Efficient, Accessible and Budget builds ("EAB" tag)

Ok so I don’t have official info about it, so we have to wait :slight_smile:

Hi guys, fews news, I made some vehicles, and I’m waiting the kuplinov pack to update others.

At low level I remake some upgrade of the Starter car, Viper and Workhorse, for level 7:

And I’m gonna give some level 10 vehicles soon. I did the new players’ tutorial to see whats in it and they are pretty lucky ! Anyway, stay around for next week’s update !

What you mean with “waiting the kuplinov pack to update others”? Promo accounts already have it since a few weeks…so its already finished? :smiley:

Enter the new promo code - Pikabu2022 in your Gaijin account.

Thanks! I Was about to talk about it.
It’s nice but it’s a code that can expire, not a permanent promo link like Marmok, Morgenstein, Piewdiepie stickers and paint, etc. so we’re not gonna use it for EAB builds, as I want the builds to be intemporal. Begginners from nx year must be able to use them too.

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The free Kuplinov car pack is finally available !
65 parts limit against 57 for Marmok/Morgenstein
ammo pack, wasp, racing and landing wheels, good lower PS wheels compared to previous packs, complementing well for slightly tilted builds
some good parts !
:blue_car: Играйте в MMO игру бесплатно — Crossout — MMO action game
Enjoy !


Hi guys, looks like we have another free pack coming ! Jouez gratuitement au jeu d'action MMO - Crossout - MMO le jeu d'action

I didn’t get mine yet so we might need to be patient !


On other news, I made this shotgun build ! Let me know what you think !

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Most of the builds pictured in this thread are NOT FOR NEWBIES.
How many newbies have all those parts opened?

Might as well plop down my 2700PS “Lil Sleazy” off the Xbox.
I mean sure it looks like a newb could build it… but it has too many parts from too many factions to be for a “newbie”.
But alas, even this simple small build has part unlocks that are rather high in the tree.

If I am not mistaken the “Accessible” part isn’t true for most of the builds in this thread.

As you can see on this capture, this test account level 10 has all the parts except a mace and the ampere. The level 10 player can use 3x sledgehammer, put the taymyr on the ampere spot and add a chill on the taymyr spot, until he can afford ampere and a 4th sledgehammer

This is possible thanks to the free packs


Now i know what you meant with “update other”…is there any chance to get the old one still for a friend where you could choose between the colors or the Deco (Sirene horn) ? Thx

Unfortunately, I don’t think it is possible to get it anymore…
Basically, when a link is mispelled or not activated yet, it gives a default gift. In the past we had BAD PIXEL, then briefly the paint or decor choice pack, and now the “hotweel” cosmetics.
The kuplinov link wasn’t activcated yet so we got the paint/decors choice, but not anymore.


Hello Survivors !
I’ve updated the rapier build !

Twister themed. deadly little 5K PS build !

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Happy Holidays survivors !

I’ve updated all the EAB serie
So we have EAB chords, Luparas, and Avengers for level 7
Then we have EAB vectors, shotguns and canons for dailies + EAB rapiers and wasps for level 10 and onwards.

We also have several hard raids options.

Now the next steps are to make some good post level 30 builds, then I’ll try to find some good budget CW options.

Stay tuned !

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Hello everyone !
Got a bit busy so sorry for the long wait
So I wasn’t really satisfied with some recent build, event if they are performing great for their PS and budget.

  1. First thing is, ampere works well below and at 5000 PS, but in the long therm, PU-1 Charge is more reliable when increasing PS.
  2. The PS of some builds aren’t at 5000 PS, because I didn’t use the Hardcore engine. Being at 5K PS allows to farm Engineers badges by doing Battery weekly challenges.

So those 2 things are resolving themselves as using hardcore compensate the heavy weight of the PU 1-Charge.

Here are the 3 main builds (machine guns/shotguns/cannons) , + 2 side ones (rapier/wasps)

With those 3 builds, we can do all daily challenges, plastic raids farm, and scrap/cable/battery/plastic weekly challenges. There is basically only electronic farm (covered with other hard raids builds) and CW badges missing.

Here is the 2 side builds, one of them a 5K PS wasps for PvE and to start Invasions.

That being done, next step would be level 30-7-7-7 version of those builds for optimal farm.

Let me know what you think !


Hello survivors !

I made a sturdy Pilgrim tackler build for hard raids, here it is without further ado “EAB Crusader” on exhibition:

Well built as usual, I made one in the past but the PU charge was on the back, now it’s on the frames, much better

It does perfom well, it is easy to use, and it is cheap with accessible parts.

Let me know what you think of it !

Hello !
I’ve updated the vector and sledgehammer builds, mainly to improve the fire-angles. Also, the canon build is a little bit modified, replaced a little boy for a hulk, to better hint the best special crate option from the level 10 tutorial reward, and for better exhibition results.

Those 3 builds are good and use most of the gear that newcomers will have at level 10-11. Ideal to use the most of your early inventory to save more coins while farming decently reputation experience, fuel, scrap/wire/battery and daily/weekly challenges. This trio is a real all-in-one combo !