The bot problem is really starting to ruin any pvp experience

She openly brags about it

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And like I keep saying, if you don’t want me to talk politics, then your side should stop bringing them up.

just looking at that the person needs to be in the nut house lol not watching it

i dont have a side,and that wasnt for you,but i will give you 3 guesses and the first 2 don’t count. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

She even got a collection of animal skulls in her living room, shes a total whacko

I find it hilarious how people assume that our govts importing massive amounts of manpower from other countries to keep them poor af (poorest people have more kids), is somehow a big brain conspiracy from ((((((them)))))) (insert the minority you’re most paranoid about between brackets)

Couldn’t be white powerful people owning 90% of the world buttfucking us like they did for the last 2 milleniums. Nah, it’s the dudes who can’t even afford a boat ticket to Europe/the US. Totally logical.

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my 1st guess is myself :rofl:

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So that isn’t talking about anything that sweetbaby inc are doing.
She is talking to people who work at the big companies who are concerned that their bosses are going to release games that are going to do badly because of being out of touch with the times.
She’s actually reinforcing what I am saying: the marketing departments at the big studios are increasingly concerned with how their games are perceived, and because of that push their bosses to try to address that.

That is not blackmail at all, and is not being perpetrated by her company.

How did you exctract that from that clip? she is openly saying that it is ok to get a mob to go after higherups to push your agenda whatever that may be, she even specifically said for your wants not because your worried the game might come out bad. That is totally unacceptable. She made no mention it is because the game might come out bad at all, your trying desperately to extract what ever you can possible perceive to confirm your biases to the point of even injecting false information that came no where near close of what was said, your conclusion is soo off the mark.

Are you guys really going to write a book discussing some “scandal” that is inexistent? You guys even posted a vid of Asmongold accurately pointing out that it doesn’t mean shit in terms of sales. Nobody’s terrified, nobody cares, anyone who plays garbage AAA games is losing by default anyway for consuming garbage, streamlined, risk-free consensual sh!t that is just the 20th rehash of good games of the late 90s/early 2000s

We all know Diablo V is going to suck massively, and that you’ll all buy it :eyes:



hell ya good idea lets all ban together nd write a book of non sense then we all can make huge bank off it lol


I was just weighing in and dropping my 2 cents on an already derailed topic

Didn’t seem like no one was aware of the ongoing controversy with sweet baby inc that’s been gaining traction the past 2 weeks so everyones aware of it now. Loads of videos on it so grab your popcorn and enjoy.


personally i dont pay much attention to the bullshit in the world, i just game, make content on some random shit in games with no edits then i upload when ever i fell like it lol i can care less bout what ppl r bitching bout but ill have fun making fun of it

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I wasn’t aware of it until 3 or 4 days ago and i would of never found out about it if I didn’t have the critical drinker in my subscribe list which lead me down the rabbit hole of whats been happening lately which is being nicknamed gamergate 2.0. He normally focuses on movies so it was quite the surprise he did one focused on video games

Not meaning to fan any more flames on this but just found out that the chief editor and chief at kotaku who originally wrote the hit piece trying to discredit gamergate 2.0 just resigned

Do you know why they resigned?

I’ll give you a hint: it was about the money people who bought the site messing with the whole structure of what they do, nothing to do with any right wing pressure campaign.

Personally, I’ve been aware of this “scandal” for much longer than you have, and don’t get my info from “critical drinkers” who still believe that gamergate was actually a thing.

Do a bit more reading, watch less YouTube videos, and try to employ your critical thinking skills more.

The video you posted as proof of a blackmail campaign on the part of that company does not show that at all. They are clearly responding to a question about what employees of big game studios can do to convince their bosses that it’s bad business to make games that are going to be criticized for bigotry.
The truth is, things have changed. If you release a blatantly homophobic game now, it will not go over as smoothly as it would have 30 years ago. There’s no conspiracy required to make game companies and employees want to avoid that.

Back when I was a kid in the 80s, a friend of my parents ran a similar consulting company, but instead of being hired by game companies, their clients were just generic corporations.
What would happen is that the corporation might get some bad press about sexism at the company, and would hire these consultants to tell them how to make their company look less sexist. This is the same kind of company. Neither need to engage in blackmail or pressure campaigns, because their corporate customers already want to pay them for their services.

78 new replies?! I only took an eight hour nap. Geez…cant be asked -__-

Heres my bitch about modern things: When did it rock music stop being cool in the least. Its like disco or the dodo. If you can find someone between the ages of 13 and 25 who like rock as their primary music, youre living in a different place than i am. All i hear is rap-pop blended flavors of everything and pandering soulless country songs.

But hey, Pearl Jam got its first #1 song in the year 2024. But 0 people have heard it. The few remaining rockers were like, wow that doesnt completely suck like most rock coming out now, play it again DJ!