Weapons that feel like they are in the wrong rarity

Thresher for sure is a special weapon at most, it can be very flashy but the damage output is laughable no matter how you try to boost it, even Nests do more damage than this thing, and Emilys as well. 2 Piercers are better than 2 Threshers when it comes to doing anything

I feel like this weapon should have way more hp, even if it was at the cost of doing even less damage. Currently it spews out lots of grenades that do barely anything, while being huge and frail like paper. I feel like it should either be way more higher damage to go with the wet paper hp, or less damage but more survivability, like fatmans you have to tickle the enemy a long time with as they throw out cherry bombs that barely do anything

Only success I have had with this weapon has been when treating it like a Yonwang, and even then just using a yongwang is way better, and puts you in lower ps as an added bonus even if you beef up the build. It is as failed of a Retcher lite as Astraeus is Scorpion lite

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Agreed 100%… and the fact that it’s big brother the retcher is such an OP weapons - especially in raids - the thresher seems odd & lost in the mix. I have both, and never ever use the thresher. Meanwhile, my retchers have been on my hard PVE build for probably 2 years.

Thresher and GL-55’s both seem to be thought of as under powered.

Thresher isn’t very good compared to GL-55 so yeah. I agree thresher could be downranked.

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Yeah impulse is nowhere near meta but it still beats Thresher any day of the week

I think the thresher might be suffering from a bad perk, instead of increasing the damage, they should forget all about that, give the thresher an acceptable base damage and then make the perk so that it boosts explosion radius rather than damage, and forget all about the range limitations of the perk

Kinda like they did away with the original impulse perk because they thought it was lacking, currently Threshers own perk is like the impulses perk but way worse, just like everything about the thresher is compared to the impulse

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Weird, I actually prefer threshers to impulses (although I haven’t played impulses for a long time).

I found with threshers the key was to run enough rads that you can shoot for long enough to really maximize the perk. Put them on something with a decent reverse speed (even just Hot Red on wheels), and back away while unloading on the enemy who’s charging you. Better at medium/close range.
I almost think of them like explosive miniguns with projectile drop.
I was never able to make Impulses work very well, beyond supporting more aggressive teammates.

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What kind of enemies are you fighting, everything tickles these guns right off even if they’re slapped on an omamori, no matter how exposed or armored and buried they are, especially if they are chasing you, unless it’s something like a heather/drake/incinerator or drones

I think people may not understand the difference between the two.

One is for shredding the top of builds (thresher = aim high) and Impulse are for destroying builds from underneath with the larger explosion radius (aim low).

I find the impulse OP and the thresher ok. But I also recognize that doesn’t mean they are good. It means I have the right equipment with upgrades to support that particular weapon well.

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Yep… same with retchers… and the fact that they can be fired over obstacles or terrain is a huge feature. It makes all 3 really good for circling an enemy from a bit of a distance & lobbing grenades on their heads with your Seals keeping you firing.

I never considered that… may have to try that out.

It ultimately depends on the PS you’re aiming for. Dual Threshers at 9k PS is going to do better than dual Impulse at the same PS. But ultimately, Thresher never reaches the strenght of 5k PS dual Impulse Seal on Growl. The minimal setup for Threshers isn’t much stronger, and it’s 2k PS higher, making it perform plain worse.


If I remember correctly, my thresher build was around 8kPS, on a harpy with buggy wheels to help buff the dual Seals. But I haven’t played it since 2.0, so who knows if it still works.

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I play GL-55’s at 10.7k I don’t bother with threshers at all. In any PS and my threshers are upgraded.

Impulse are better. By far.

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There are some underrated weapons I could post about but I don’t want Targem to nerf me again…


2 GLs, or 3 GLs?

use 2, rad/shiv/omamari/ammo box/harpy. Use the driver that highlights explosive parts. If you can help it don’t blow your “cover” until you have identified a builds explosive bits.

does quick maths nearly 11k PS? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Harpy + Falcon sounds like a good combo for GLs (^:

Yup. quick maths. Edit: I will log over and give a part list for you to see in a little while.

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I’m assuming you’re running a cloak and cheetah too, with 16 total energy.

1x apollo/thor (haven’t rebuilt with thor yet)
1x Harpy
2x GL-55’s
1x Collosus
1x ammo box (lg version)
1x shiver
2x Rn Seal
1x Doppler
2x hermit
2x hermit ST

1651 Durability (haven’t rebuilt with thor yet this will change)
102 km/h

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Also don’t expect great miracles. We are talking about two weapons that most people think are bad lol.

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I’d rather say the fixed powerscore x energy points formula doesn’t work that well, and that certain weapon’s powerscores should be adjusted beyond that.

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