I am playing solo anyways, I find the toughest matches are against players in groups so it will only liven up the game a little bit it ain’t like I am invincible. I was actually doin worst than I does at high ps. I had a match where i only scored 150 points after getting ganked by a shotgun wedge and his borer friend. I even find myself getting easily wacked by avenger hovers so it ain’t that op I am only as good has my team.
With all the geniuses we have going into super light PS battles with relics, they don’t have to wait.
Imagine trying to kill some dude with Porcs or Scorps with your super skeery Vectors. I was in a match recently where a dude running Porcs on a hover got MVP & killed something like 6 of the enemy. I know generally the PS thing should address that, but it doesn’t. Obviously.
I played between 4k-6k ps all day and never seen not one player using relics besides myself. I tell yea clans and hovers are going to drive these new players away before relics well. Watch this video and tell me otherwise. It wasn’t even a 6k ps match
within a day or two of seeing the ads i watched some youtubers videos on it then joined
YOOOOO! I just realized what’s going on with all this. Word got out that IRON_DOG quit. That’s what’s gotta be happening.
Post a link to this thread as well.
Thanks Nobler for the information! You rock the Kasbah!
omega616 is the one that did the research. Omegas theory is the one that makes the most sense
Awesome, players are up!
It was 7k before the patch. You are showing 7.7k.
The population has already went back to normal and then some extra.
So sure
, mainly because you are hiding a video from YouTube where a Crossout player is debating how 7 thousand players left Crossout both from PC and console. You’re just lying to yourself.
Look at the steam charts. They are public. I will agree that the population did dip for a few days (as shown on the public steam charts)
You just posted a picture showing the return of the population.
Here, I’ll post another one.
The 24 hour peak is over 8k - it was not like that before the patch. But you don’t have to take my word for it, you have access to the same chart.
Wow, eight thousand players out of a population of 8,055,584,714, it’s going down, and more self-deception isn’t going to change that. Crossout had 12,000 back in February, now it’s around eight, which means a drop of 4,000. Ha ha
But it’s not. I can see the climb on the graph. People on the forum are not blind.
We already know why the game had a spike in August and that was not a normal thing.
Ever hear of a bell curve? Of course there are “smart” people and “not so smart” people.
If you are of average IQ, you already process problems and information better than half the population of Earth.
If you are average.
I think people might be logging into the game to see the changes made to the game
I agree.
I also know a bunch of old clan wars guys coming back to the game because of this update.
Average players are actually way down, the lowest it has ever been actually but you will see whos right in a couple of weeks aladin or rough monkey. Right now the average players sit at 6310 compared to 6901 from last month and 7380 from month before that. I think the player count is still dropping and I say in one months time the 30 day average will be at roughly 6000 to 6100 that is my prediction.
Peaks are up over 8000 the last few days. We need time for the average to level out since the Reddit tantrum caused a false drop in numbers.
Give it 30 days, then We can wrap back around.
Peak before patch and Reddit tantrum causing false numbers was about 7k.
Peak the last few days all around here - 8k
everyone has access to the same numbers I have and can see it.
BUT time will tell on an over all average.
The only thing I can see is the Reddit tantrum was mostly pointless. Because everyone is back to playing the game, and then some.
It is not much of a peak just very marginal at best up 100 from the peak from last month which is not much. If we had the same conversation back in april will april had a less peak player count than march yet march had more average players. It is not very much of a spike actually to make any reasonable predictions, I say people are just coming to check out the new changes and the new epic wheels/weapons that just got released on top of steel championship and for the amount of stuff that got released past week or so this is actually a very small spike.