Feel the difference: in the first second (yes, sorry, just a second, but if you replay you’ll see) I spectate a guy like you - with aiming crosses not stick to the centre of the screen. And little later - a perfect example of machineguns firing not at the aiming cross that is attached to the centre of the screen. It goes smoothly and after some time turns very quick, that is obviously a PC player.
you can even see how that gunner hits an enemy during a very quick view rotation
Nothing impossible for those guys, I swear ))
If that is not obvious, I’ll clarify. Cheaters are supposed to be banned. Hard and with public announcement of that happen to make other know that it is a risk.
Unpunished crime will happen again, in a bigger scale. I just try to attract attention.
Good old schoolyard silliness right Doc?
Hopefully, he takes your advice and files a complaint instead of arguing his case with people who can’t do dill pickles about it!
1- I can’t see sh!t and
2- It actually seems quite accurate?
I’d be more inclined to think what OP showed in his vid was camera steering lagging behind the hover’s aim, if it wasn’t an aimbot (it looked like an aimbot with how those Athenas snapped to cabs). Now that still doesn’t explain why his cursor was miles away from his target, while yours was relatively on point.
That reminds me of that console player who was extremely arrogant about his “mad skillz” with Toadfishes back when console’s aim “assist” was at 100%. Dude posted exactly one vid of him playing CW with those. I genuinely asked “why the fuck is your cursor snapping to cabs so hard?”, and he never posted ever again…
And you know, this is also the problem with weapons like Varun or Athena. Nobody’s gonna aimbot or macro with an Avalanche or a Retcher, and I kinda wish Targem stopped letting cheater weapons be OP.
Now I’m wondering if we can find any spectator clips where the crosshairs don’t do that?
I know they behave differently if you are using projectile weapons than they do with hitscan, but I’m pretty sure they still drift in the same way. And when I’ve seen people using the built-in aim assist, I seem to remember it tracking more precisely.
But I also don’t pay close attention to it, once I realized how common it is to see that effect.
Problems with eyes? Sorry to hear that (
In most of the clips crosshairs don’t do that.
And since you asked, here is an example of a player who is not cheating - all the hits go to the crosshair, that’s how it should be:
One more example with both cheaters (in the beginning, including a nice setup when a player is aiming one direction but fires an opposing one) and a non-cheater (closer to the end, all hits go to the crosshair as it should be):
Dude, the amount of landed shots doesn’t make sense, don’t be a clown. Just see how it looks like when shots target the crosshair - as it should be. I’m showing you the principle, not the best player ever.
I have noticed the people using the laser revolver and parsers having very snappy aim, pretty much never miss hitting weapons no matter how fast paced the combat is.
At one point I saw a vehicle with just a cab and a couple pieces of frame left sitting on the ground; the hover laser revolver guy who annihilated him had a real hard time shooting the cab. He just kept shooting one specific point on the frame like he couldn’t free aim and was locking on.
He had just stripped off every weapon in the lobby with ease. (This was on Xbox BTW)
Aim assist tends to grab towards the cabin, so I have no idea what would be happening in that last example of yours.
If people are using aim assist (the legal kind), you will see their crosshairs occasionally get dragged by an enemy. Most obvious when it’s the wrong enemy, who drove in front and pulled the crosshairs.
Honestly, aim assist is a real thing for players, as far as the disappearing crosshairs and crosshairs not lining up with shots while spectating, its honestly just a BUG between real time connectivity between your screen and the players screen you are spectating, also because you can rotate the camera it self. I get mad when my guns get shredded instantly too
Ive been accused of cheating on Xbox. Who would think after 5 years I can hold the sight on target and switch targets quickly (when Im in the zone anyway). It’s funny because mostly it happens on the one or two games “in the zone” i manage a week.
Both PC and Consoles have aim assist which is adjustable. This gives varying looks to aim assist. And I am not even a great player, only average.
Decloaking can be a tricky thing, but with the current radars and playing if you see a dot dissapear, one can pretty much guess the place people are going to set up their shots. It’s not like the map layout itself is random each game.
All that being said, there are cheaters in every game.
wise and true words. i used to see guns weirdly twitch and flinch while spectating thinking its weird. but looking at the footage of the player from his pov there was none of that.
I agree, if the guns would twitch, specially bigger guns it would be SUS, theres a few guns that instantly rotate with screen but yea some twitchy guns is super SUS
Spectator camera is not an indicator of cheating at all whatsoever. It is not a perfect replay from their monitor. Have you ever seen FPV drone racers? Take the neural coordination of drone racers and apply them to video games and you have “cheaters”