crash-test dummies…infected by the Ravager virus (“We will be one.”).

I wish we had Crash-test dummies for drivers too.

I actually like the Terminator sci-fi theme, as well as the Mad Max, and Death Race 2000 themes. It’s just some of their original sci-fi sort of sucks (like hovers). The Matrix theme the Ravagers push is probably my favorite, though.

As far as I can tell, the Northern Light’s Mariner theme is original, and that’s pretty bad-ass too…The Gronch isn’t bad either.

This new Rise of the Machines Brawl is probably a good one too, but I still like the Ravagers best. Those guys are genuinely creepy, and the developer’s workup of that genre has been very immersive every time they’ve done it.


We could be blowing up super trains and stuff too:

Like this wouldn’t be fun for a chase mode? Kill the atomic train… :smiley: It’s not like this is new stuff…

I could care less about the PVP hover issue btw… You shoot them if they are in front of you. Kill the bots first that will help the rest of the match.


Yes, trains. They could put it in Adventure mode, and give it a proper “boarding time.” They could make Wuling Motors pay for it too, by putting adds on the side…and a flatbed-car carrying their tiny cars, of course.

I wouldn’t be against them selling advertising space in Adventure mode, like on Zeppelins too, if it helped pay for developer hours, and allowed them to back off the P2W a little. They already have fake adds in some of the city maps. They could work up some cool promos that fit the scenery…if their game was more popular?

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There’s tons of this stuff too mostly off air now… Highwaymen remember that show? I won’t care if they paid extra for spotlighting some of the old strange dystopian shows. Some of these odd things they could pull parts from too… Would you care if they said go watch X at Y time get some highwaymen parts?

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Honestly how much does look like it could just fit right in from the above show especially with the new heli parts:

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Or say the wheels off of the landmaster from damnation alley:

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I don’t do cable, sooo…meh? Not really, as long as It wasn’t like I had to watch a video before I got into a match, or anything that impeded or interfered with game play. I think passive advertising would be fine, like they did with Wuling motors, though.

There’s plenty of internet channels. I do agree with the other point as long as I don’t have to watch a video before a match though. I think a lot of it could just be name recognition. There’s lots of older stuff that just could get a small co-existant boost out of it and I don’t see anything wrong with that.

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Great for holloween:

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