The bot problem is really starting to ruin any pvp experience

Yea thats right but gamergate 2.0 is the straw that broke the camels back and the timing is too big of a coincidence for it not to. He might not explicitly say it outright just to save face and walk away with a bit more pride intact than admitting that the backlash got to him.

Gamergate 1 was 10 years ago this is a totally different animal. You did not know about gamergate 2 until i brought it too your attention so no your not more knowledgeable about the current times. I’m not gonna submit any more sources on it because i shouldn’t have too, a simple youtube search will bring up hundreds and hundreds of videos i only included the critcal drinker because hes funny. Do I really got to do your homework for you because all i see is will full ignorance.

Where did you ear the word bigotry from in that video? you just filling in the gaps to confirm your own biases.

We ain’t saying it is a conspiracy but a trend. This has been ongoing for so long that their are entire channels devoted to it with millions of subscribers. This has been ongoing in the movie industry for more than a decade where story writers plan out the diversity or what not first and the story comes after which makes it forced diversity which in turn makes for some bad story writing because story writing is not the focus but more of an afterthought. People are sick of these trends. it is nothing to do with bigotry, homphobia whatever you wanna call it. Gamergate 2 is just a wake up call and not a conspiracy to these trends in game writing and story telling.

Brokeback moutain came out like 25 years ago which was a really good movie because they actually prioritized good storytelling and didn’t come out as forced like this day and age.

Most of this just reminds me of:

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You misunderstood my post.
I have been following this current fake scandal for at least a month now, which is longer than you have. I also was very familiar with the old gamergate movement too.
It’s the same people pushing both, and both are ridiculous and based on nothing.

As far as the reality behind the scenes at Kotaku, I am confident in my assessment of the situation. I worked in media for about 18 years, and continue to pay attention to what is going on in that industry. It’s the same story all over: hedge fund MBA guys take over a publication and either strip it for parts or decide they understand the business better and try to reinvent the publication, often killing off the only parts that were successful. Just the usual story of rich guys overestimating their own competence.

I think you might have a view of how movies and games are put together that isn’t completely based in reality.
The truth is, the woke aspect isn’t what makes a given movie or game bad, it’s just something that wasn’t done well. You focus on the woke aspect because that’s what stands out to you, but would that thing really be better if they got rid of all the minorities?
Most mainstream culture products are cringe, and it has always been that way, even when nobody was trying to be woke.
Like you said, you can make a great movie about gay people, and you can also make a bad one. It’s not the gayness that makes it bad (unless you are a bigot).

If anything, people hire a company like sweetbaby because when normie dudes try to be more woke, it tends to be really cringe, because that’s not who they are. So they hire some more woke people to look at what they did and advise them on how to make it less cringe. Not a big deal.

Sources please? the people pushing it weren’t even around when the last gamergate happen so your point got zero merit. All this started because sweet baby inc pushed it and made a big deal out of sweet baby inc detected who barely had any followers which is called the streisand effect, if they didn’t push it and tried to get sweet baby inc detected cancelled than no one would of took notice but they were the ones that blew it up not the other way around. Channels like the quartering, asmongold, critical drinker, penguinz are at max 6 years old and there are way more channels than that talking about it and thats just the tip of the iceberg for youtubers covering this. You think all these channels just got together one day and conspired to blow this up?

I doubt that, you might have read the first couple of things that popped up in google search and called it a day and this has been ongoing for 2 weeks not over a month, so much for your knowledge on the current debacle. The tracker didn’t even get made until february and the absolutely earliest mention of it anywhere on the internet was for march 1st. I got my doubts you have been following this for a over a month when the earliest mention of it anywhere on the internet was 3 weeks ago.

The outoftheloop subreddit is the only thing i can possibly find anywhere on the internet that dates back to a month, if that’s your only source will god help yea.

Show me your sources from a month ago because if you can’t than I can’t take anything you say about gamer gate 2 seriously when you can’t even get your timelines right. Now go on the hunt to back up what you said, arguments first sources later with you.

I guessed at a month, because I knew it was more than two weeks. So it was probably about three weeks ago.

And yes, many of this current batch of YouTubers are younger, but the whole reason I knew about this before it blew up is because people have been paying attention to some of the behind the scenes gamergate figures, and noticed them starting up this campaign. I’m not sure who originally got this thing going, but at least some of the people who pushed it to a wider audience are left over from the original gamergate.

And for people that weren’t around the first time, the original gamergate was started by a dude who was mad about getting dumped and started a revenge campaign against his ex girlfriend, who happened to be a game journalist. Then it snowballed into a similarly dumb panic about the wokes taking over games.

Brotha get some dark mode

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Im good with forced diversity in games based in their own universe. Now as for a game set in the real world, say USA in 1810, i wouldnt want 50% of the free roaming NPCs to be black. At that point, you are obviously pushing some kind of agenda.

That being said, I just F*d a devil named Karlach in Balder’s Gate 3, so you know, im down with the diversity i suppose. But Gale and Asterion can stop with the unwanted advances anytime…thatd be great :+1:

no, they all conspired in one man conspiracy cells to make an easy and quick buck on yt by peddling drama, dare i say hate. it sells.

there is no grand conspiracy needed for people trying the same trick to get rich or famous. people who scam old people or something all do the same thing, without any conspiracy at all, because its easy money.

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[quote=“nobler1500, post:107, topic:20704”]
Sources please?
[/quote]Your trying to have a debate and mocking me for my sources and yet you haven’t provided absolutely anything. I alright caught you in either a lie, an exaggeration or a bit of both. The original youtuber who pushed it was asmongold and yes he have been around for sometime but only gained enough popularity in the past 6 years so he never had no influence on the last gamergate so no these are not the same people like your trying to make us believe, all your doing is making stuff up, trying to bestow knowledge that you can’t even remember and mixing it in with left wing public opinion of the last gamergate to muddy the waters.

And ain’t hat how all mass protest start either online or in real life? just because someone is pushing it doesn’t mean that peoples grievances don’t mean anything!!!. Someone starting a black lives matters protest standing up for they’re rights means nothing because someone pushed it and those people protesting are just drones following the pusher? it works both ways and someones got to lead to get the ball rolling, it got to start somewhere.

If that’s the case then black peoples rights mean nothing just because martin luther king pushed it and it wasn’t a simultaneous effort by every one protesting on capital hill. Stuff like this don’t start if there wasn’t a common harbouring of feelings being left untapped. People are genuinely sick of this non sense in modern day media and it got to start from somewhere just like how martin luther king got the ball rolling in the 60’s.

I already said that in case you missed it

I already answered it previously, critical drinker got a channel with 2 million subsrcibers completely devoted to bashing woke media. He wouldn’t have 2 million subscribers if people were not genuinely sick of woke media We ain’t saying it is a conspiracy but a trend. This has been ongoing for so long that their are entire channels devoted to it with millions of subscribers. People got channels devoted to ukraine with millions of subscribers and they are subscribed because they are genuinely opposed to the war. These warbloggers makes loads of money but do that make they’re cause any less sincere?

ok bud,go face palm now :kissing_heart:

yes im bumping this up.

I had a match yesterday, 6v6, 3 bots per team… Their bots ran in with a hover breaker, 3 shotgun and 3 Mg bot…

Our bots had dual mammoth, mammoth + fatman and a Mastodon bot.

Yeah their team got obliterated and they couldn’t do anything about it because the bots all sat in the cave entrance on broken arrow so they couldn’t be flanked

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That isnt an automatic recipe. Cannon bots are a huge threat, but if you can survive a couple balsts, theyre easy enough. Let a MG bot go uncontested and itll clean up the map just as well.

Having to play around 4 Mammoths and a Mastodon with aimbot is just cancer though, MG bots will run in and do tickle damage whereas the cannons will stay back

On that map its harder than usual. But bots typically target the first one out (and if they have any weighted average that boosts them targeting players with good stats/win rate/etc.), meaning you can aggro them in such a way as to lock them up (especially on maps like control 17). Get them to target you, feather the brake to get them to shoot a corner instead of you, circle around, watch them rotate and now your bots/team got a jumbers advantage.

Or you know, typical PvP where no one plays attention or stays back and loses all advantage you bought them while slowly getting whittled down 1v4.