Suggestion: fused items and co-drivers increase PS

The flaws into this whole argument:

The queue is fully separated for Pre level 30 players, and post level 30 players, i already had epics way before reaching level 30, but only saw legendaries on bots until level 30;

It is impossible for a player past level 30 to play 5k os or lower, as no player past level 30 actually plays it;

Test it yourself, take the starter car, and attempt to find a match.

Relics are still used in the same “low ps” builds as before, they just are at a different ps now.

Do you even realize that most of the time you need to do 3-5 fusions on an item to actually get stat increases that are NOT garbage? Most of the fusions don’t even do anything.

The only items that actually benefit from fusions are the ones with very hight stats, such as extremelly slow reload, very high mass limit, huge durability, and guess what? NONE OF THOSE ITEMS ARE RARES OR SPECIALS

There is no option to “un-fuse” an item, and if the PS extremelly significant, like enought to bump an 8k build to 11k, it will straight up kill fusioning for anyone outside of CW, people will salvage their “useless” items in masse, just like some people actually salvaged their typhoons after the nerf…

If i can’t exchange my fused items for 3, or even atleast two of them, i’m literally going to salvage all my upgraded items with no second thought…

And because now only CW players upgrade their items, now coins will lose even more value even faster!

thats not true—my clan mate has been playing today on a 4k build and he’s having fun. and he’s way past level 30.he 138…
true that beginners are in pre 30 eng…but there are alot of players playing post eng at 4k from i see…
but that’s on PC…pc Rocks !!

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I’m on PS4, and I have no problem getting into low PS matches. Queue time is almost the same as what I see above 10kPS.

I personally don’t bother with fusing much. I enjoy the pre-fused BP items I have, and they are definitely much better than the unfused versions. I’ve fused some of my untradable rare items that I used to receive in crates and as gifts, just because it was cheap and because I don’t need six spitfires or whatever.
I would rather have a wide variety of items than a smaller number of fused things, but I am definitely aware of how much fusing can improve a build.
I can’t imagine being upset about the idea of fusing increasing PS a modest amount. The whole point of the PS matchmaking system is that it is an attempt at fairness. It’s true that it’s still not always a fair fight, but that’s the goal, and I respect that concept.
The only advantage experience should give you is experience.

Finding a match around 4K depends on the time of day for me. Sometimes I get in, usually I don’t. If more people played PVP down low it would be a lot easier to get matches down low. It’s hard for me, though. Almost never happens. I don’t try a lot anymore. Maybe I will for the sake of argument.

Nobody is suggesting anything like that, I hope. It wouldn’t be necessary.

Also, this proposition is considering the new co-drivers system, which could possibly (probably?) lend itself to some seal clubbing if nothing is done about it.

UPDATE: I tried to get a match at just over 3K, didn’t happen.

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No… the Devs will not pay a glance at it because they do not come to the forum any more.

Simply not true. One of my main builds is 4k and i have a "3407"PS as well - it can take a minute of 2 to get a game and it is easier in the evening and on weekends, but its not prevented. YOu have to accept up to 4 bots per team though.
Also - i even got below 3k couple of times with full teams - depends on the time. So BS.
I have no idea where this weird rumor is coming from. Stop spreading it please.

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Level 30 engineer does effect match making. I’m not sure how hard that line is drawn in the sand, but the match maker does “try” to take it into account.

When less people are online at lower PS levels I’m sure it is affected less by this rule to make que times lower.

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I am willing to believe this rumor, though hard statements from devs would be nice, but I am just stating that playing at lower PS is not impossible after lvl 30. Even if its reduced in probability.
I think more people should play at lower PS and NOT smurf to create better environment for new players.

I think that’s true. I tried again yesterday and I got in at just over 3K, and in a reasonable matter of time too (about a minute). I was surprised and unprepared. It doesn’t happen very often, but it does happen, so I also think it is an issue with the tiny population preferring to play at 9K or higher.

We need more people playing. I think that improves the overall functionality of the match-maker in general.
I wish I could come up with a clever marketing scheme for this game. Reddit isn’t it, and neither are these youtubers.

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When people progress they want to play with their new toys and sell there low ps ones. It’s is the natural progression, but like you said it leaves the low PS lobbies unpopulated.

This is another issue that new players have. They get in games with a bunch of bots and think the game is completely dead. Most people don’t make it past that first day or two before they uninstall because they want a real PvP game.

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you can say that again, I lose brain cells on the Crossout subreddit


You can say that again, also I think many people here are mellowing out once they realize everyone is here because we love they same game.

It shouldnt be about personal attacks, or “git good”, or “shut up noob”

We can disagree with each other without acting like idiots :slight_smile:

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They are actually investing heavilly into advertisements recently, i’m literally getting ads in PORTUGUESE for crossout (a language the game dies not support) actual video ads which show the ganeplay.

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its not a rumor, i remember devs talking about it.

yes, this is also true or at least used to be. i kind of tested it years ago. you can do it by looking at profiles of teammates/enemies and compare your findings to your queue time.

yes it is. now, how many posts have you made claiming the mm is rigged yadada because you cant play low ps? too many not to come to the realization that you were wrong because you have a tendency to go down that rabbit hole, if you know what i mean, my good sir.

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Playing on lower PS should be part of daily/weekly challenge - like “play 10 games at PS below 5k and get 100 badges” or whatever. Anything to lure hard grinders into PS below 7k - but we MUST be welcoming to new players and stop curb-stomping them in low PS with fused shotgun builds.


Yeah but you know people would just have 999 meta builds to go and do those challenges then stop just like you said, you know the playerbase…

it already has in the past updates…
been trying to stay in 7k…but updates make me 8k…
so i get rid of my holograms and lights n well…all the fun eye candy stuff just to be in 7k again…
if this makes me go 8k again,i have nothing else to take off to go 7k…
i will be very low hp,thats all i can take off is hp at this point…
or i will just take off my weps or wheels :rofl:

I agree, but for me personally I would rather get curb stomped buy real people then play VS only bots.

You will have two groups of guys.

  1. the “holy cow I can’t wait to have gear to stomp people like they are doing” this is the guy that gets addicted and stays
  2. the “holy cow I’m getting my @$$ stomped, I hate this game” and they never play again.


  1. this game is nothing but bots, maybe I should play more to see if the rest of the game has people.
  2. this game is dead, no people all bots, uninstall.
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Given the opportunity players will optimize the fun out of any game.
Thats why devs shouldn’t always listen to the players - we are compulsive obsessive monkeys with attention span of drugged goldfish. Devs have to create mechanisms in the game to protect new players - there is a lot of psychology tricks in this skinner box to keep us playing and paying. Question is of course - if numbers add up. Maybe its more profitable to invite few but very dedicated players.
You know - how eMail scams are intentionally stupid, to only lure in people stupid enough to actually fall for it?
So maybe same here - its by design filtering only OCD mosachists who end up loyal and paying.


Yeah but at the moment it’s barely fun to play on xbox, you load into a game and the enemy are usually just a 4 clan of 999 metas and 2 bots vs you and your 3 blueberries and 2 bots, it feels dead af

People don’t realise how having the entire real player side of a team consist of 1 squad is unbalanced af, I dont know why they made it 6v6