The Wobble

sure thing, here is me with Augurs at the testing range, notice everytime i turn and stop to face the enemy, the crosshair wobbles from side to side.

To me, that looks like the fast pivot function I mentioned earlier.
When you release the gas while turning, you immediately start rotating, and then you pull your steering in the opposite direction to compensate for spinning too much.
If you release your steering before you release the gas, it shouldn’t happen.

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Fast pivot you say?.
I never had this problem before with augurs omnis atoms until a few months ago, the devs did something to the game to break it all.

This was the last big changes for them.

Changes in controls of tracks, Rolling-based movement parts and augers

For all tracks, rolling-based movement parts and augers:

  • Added the ability to quickly switch to rotation on these movement parts (previously it was only available after the vehicle had come to a complete stop). To do this, you need to completely release the gas key and press only the turn key. This edit will improve the maneuverability of these movement parts and make it possible to quickly change direction. Previously, in one form or another, this was available on all movement parts, except for tracks and rolling-based movement parts.
  • Reduced friction parameters. The change complements the mechanics of the quick switch to rotational movement, and makes it easier to push vehicles with these movement parts.
  • Increased the speed of rotation on the spot.
  • Improved suspension (similar to wheel suspension). Now travelling in cars with these movement parts should look more natural.
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Tracks should have this removed, I think. They should have the best TRACtion

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Thanx for the update.

But this new unwanted feature really interferes with general gameplay.
i was an omni user before, i sold all my omni wheels and deleted all the builds because i just couldnt play with this crap any more of your crosshair going all over the place when you turn and stop, wich is about 99% of mouse steering gameplay.

If I were you, I wouldn’t sell anything. It’ll take a little while for your muscle memory to catch up, but the quick pivot is overall a very good thing, and is allowing tracks and rolling parts to deal with close range attacks much better.
It just takes some practice.
Release your steering before you release your gas, and you won’t see that jump.

Honestly you just need to practice more. As in find the key inputs to counter what you know it already does. Like if youre spinning rapidly with camera steering, i find going past the target then centering back on it keeps you spinning fast until your on target, vs just aiming directly there, it trys to slow down to get to that point, costing you a half second before your guns are on target. With the steering, it might be something like turning left, strafe right and vice versa. I think theres a series of inputs you can put in to counter it wobbling.


With strafing parts, I pretty much always combine strafing and turning, except when making very small adjustments.

Sometimes it’s better to strafe in the opposite direction of your turn, sometimes the other way around. Practice makes perfect!

Oh no, you need skill now. Poor you.


Thank you all for the ‘get gud’ replies.

Did you notice almost nobody uses omnis anymore?, they used to be so prevalent a few months ago, i wonder why.

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I have seen this decline as well, maybe the developers tried to implement a new system but broke another?

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literally just tap W or S to get out of the “turning on the spot” mode.

I played like 10 minutes in the stupid 1st person perspective brawl before finding a solution to this. I’ll admit it feels undercooked and crappy, but what doesn’t feel undercooked and crappy in XO anyway?

taps (w)forward and (s)back after turning around a corner and stopping with mouse steering enabled
nope, still broken.

Yeah maybe they should make this turning on the spot stuff optional in the game settings, having it always enabled does more harm than good.

I found your issue.

Just stop turning before you release the gas.
You will get the hang of it, but overcoming muscle memory takes some time.

i still think its placement of ur weps after the updates.
just move them around i know.

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Good point!
Last night I was playing Starfalls on Atoms, and noticed that after I lost a wheel and a plow, the recoil from the guns would sometimes spin me in unpredictable ways.
You might have identified what he’s experiencing.

2 months later.
Still not fixed.
Almost nobody uses omnis, atoms and augurs because of this.
Way to go devs :clap:

Do you know what inertia is?