Show us your builds

What map is that? :joy:

Thank you for the clarification. Your explanation makes so much more sense.


The Power Plant.

This build is starting to get somewhere. I’m way too into the Tines, probably, and my phat-fenders are back. I couldn’t resist. Those structure parts from the Battle pass are ripe with rich diesel-punk sweetness…just three more months left.

The game’s been nice to me for a couple weeks. I should probably put some more quarters in the slot, and this Battle Pass, although it seems light, is right up my ally. I think it’s the some of the best artwork they’ve done. I like the CKs and the Sleipnirs are sexy. I like the purple cab too, but I think I’ve given up on weapons you aim…once I get to the Fuze CKs (should be soon) I won’t be able to hold out any longer. I think I need those. My Fuzes have been working hard lately, and I know they will look badass in those CKs…I wonder if you can paint them?


I don’t know if you saw, but I tested the melee damage of all those supposed melee structural parts. The Hatchet does no more damage than bare frames. :flushed: They’re still pretty good for defending against meme, though.

You’re dating yourself there, friend. Games haven’t taken quarters since Monica wrote that blue dress for Clinton. :joy:

Good looking build, as always.

I don’t think I saw your test.

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Try that without the hatchets & see what you get.

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I was surprised when testing Yokozuna that mass/speed seemed to have a bigger impact on ramming damage than the damage stats of the melee item.
With enough mass and speed, a train plow can do insane numbers.

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In the video I posted, that test rig was pretty heavy. I did that to mitigate the difference the mass the individual parts being tested would cause.

Might get more accurate results with a lighter vehicle, and use armour to get the mass equal between the different configurations. Would take longer and be more annoying to do, but the results would be more meaningful.

Also, you could compare the results from earlier tests to get a sense of how much impact mass has.

If you do this, you also want to make sure the distance you are driving is equal, so that you’re hitting your target at the same speed each time.


I made sure the impact speed was pretty much the same with each hit.

If you look at the scores at the end, you’ll see there’s clearly maybe 3 categories or ranges of damage.

Roughly speaking, they are…
340 to 380 (about the same as non-melee parts)
500 to 520

While I’m looking at it, let me bang them out by group.

Lowest tier
Bumper Spike
Bumper Catch
Air Splitter
Bully Bumper
Freight Train Plow
All the Thorns
All Plows
Defense Line
Shock Absorber
Sentry Line
APC Bumpers
Pole Position
Pioneer Bumper (a little higher at 416)
Frontal Protection System

Second Tier

Highest Tier
All Blade Wings
Pipe Tooth
King of Birds

It’s far from scientific, and of course it can be improved, but it was an eye opener.
Mind you, I ran the test rig with zero melee parts as a baseline & that bottom tier is about the same as having nothing. Of course, those parts are generally melee resistant, bullet resistant, or both, so they’re not useless by any stretch of the imagination. They also generally have great weight/durability ratios.

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Without the Hatchet I was pulling around 35 points of damage. I tacked on a structure part with a similar durability to the front end and got about the same. With one hatchet, I was getting 125 points of damage consistently. I put some weight in the truck and got 145 once. I’m not sure if that makes a difference or how much, but I get the impression it does make a difference.

Anyway, my tests show a significant increase in damage output with Hatchets, as opposed to a naked frame which yielded around 25 to 30 points with this most basic of builds (standard Thug). I think it was hitting the target at about 70kph.


I’m starting to think the formula they use for ramming damage is a lot more complex than I first assumed.
It may be a situation where you really need to test each individual build to find the best combinations.


For the first time ever, my entire rotation is made up of aim-free builds.

Until something changes, I’m just not going to bother aiming at stuff for a while. I mean, it’s not totally skill free, but it’s not the effort I was giving it. I’ll probably need more fused gear, since I’m not trying as hard, but so far, so good…so what?


Dude that seemed off so i tested out a bunch of melee parts.

Hatchets and thorns do as much damage as their meter shows. They are on par with incisor and king of birds. Perhaps how you mounted them was off or your turning before you ram and not doing a streight line long enough?

All the damage stats for each melee part reads exactly how much damage that part will do in comparison to others. Its all correct from what i just tested. Frames and structure do the lowest tier damage.

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Did you make sure the vehicle with just a frame weighed exactly what the one with a hatchet weighed etc? Weight is also part of the damage equation, though I don’t think in this case it would sway results much unless it was a tusk cabin with charges.


Sleeeeeeeek af

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This makes me want to re-do the test… I built that ramp just so they hit nice & square.

No, and if I thought my results were questionable, I’d refine the test like you suggested. As it was, the results are so dramatically skewed in favor of the Hatchet that I think it demonstrated that the Hatchets improve damage output significantly.

How viscous are they really? IDK. You’re right; if I wanted refined numbers I’d need to refine the test as you suggested, probably…and now I’m curious. Also, hitting the sphere squarely is difficult with just an extended frame, because they can only be mounted in one position. My ramp could be improved.

Maybe that’s what I’ll do today; work on the range. I need a lab.


You need a ramp plus a long strip to drive along. My test was at about 80-90km when i hit the sphere flat on.