The Wobble

taps (w)forward and (s)back after turning around a corner and stopping with mouse steering enabled
nope, still broken.

Yeah maybe they should make this turning on the spot stuff optional in the game settings, having it always enabled does more harm than good.

I found your issue.

Just stop turning before you release the gas.
You will get the hang of it, but overcoming muscle memory takes some time.

i still think its placement of ur weps after the updates.
just move them around i know.

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Good point!
Last night I was playing Starfalls on Atoms, and noticed that after I lost a wheel and a plow, the recoil from the guns would sometimes spin me in unpredictable ways.
You might have identified what heā€™s experiencing.

2 months later.
Still not fixed.
Almost nobody uses omnis, atoms and augurs because of this.
Way to go devs :clap:

Do you know what inertia is?

Yes i do. :slightly_smiling_face:
Why do you ask?

I have yet to experience this problem, and I have played Atoms, Omnis, and Augers.
Iā€™m really starting to love Atoms actually, although I think their power drain is a little high. They almost feel like heavy ground hugging hovers.

The only handling issue Iā€™m having is more of a skill thing, and only on tracks: when reversing and trying to activate the quick pivot skid by momentarily letting go of the accelerator, I keep forgetting to reverse my steering. I wish you could mirror track steering like how you can on strafing parts.

The problem only occurs with those parts when you drive forward while mouse turning and stop.
Perhaps you have a different gameplay style than driving to a corner for cover and stopping the car.

Are you talking about it going immediately into pivoting when you release the gas while turning?
If so, thatā€™s more of a feature than a bug, and something that they should keep.
Edit: do you have that feature turned on that mirrors your steering when reversing? I remember that before I turned it on I would experience something maybe similar to what youā€™re talking about.

The inertia for Omnis finally feels real. Thatā€™s why.

Ive heard people say that before, but its a ā€œfeatureā€ that does more harm than good for corner campers.
And i also want to point out, i almost never see those 3 movement parts in the game anymore since a few months ago when they implented it, so i might not be the only one who is disgruntled. :grimacing:

I would have to disagree with you on this one.
Perhaps it feels more real for people who dont use mouse steering for those parts.
I have been forced to use legs and hovers since targem made this ā€˜improvementā€™.
Because i dont want my crosshair going crazy moving side to side left and right on its own when i want to fire frontal weapons.

I see them often and use them too. Might just be the PS range that your in.

5 to 8k

They were very prevalent in those powerscores before the fix, now i see 1 guy using them every 5 matches or so.

I see omni-atoms at 10-14k pvp/patrol. I see them more often in raids at similar ps ranges though. Augers I play every now and then but I donā€™t see them as often. I often skip past them simply because theyā€™re slower.

Ah, so you play Crossout to turn it into a third person shooter with a more customizable meta.

These ā€œpeopleā€ are a disgrace to gamers.

I just play it to kill time friend im not trying to be good.
And all my omni wheel and meat grinder builds got broken by the new ā€˜featureā€™ a few months ago.