Sorry, but these numbers suck

“They all know nothing can stop…the CAR.” :joy:
I saw this show back in '77. I was like 9 (poor Elvis). It was creepy…campy in retrospect.

It’s infamous they did an episode of Futurama about it too:

I don’t know how they don’t pick up on this stuff for the game.

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I am hardly playing at all. The game is so imbalanced it isn’t fun. The balancing patch didn’t balance much.

Helicopter mode is a joke. it’s 2 players and 3 bots. And the players are either way out gunned by the bots, homing missile spam or Destructors.

Thought it was based on Christine. I see The Car came out first.

Anyway. I think barring some real balancing, I am slowing quitting XO. I go several days now and don’t even think of logging on, it’s repulsive.

I thought that too until I saw the other one. I think it’s just easier to make the other link as the movie is more popular.

Every now and then I’ll take a day’s break but I try to do everyday if I can just for dailies… I tend to get off as fast as possible unless I find some one to talk with. I can understand your point though it is kind of boring after a while. I wish there was more to explore and do.


Ya, it seems pretty subtle, but I figure it mostly involved crap I didn’t use or experience, if I could avoid it.

It didn’t do schit to all the melee. I would usually be playing right now, but I decided I had enough of the gddmn flying pigs.
Four or five matches in a row against that same hog-squad was enough.

I might go give it another round. Maybe they’re done. IDFK. I am sick as hell of all the melee, and was disappointed to find that wasn’t on the update list.

I don’t even see those builds at 7-9k you might just have to move up to escape them.

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my tusk build is 8.9k. They are still OP. I don’t even pay attention to the ramming charge, just like when it was 3. I’m gonna ram people no matter what the bonus is. And at full weight, it still one shots people.

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Ya, that’s all you can do too, but I get bored with my spider fast, and wheels are outclassed at that level, which is what I’d rather be playing on, but they aren’t that great outside ultra low PS…my spider probably does need to go for a walk though. I don’t hate it.

Low PS has been a plague of this melee thing all year. I do hate it…and now I do it too out of exasperation.

Skyrim is the other way I’ve been avoiding it…Pirate TV…bitching on the forum, trolling political sites…etc.

Omni works well at 9k, I’ve dropped my hovers for them for the accuracy gain. You can get away with 4 of them and be the fastest thing on the field.

I still do shivs in the range too but it’s touch and go. It’s more about picking a good target at that point. If you’re miss matched it’s a dead end but it can still work sometimes.

A lot of the movement parts are like that though just takes the slightest miss match to put you at the odd end of winning. A lot of times you just have to look for the slightest advantage even if it’s a hill.


Looks like they are about to do some maintenance…

No details in the announcment.

They have the winter event to fix so the codes probably uploading.

I see some guy on reddit is saying Big Feets have improved (hadn’t heard that myself)? He’s got a video of him with Big Feet and a Thyrsus tearing it up pretty good. That looks good to me. I like Big Feet, but they have been sort of lame for a long time. I wouldn’t mind getting mine out of storage if they’ve been improved. I’ve got a BP fused Thyrsus too.

Agreed. Most everything could be made usable against everything else.

Me too. This has been a bad year from where I’m sitting. I was very much enjoying it right before Supercharged. Not so much after that.

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I never liked them. I have 6x of them but I hardly ever touch them. Last build I did with them was a small miller build with 2x st hermits and 2x normal bigs in the rear. It was do able before heli because the inclination of the guns didn’t need to be that high. I don’t know if I would attempt the same build now. I would probably have to leverage hills to get them to shoot right for those in the air now.

I remember buying them though because at the time they were good for raids as in they could take a lot of damage. Outside of that I didn’t get much use out of them.

Meh…my Thyrsus sucks schit at 9K. It reloads fast with a module and big feet, but still. It doesn’t do schit for damage compared to what the other kids are packing at 9K, and it sticks out like a sore thumb. IDK how that other kid was making it work. I can smack kids with it four or five times and not do crap. I basically have to hit a guy like ten times with that damn thing to light him up. It’s pathetic. IDK what to do with it. More Legendary garbage, IMO. I’m trying not to scrap it, but Jesus Garcia…

Think Xbox Crossout Land is even worse always run into same people very often. Too often. I been wanting Cross-Play for this game a very long time.

Game will be dead before we get it then it be to late.


It does seem like its the same 40 or 50 players on the box doesn’t it.

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Bad decision after bad decision is going to start showing eventually, and be felt more and more as time goes on as more and more players decide the game isn’t worth it


Well I said it in other post too, On xbox anyhow its ran by clans that run off new players. Like squaded up clans at low powerscores with laughing & farting horns on new players that is solo and not in squads run into these people multiple times in a row trying to level and earn stuff and get mad and leave.

I know because I had like 10 to 15+ friends of my own try it and get the same frustration and hate the game because they cant win when not in squads with nasty builds.

They could split up squad battles from solo players but now there not enough player base to function i feel.

All the creators of the game try to do is find out how to make the next $10 out of players instead of fixing core issues that runs off players. They try to add flashy new content to keep interest levels but all there keeping around is vet players / try hards mainly.

And I am one that tries to fuel the new players giving them veterans tips and how to make coin to buy stuff quickly. Also why I was trying in past when Clan Confrontation came out to get some old Engineer Badge earning back to solo players. Which they added it back ways for solo’s to make engineer badges.

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