Where is the joy in this game?

You Should Try CrossOut Mobile :smiling_imp:

There used to be lots of joy in the game but these days it feels like if you want joy you need to play the same cookie cut current meta build and throw real life money at the game

Why even come back to complain? Gj you played one game and hated it. Just stfu and uninstall.

Ill be over here enjoying my crossout time.

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if you enjoy low-level engineering, then, there is joy.
if you enjoy the tug of war or the back-and-forth of battle, then, there is joy.
if you enjoy comradery, then, there is joy.
if you enjoy the Bedlam Carshow, then, there is joy.


proceeds to get steamrolled by some meta thing

Gets clapped by p2w meta and clan groups without being able to even start tugging

General chat of battle, garage and bedlam at any given time

Heather and Mandrake sd spam, endgame accounts with nothing better to do than steamroll builds half of their ps

I’m done with this game. Now I’m going to focus on the Elite D. That’s where I’ll buy the camo for the Corvette

I think for lots of people of my generation, it’s about what we got for 50$ back then vs what we get for 50$ now.

Whole finished product, vs a couple 3d models and a banner. No matter how I look at it, I think it’s not worth my money most of the time, that it didn’t take much efforts to create.
“but the servers/maps” XO servers suck and you wouldn’t get 30 mins of single player content if you agglomerated all the maps we got in 5+ years, so there’s that.

I like XO, but it’s hard to compare a 50$ pack here to Zelda aLttP/Goldeneye 64/Fallout/Half-Life 1, to name just a fraction of the god-tier games I played for that price.


here’s what my generation used to spend money on…and they NEVER came finished, in fact, we had to build them from scratch, and if we lost a part, there was NO replacements. And there was no community to gather with to see what I was doing wrong either. The past was not better just because…

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you’re comparing apples to oranges. I say something about engineering, you say something about fighting. I say something about fighting, you say something about not being able to fight. I say something about friendship, you say something about not being able to make friends. I say something about chilling out and, again, you say something about fighting.

Apples and oranges.

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Sad to see you go.

Have fun playing Elite.


Thanks, I’ve already visited Betelgeuse and now we’re going to the black hole.

I think this also has to do with what games you have played over the years.

To me this game is cheeper then anything I played 20 years ago.

I used to play MMORPG’s and years ago you would have to pay like $50 - $100 for the main game. Then you had to pay $15 a month subscription fee. Then they would bring out an expansion pack ever 4-6 month at the $50 - $100 mark.

So for the first year of playing an MMORPG would run you somewhere in the $280 - $380 a year and this was 20 years ago.

I currently average about $100 a year over the last 6 years playing XO. So to me that is a $180 - $280 a year discount VS what I was paying 20 years ago.


I played Guild Wars (^: Good point


I play whatever I want. If I want to spend money on it I do. I earned the money.

I mean, I remember when a NES was $99 and that was a crap ton of money. What does that have to do with the price of a game in 2023? Nothing. Because nothing is priced the same as then.

I happily paid $500 for my Series X.
I paid more than that for my GPU in my PC let alone the entire component list.
Limiting myself by the cost of a game I choose seems silly.

Does this even exist anymore? I think it really ended with digital downloads and always online.


Many of us who have kids (and possibly more than a few) see it as practical.

I tend be more inclined to spend money on my kids when it comes to junk food and silly bobbles like this game. I actually play this game because it is cheap entertainment (or can be), so spending a lot of money on it seems counterintuitive to my priorities.

I’m not saying I won’t spend any money on this game, and it’s certainly none of my business what other kids do with their money, but I don’t think it’s odd if people don’t make a bigger budget or allowances for this wonky game. I mean it’s good when it’s good, but wow…this is why I don’t buy boxed chocolates, too.

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If anyone ever wants to see what neuroticism looks like versus everyone else, I’m going to Point them to that response. LOL

I look at as what can I get for an hour’s worth of my work? I get paid a vastly different amount of money per hour than I did 20 years ago. Can I get the same quality and quantity of product for that hour of work?

Your point stands, though. It seems like everything is much lower quality now. From the appliances I buy to the movies I watch to video games. Remember how breathtaking the original Tomb Raider was? Remember refrigerators that lasted 20 plus years? LOL at least Red Wings still makes boots that will last you a lifetime!:grin::wink:

If you look at it as a ratio between dollars spent versus hours and amount of fun, video games are an absolute bargain. Even full price games are an absolute bargain. Just think, you can go to a movies theater plop down 15 dollars and hate every minute of what you’re watching. We keep canceling streaming services because we can’t find anything we actually enjoy. Meanwhile, my oldest kid bought Minecraft a decade ago and is still playing it. Dollar per hour spent… an absolute bargain! Cross out isn’t half bad either.


The joy is ramming the enemy! Ram them! Ram them all!


Ya, If it wasn’t cheap entertainment I wouldn’t do it all, so here I am. I’m not likely to spend a lot of money on it, but the Battle Passes and a pack every once in a while when it’s on sale is plenty reasonable for me.

The kid’s have got an Xbox and play other stuff. As far as I can tell, they have a better deal going on, with cooler games, a wider variety, and better prices. This game is really pushing it with some of their ridiculous offers, comparatively.

I haven’t bought a pack in a long while, and I was considering one of the ones they have on sale right now (Barghest). I won’t go much deeper than that this year probably, largely because this game often isn’t actually very entertaining. It’s frustrating instead. If they peeled off some of the BS I’d be more prone to kick’em cash more often (I used to). It still wouldn’t be a lot, though. But, they could probably double their take off me if they got their schit together. I’ve got more free cash available for this kind of crap than what they’re getting off of me presently. They could do things that would loosen my grip on the Visa…they could stop doing some schit, and that would help too.

Crosscrowns, for example, means I won’t do easily affordable impulse items like decor at all, and I do miss all of the sales they put up for Crosscrowns. Plus, if this game doesn’t really work, is broken (as it often is) I don’t want more broken stuff, and I’m not likely to make any purchases no matter how inexpensive…It’s fine and dandy as a F2P game at that point. I’ll be happy to play it, but I’m not likely to get my fat-ass off the wallet to spend money on Crosscrowns, or broken wheels (glad they fixed that last part).

Nothing in this game is worth $100 to me, for sure…there probably isn’t anything at the theater that’s worth that much anymore either, but at least they don’t make me use Crosscrowns. They’re happy to take the money right out of my account.

I do remember the days when you had to put a quarter in the slot for three shots at any video game, and this is way cheaper than that…but then I didn’t do that either, and thought it was a waste of money too. I’d have bought gas, beer, or cigarettes with that money instead back then.


Between 4 of them, I did this 30 years.

Roopull did a much better job of what I was trying to say with this:

I earned $1.50 an hour on my first full time job when I first bought my first Nintendo. That $99 dollars and 35-40 for a single game back then was a lot.


I buy very recent, day-1 full releases games on Steam regularly. If really the whole digital thing bugs you, you can probably buy them somwhere else and burn them on CDs or something.

Got a gigantic backlog of recent boomer shooters to play through, prob paid 15€ average for them, and I can guarantee they all took 10000 times the effort it takes to make a XO 60€ pack. Crrently plowing through Boltgun, will go back to Dusk and Ion Fury after.

They also don’t require me to abandon my social life to get some fun out of them, eventually, 3 years down the road, after sinking 2 hours of daily lifetime in them.